
作者&投稿:卷翁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1.Requirements of welding joint:the surface should be smooth and tidy,has no perforated welds;And no obvious tumor,undercut,locally raised or depression,blowhole,weld splatter.

2.plastic-spray surface should be smooth and tidy,firmly combined,and has even color and luster;No desquamate,coating-lack,cracking;And no obvious flow mark and spot.

3.All fastening piece should be fixed firmly,and no friction or noise for all moving parts.

4.The cap are riveted to stand column firmly.

5.Smooth all the sharp edges before sprayed with plastic.

6.Undeclared tolerance refer to (IT12~18).

1. before the feeding control and the wind meets the tube welding, to the good center, in the hole guaranteed that ¢204 the pipeline can pass through. the
2. welding uses the manual arc welding, welding rod trademark J420G. before the
3. painting, must carry on the superficial stain removal, the elimination welding residual and so on, its quality scale sees JB/T5000.12 the stipulation; Prime, in Huang He the blue color (according to color model) the polyurethane finishes two. Besides various laps spread the yellow paint, other spread the blue color. In the paint does not allow to contain the lead. Does not allow to have leaks flaws and so on paint, wrinkle paint.
4. sealants and so on lap like seal lax available CH107, JLC-1 spread in the slit main point. on
5.2 terminal plate's six studs install in the dust cover when the MRM80.5.1 dustproof Taiwan welds. after the
6. overall width treats buys shakes hand, determined.

1. The wind over nozzles and feed for good center hole, can guarantee ¢204 pipeline through.
2 use manual welding arc welding, electric welding J420G grades.
3 before coating surface derusting, etc, the quality of welding residue levels seen JB/T5000.12, A primer ZhongHuang and blue color sample (in) pu top-paint layer. In addition to cover ZhongHuang paint besmear outside, the besmear blue. Don't allow lead-based paint. Don't allow have leakage defects such as paint, lacquer.
4. Cover CH107 available, such as sealing lax JLC - 1 in large aperture sealant.
5 ends on the board and six luozhu installation in Taiwan MRM80.5.1 dustproof when welding.
6 always width to buy after the shake handshandle.

求英文机械图纸技术要求(note)翻译 多谢
1,完成如下       每501项化学片,只有1项。2,每件501件大关,方法M,颜色对比鲜明,定位大致如图所示。

为了提高机械翻译的工作效率,可以从以下着眼点上来工作。机械翻译过程中的注意点有:一、 机械翻译的技术技巧问题任何一个领域的工作都是有一定的技巧和方法的。对于机械类的翻译也不例外,在机械翻译的过程中译员对所翻译语种的掌握程序只是最基本的要求,作为一名合格的译员要对所翻译件的专业领域的知识...


液压机械手技术要求 技术要求 深水 备注1 最大工作水深 <7000米 2 机械手 三自由度、四功能 3 伸展状态最大长度 Lmax≯1.3米 4 收藏姿态下长度 Lmax≯0.6米 5 功能数 4个(3自由度+爪开闭) 6 空气中重量 90Kg 重量要包括液压源及阀箱7 伸展状态最大负载能力 25公斤 8 终端手爪夹持力 100N 9 终端...

The rotation homogeneity of self-propelled rotary cutting tool's blade has been improved by optimizingdesign, physical design and rational processing technic. Cutting experimentshave indicated that the self-propelled rotary cutting tool with optimizing design shows favorableusability in practical ...

1. 参考尺寸 2. 若未指明,铸造圆角半径为1.2毫米 3.铸造斜度30‘4.铸造精度.8-0-0-0 GOST26645-85.5. 铸造规范GOST 977-88 6. 未指明处公差范围 OST 37.001.246-82 7.φ12+0.04 φ15+0.018 ,及表面B上不许有 sheel (是不是写错了单词?)...

机械专业英语翻译 汉译英
1, composite materials by two or more different materials, retain their own characteristics, a single material and incomparable, superior performance.2 and brittle material, tensile strength for the ultimate tensile stress, compression limits on the compressive strength limit for the ultimate...

This project mainly focus on the investigation of designing main shaft components for numerical control pipe threading machine QKA1219. Main context of this design includes specify main parameters of lathe, calculate and check key components, and take advantage of professional cartographic ...

Installation, adjustment and commissioning 1. Inertia in this series since the synchronous vibration feeder used as feed, the recommendation of the dumping 10 ° installation, the water content of more viscous materials and the materials may also be inclined to under 15 °; Ingredients ...

用英文翻译中文 机械制造工艺设计是机械专业
Mechanical manufacturing technology of mechanical engineering design is an important content in research, technology and machining technology disciplines mainly fixture design, strong practicality, requirement in the learning process should be closely production practice, it also has the very strong...

三明市19490151799: 机械图纸 技术要求英文翻译 -
蠹杭强力: 通知 MISMATCH ALLOWABLE IN MIDDLE OF 3.850/3.867 THRU BORE ,BUT MUST DRIFT WITH 3.833″O.D DRIFT X 42″LONG 不允许在3.850/3.867通过中间的孔,但必须漂移3.833″外径*42″长漂移

三明市19490151799: 帮忙翻译一个技术要求
蠹杭强力: Specification The bottom sled base(底橇座没有很确切的翻译,直译的)of the room was made of 28# light I-steel,the frame and middle cross stay uses 16# channel steel(1.35meters each).The bottom board has a 3mm steel supporting board with ...

三明市19490151799: 机械加工技术要求帮忙翻译(急) -
蠹杭强力: 1.RIM(一般是圆形、轮型零件)精度 ——外径垂直度:小于等于1.0 ——圆度:小于等于1.5 ——圆柱度:小于等于2.0 ——毛边:小于等于 05 2.RIM的表面除碳层必须为0.5mm 3.RIM表面表面印痕(划痕、刀痕)深度小于或等于0.2(全圆周范围内) 4.RIM的端面双支撑必须在0.5mm范围内 5.闪光对焊的零件必须使用#80~#120 外表面磨至表面光度在100mm以内: 小于等于0.3,或小于等于1.0(这里的两个单位你对照原文去找吧) 6. 滚动面的包框公差允许小于等于0.6

三明市19490151799: 机械图纸技术要求翻译 -
蠹杭强力: 附加要求:1. 卷簧卷曲后需消除应力 2. 去毛刺和表面缺陷 3. 移除设置恢复到实际高度 这英文好像是韩国或日本公司的文件吧?希望对你理解有所帮助.

三明市19490151799: 机械图纸的英文技术要求 -
蠹杭强力: 1.不允许出现毛边和空隙.2.不允许留下工具作业产生的压痕.3.最小0.0127毫米的锡箔和黄铬酸盐.3a.退火:温度 1250华氏温度,带速度 2分钟/英尺 输送氮气250立方英尺/小时,或者在1022-1076华氏温度的熔炉中进行5分钟4.浸渍使其发亮 (尽力了,毕竟是门外汉,希望有所帮助~)

三明市19490151799: 英语机械零件图纸的技术要求,求高手帮忙翻译,急用!在线等.英文如下图. -
蠹杭强力: 我试试手吧.1.4.75 mm OD *0.7 mm 墙面 double wall brazed tube 双层卷焊管 双层 墙面 低碳素钢板 TUBING 油管 per SAE 汽车工程师协会 J 527 ROHR 放热率 或者名字 德国标准 74234-B 6 WAHLWEISE 选择 D 62.3.参照 收据的 最新版本 S.A...

三明市19490151799: 英语技术要求翻译 -
蠹杭强力: 1. 尺寸适用于交汇点 2. 备用浇口遗痕磨平至不超过0.015,在2.660/2.630尺寸范围内. 3. 06EA400563-S1控制杆与 06EA400563标准件相同,只是曲轴孔要小0.010,如图所示.06EA400563-S1控制杆组件与06EA500524-S1曲轴装配使用. 4. 3#螺栓件和#衬垫件仅仅用于加工 - 参见硬件最终安装的基本cprsr(压缩机)组装件.

三明市19490151799: 机械图纸技术要求翻译
蠹杭强力: 1.在卷弹簧消磁后,释放压力. 2.必需不受边缘毛刺和表面瑕疵的影响. 3.还原压并高度压缩弹簧,压至各线圈接触时的理论高度.

三明市19490151799: 我有机械方面的资料需要英文翻译成中文,有没好的翻译介绍呢 -
蠹杭强力: 朋友, 估计你需要的不是翻译, 是"对照表"才对. 网上坊间其实都有很多. 因为这种翻译其实和语言没大相干, 规格/通用协议才是重点. 不过写这类文字时, 最好加上英文, 例如: 伺服马达 (Servo Moto); 因为, 有时人们会说 "电动机" 而不说"马达" 有英文可以对照回来就最妥当了

三明市19490151799: 求几句英语翻译,关于机械操作说明的~ -
蠹杭强力: 1. 参照交通法规,明确机械操作员的责任并许可操作员有权拒绝第三方有悖安全的操作指令 2. 对机械上电气系统或其他设备进行操作(维修)时,须由经验丰富的电工操作或由授权人在经验丰富的电工指导监督下参照电力工程规章制度进行. 3. 对液压或气动系统进行操作(维修)时,须由经验丰富的人员进行. 4. 如规定中有规定要求,在对带动力的部件或系统进行检查,维护或修理时,须切断动力.任何操作之前,须检查断电部件是否带电,除绝缘....(最后一句没翻) 5. 对带电或带压部件或元件进行必要操作时,须有第二人在场,以便能够在发生危险时及时进行断电或电力总开关.确保工作区域有红白相间的安全锁链和警告标志.仅使用绝缘工具进行操作.

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