
作者&投稿:盈华 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.A so...that... 这里省略that 表示太怎么样而怎样 2 B during表示在什么期间 3 A 也表示在比赛期间伤了腿


1.much-more-the most 2.beautiful--more beautiful--the most beautiful 3.expensive--more expensive--the most expensive 4.fanny--fannier--faniest 5.tall-taller-tallest 6.young--younger--youngest 7.fast-faster-fastest 8.well--better--best 9.little--less--least 10.few--fewer--fewest 11.quiet-quieter--quietest 12.outgoing--more outgoing--the most outgoing 13.big--bigger--biggest 14.easy--easier--easiest 15.early--earlier--earliest 16.far--farrer--farrest 17.athletic--more athletic--the most athletic 18.cheap--cheaper--cheapest 19.nice-nicer--nicest 20.calm--calmer--calmest 1.I am quieter than my sister. 2.We are more outgoing than they. 3.His brother is funnier than you. 4.Tom runs fastest in our school. 5.My bike is newer than hers. 6.Tom is more athletic than I. 7.Who is heavier,Lily or Lucy? 8.She is much better in drawing than I. 9.Linda's hair is longer than Mary's. 10.The child buys the expensive bike in the shop.

1.much-more-the most 2.beautiful--more beautiful--the most beautiful 3.expensive--more expensive--the most expensive 4.fanny--fannier--faniest 5.tall-taller-tallest 6.young--younger--youngest 7.fast-faster-fastest 8.well--better--best 9.little--less--least 10.few--fewer--fewest 11.quiet-quieter--quietest 12.outgoing--more outgoing--the most outgoing 13.big--bigger--biggest 14.easy--easier--easiest 15.early--earlier--earliest 16.far--farrer--farrest 17.athletic--more athletic--the most athletic 18.cheap--cheaper--cheapest 19.nice-nicer--nicest 20.calm--calmer--calmest 1.I am quieter than my sister. 2.We are more outgoing than they. 3.His brother is funnier than you. 4.Tom runs fastest in our school. 5.My bike is newer than hers. 6.Tom is more athletic than I. 7.Who is heavier,Lily or Lucy? 8.She is much better in drawing than I. 9.Linda's hair is longer than Mary's. 10.The child buys the expensive bike in the shop.

1.Have you given up smoking?2.The teacher told them no to make so much noise.3.He didn't know what to buy for her.4.Mr. Wang asked Lin Tao where did he live in Zhengzhou.5.I want to know the time when the train leaves.6."Is it your bike or Tom's?" She asked...

1:选B 同学,您打错了,应为have it ,根据固定短语have sth. done得应选B:repair的过去分词repaird 2:两种说法都不准确:应控制变量 举例:10mL 10%的H2O2溶液与等量20%的H2O2溶液中加入等量的MnO2,前者反应速率大于后者 10g 碳酸钠固体与等量的碳酸钠粉末 分别与相同质量分数的稀盐酸反应...

结构2:名词或代词(主格) + doing 1)My mother cooking in the kitchen, I was doing my homework in my room. (表伴随)我妈妈正在厨房做饭,我在房间里做作业。

7、A: (What day,星期几) is it today? B:It’s Sunday.8、A:(What date,几号) was it yesterday? B: It was the 13th of October.9、A: (How,怎样)is this red one?  B:It‘s beautiful.10、A: (How far,多远) is it from here? B:It’s about two kilometre ...

1 Two (halves) is one 2.About one (quarter) of students in our class are girl student Nothing is more important than our (lives) there is only once It's not safe to swim in the (river)Don't (cross) the deep river. It's too dangerous There are over 2000 (...

这是个非限制性定语从句。连接非限制性定语从句要用关系代词,关系副词,或是介词+关系代词。C\/D均不符合这个要求。2.你确定第二题没打错?start 是动词,前面怎么会有so ?3.B非谓语动词的用法,作后置定语,修饰new earthquakes 。measure 在这里是vi.所以根本就不可能有过去分词形式。相同用法的词...

短文填空(原谅我不大写)1 when did you get up yesterday?2 i(got)up at 6:30in the morning.1what did you do after you got up 2i(washed\\cleaned)my hands and face quickly and (ate\\had)my breakfast.1were you busy yesterday?2yes i(was).i(did)my homework,and then i(went...

1 We usually have six lessons a day and each of them lasts 45 minutes.2 Few of them hurt themselves in the accodent last night 3 Where are you going last night ?I went to BeiJing 本题主要考察单数第三人称及英语时态的语法。一、第三人称代词 he, she, it 作主语时。例如:Sh...

高采纳率保证准确率!6. C 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. D 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. B 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. did, do 参考资料:英语牛人团团员

10分数: --\/1 When 1.783 is rounded to the nearest whole number, the result is how much greater than when 1.783 is rounded to the nearest tenth?the nearest whole number:2 nearest tenth:1.8 so the answer is 0.2 11分数: --\/1 Samantha is packing for a trip.Of the ...

静乐县15644789741: 请问这几道英语题怎么做,谢谢 -
那钱生血: 1.As a public relations officer, he is said __to have known_ some very influential people. 展开全部 it's said that 句型改写成sb is said to do/ have done sth. 如果不定式动作先于主句谓语is said发生,则用不定式完成式 这道题先后顺序不太好确定,...

静乐县15644789741: 帮忙,请高手帮我做做这几道英语题!谢谢1:Our director had______on the matter for a long time before he made the decision.A)hushed B)thrashed C)... -
那钱生血:[答案] 1:Our director had___C___on the matter for a long time before he made the decision.A)hushed B)thrashed C)ponderde D)suspended 2:The plants are in a(n)__C____plastic box,so the children can observe how...

静乐县15644789741: 英语几道题目``帮下忙``谢谢啦``按照要求写句子.1)Albert found the key .I lost the key yesterday.(合成一句)_______________________________________... -
那钱生血:[答案] 1----Albert found the key which (that)I lost yesterday. 2---Where is the beautiful picture which (that )you bought last week? 3---We are looking for the nurse who looked after my little sister 4---Although she was ill,she still went on working.

静乐县15644789741: 大家帮帮我,告诉我这几道英语试题怎么做! -
那钱生血: C farmers went collecting swimming cycle them doesn't...

静乐县15644789741: 急急急急急,越快越好,马上采纳.那位好心人帮我看看这几道英语题怎么做,谢谢,
那钱生血: 1. angrily 2. nods/nodded 3. freezes/froze 4. carry 5. flows/flowed 6. sweet 7. covered 8. relaxed 9. shakes/shoke 10. travelled 记住给我回电话 我在那儿放松了几分钟

静乐县15644789741: 英语好的进~~!请问一下这几道题怎么做?
那钱生血: 一.选择: He is interested(in ) science . be(not) interested in sth.对什么(不)感兴趣 或(不)显出好奇 或(不)关注interested to do 对做某事感兴趣,想了解某事,interested in doing 对某种想法感兴趣,doing 通常为想法.例如: I shall ...

静乐县15644789741: 这几道英语题怎么做呢
那钱生血: 1. 不填(泛指,所以不填介词),The(特指) 2. 不填(球类运动前没有介词),one或者a 3.the(特指),不填(=an other),the 4. a (辅音前面用a) ,an(“s”开头是元音,所以用an),the(特指) 5,不填(泛指),不填(物质名词前不加介词...

静乐县15644789741: 几道英语翻译题,帮忙解决下.谢谢! -
那钱生血: 1.If I had one million dollars,I would (offer) it (to) the charity2.My music teacher used to be (a singer)3.They discussed whether they should leave (immediately \ at once)4.He drives a truck (filled with) fruit to the market every Monday morning5.At the ...

静乐县15644789741: 几道英语题,求高手帮忙做下.谢谢! -
那钱生血: 1.B,A的语气太强硬了,B建议某个想法,计划,C提出某个事情去促进某事的发展,D是经过深思的(我不是很确定,这四项我是根据英英字典的解释得出来的) 2C,主句谓语动词是require,表要求,像这种表建议或者要求的动词在主句做谓语时,从句的谓语要用should+do,其中should可以省略 3D,was肯定是谓语了,而且前面没引导词,说明这句话是一个简单句,不是复合句,所以只能有一对主谓A,B,C都是做谓语的,所以只能选D

静乐县15644789741: 帮忙做几道英语题谢谢了1Class one has 23 - ________.a、boy students b、boys students c、boy's students d、 students of boys2“ Don't forget to come ... -
那钱生血:[答案] 1..a、boy students名词作定语不用复数,man和woman除外. 2.b、I won't “我不会忘记”will表示意愿和意志 3.b、what we get, what we give. be in“在于”后面跟名词性从句,作介词的宾语. 4.a、cooking … eating“一个做饭,一个吃饭”do some...

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