
作者&投稿:庾怀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Kids born in poor families can't get as much as those born in wealthy ones. They tend to treasure what they have. Also, they have more goals than wealthy kids do. They need to think about how they can overtake wealthy kids. The only way to achieve the goal is to worker much harder than wealthy kids. Therefore, poor kids have stronger will and determination, which is the key to success. The more they learn, the more mature they will become. By and by, when rich kids are still playing toys, poor kids have mastered many survival skills.


扩展资料京剧艺术片《红灯记》,是文化大革命期间的八大样板戏之一,八一电影制片厂1970年摄制。 影片根据中国京剧团的现场演出拍摄,片中讲述的是抗日战争时期,我党地下工作者李玉和一家三代,为向游击队转送密电码而前仆后继、与日寇不屈不挠斗争的英雄故事。
本片导演成荫,编剧阿甲,监制李燕,制作人毕建平,出品人王晓棠。中国京剧团《红灯记》剧组演出。 主要演员:浩亮饰李玉和,高玉倩饰李奶奶,刘长瑜饰李铁梅,谷春章饰磨刀人,夏美珍饰慧莲,杜福珍饰田大婶,袁世海饰鸠山,孙洪勋饰王连举。

  Some feel that the children of low income families are better equipped to deal with difficultiesposed by the "real world" when they grow up and they also believe the privileged children ofwealthy families are less fit to deal with these difficulties. The implications and veracity of thisargument seem self-evident, but in fact require closer examination.
  The popular wisdom is that children of poorer families learn early on the value of a buck,and are thus naturally better suited to stretching moneywhen times get tough in adulthood.Inversely, the children of wealthy families, thoseborn with a silver spoon in their mouths, arebelieved to be completely ignorant of the value of money, having had everything provided forthem in their youth and oftentimes erroneously expecting the same situation in adulthood. Theyare believed to be prone to overspending and financial irresponsibility. This belief, thoughlogical, overlooks one key point which is, of course, education.
  The basis of this argument is, of course, knowing the value of money, and the idea thatchildren of the poor know this, and those of the wealthy do not. Who though, is in a betterposition to teach their children the value of money; someone skilled in earning and keeping it,the wealthy parent, or someone who can not seem to acquire it, the poor parent? Bothwealthy and poor children are equally likely to acquire an education in money, whether it isformal, or in the school of hard knocks. Conversely, both children are as likely to ignore thiseducation.
  A poor child may believe that one can get along, if not as easily, without wealth. A wealthychild may be well trained by a parent steeped in the knowledge of money management; the keyto developing this skill is education.

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西陵区17072442019: 求一篇英语作文,关于穷人家的孩子早当家这一观点,说出自己的想法. -
庞魏甘油: Some feel that the children of low income families are better equipped to deal with difficultiesposed by the "real world" when they grow up and they also believe the privileged children ofwealthy families are less fit to deal with these difficulties. The ...

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庞魏甘油: 现在的中学生应不应该多做家务呢? 环境好起来了许多家长和中学生都而困扰,其实,我中学生应该多做家务.有句俗话,叫:“穷人家的孩子早当家.”在我的父母那一辈人中,几乎找不不干活的人,或许那跟当时的家庭条件吧!可是另我...

西陵区17072442019: 穷人家的孩子早当家英文完型翻译 -
庞魏甘油: A child from a poor family knows how to make a living early.

西陵区17072442019: 穷人的孩子早当家英文怎么说?那富人的孩子早当家 英文怎么说? -
庞魏甘油:[答案] The poor children manage household affairs early 穷人的孩子早当家 The rich children manage household affairs early富人的孩子早当家

西陵区17072442019: 穷人的孩子早当家英文怎么说? -
庞魏甘油: The poor children manage household affairs early 穷人5261的4102孩1653子早当版家权 The rich children manage household affairs early富人的孩子早当家

西陵区17072442019: ()的难题写一篇作文. -
庞魏甘油: 我的难题 生活中,我们每个人都有自己的烦恼、苦闷,如果这些小问题不及时解决、消除,就会由小问题变成为难题.上个月的期中考试,我的英语一落千丈,坠落到了最底层,.上个月的英语我学习非常认真,课上十分努力的改为:地听老师...

西陵区17072442019: 为什么穷人的孩子早当家?
庞魏甘油: 因为家庭因素会比较懂事,更早的知道分担跟帮忙,所以穷人的孩子都比较珍惜跟更懂得努力的重要性.

西陵区17072442019: 请举几个简短的例子说明“穷人家的孩子早当家” -
庞魏甘油: 生活负担让你的思想早点成熟,要撑起这个家 ...因为穷孩子比较好 .他没有优厚的物质条件,他自己不是家里的消耗品,而是家里的顶梁柱,

西陵区17072442019: 谁知道穷人的孩子早当家怎么翻译成英文啊 -
庞魏甘油: 穷人的孩子早当家As early as the poor children headed. http://fy.iciba.com/ 这是在线翻译的网址,希望对你有帮助

西陵区17072442019: 穷人家的孩子早当家 主要具体体现在哪些方面??? -
庞魏甘油: 很小就在外做生意补贴家用,帮助父母干些大人干的事,甚至照顾年迈的婆婆等等.

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