
作者&投稿:尹凭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

learn from +him or her or someone's name

1. I'd like to take __________ of this opportunity to thank all of you for your efforts.
A. profit
B. benefit
C. occasion
D. advantage

.选 D take advantage of 利用

2. In copying this paper, be careful not to leave __________ any words.
A. out
B. alone
C. off
D. behind

选A。 leave out 遗漏,leave alone 别管... leave behind 留下 leave off 停止

3. When doing the wash, it is important to _______ white and colored clothing.
A. compare
B. separate
C. establish
D. contrast

选B。 compare对比;separate 分离,分开;establish 成立建立;contrast对比

4. We finally __________ an agreement after a lot of hard argument.
A. reached
B. did
C. arrived
D. drove

选A。 我们在激烈的争论后达成了一致。 reach an agreement

5. It is desirable that the airplane ___________ as light as possible.
A. is
B. were
C. be
D. had been

选C。 It is desirable that后面的从句用虚拟语气,形式是should+动词原形。should可省略。

6. We came finally __________ the conclusion that she had been telling lies all the time.
A. of
B. into
C. to
D. at

选C。 come to a conclusion 得出结论
7. I am not used to speaking _________ public.
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. to

选A, in public 在公众场合,公开地,当众

8. He didn't live up to __________ had been expected of him.
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. all


9. She did not feel ____________ going out, as she had a slight headache.
A. about
B. like
C. after
D. for

选B。 feel like 想要

10. The price of gold rose again, partly __________ news about the war.
A. result in
B. go with
C. because
D. due to

选D。 due to 由于;result in 导致,结果是 go with 伴随,because+从句

11. Responsibilities ____________ becoming a father.
A. charge for
B. go with
C. save for
D. go through

选A。 charge for 索要,需要,为...要价 。 做父亲的要有责任感。

12. If you __________ in your payment for the house again, you may get thrown out.
A. fall behind
B. account for
C. charged for
D. come to

选A。 fall behind 拖欠,account for 对。。负有责任

13. The country has ____________ too many wars in the past few decades; its people are longing for peace so much.
A. prevented from
B. resulted in
C. gone through
D. gone with

选D。 A 阻止,C。通过,检查

14. She wouldn't even take a short rest there, ____________ stay for the night.
A. much more
B. much few
C. much lesser
D. much less

选D。 much less 更不用说

15. The president has ____________ his political advisors over the slow pace of economic change.
A. prevented from
B. charged for
C. accounted for
D. clashed with

选D。 clash with 与...冲突





英文是:of 英[əv]释义:prep.属于;……的;……的一部分;住在(某地);关于;由……组成的;因为;(表示人或事的时空位置)在,当 短语:Chariots of Fire烈火战车;火之战车;火战车;火的战车

的 的英语怎么打??
英文里,没有专门“的”的英文,一般依靠形容词里面自身带有“的”意思来表示,还有需要搭配其他单词来表示“的”意思的介词有 of,'s之类的

English。English 英[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]美[ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ]n. 英语;英文;(作为一门学科的)英语语言文学;英语学科;英格兰人(有时误用以指包括苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰人在内的英国人);adj. 英格兰的;英格兰人的;英语的;[例句]What books ...

你好!的 the 英[ðə] 美[ðə]art. 指已提到的人(物); 指说话人与听者已知的人(物); 用于独一无二的事物前; 与形容词最高级和序数词连用;[例句]A waiter came and hovered. John caught my look and we both got up and, ignoring the waiter, m...

译文:English 英['ɪŋɡlɪʃ]释义:n.英语;英国人 adj.英语的;英国人的;英国的 例句:用作名词(n.)He spares no efforts to study English.他不辞劳苦地学习英语。词源解说:直接源自古英语的Englisc;最初源自该语的Engle,意为盎格鲁人,传说这个称呼的来由是:...

its 英 [ɪts] 美 [ɪts]pron. 它的 n. (Its)人名;(俄)伊茨 短语 ITS sequence ITS区 ; ITS序列 ; its区序列 ; its测序 ItS Delicious 味道好极了 ; 美味佳肴 ITS区 ITS sequence ; ITS region its ok 网络歌手 ; 其确定 ; 没关系 ; 不一样 its growing 它的增长 ;...

回答和翻译如下 :English .英语 。( 音译 :应 ,格 ,类 ,嘘 。)What is the lesson today ?今天有什么课程呢 ?Today is the english lesson .今天有英语课程 。



娄星区13319122070: 向的英文怎么写? -
齐颜星元:[答案] face 面向,可做及物动词也可以不及物动词 towards,朝,向,介词,美式英语 toward 朝,向,介词 英式 To 向,往 介词

娄星区13319122070: 向的英文怎么写 -
齐颜星元: 向 [名] direction; [书] the window facing north; a surname; [动] face; turn towards; take sb.'s part; side with; [介] (表示动作的方向) towards; [例句]地球由西向东旋转. The earth turns round from west to east.

娄星区13319122070: 向的英语单词是什么 -
齐颜星元: towards in the direction of sb/sth 向;朝;对着 例句: They were heading towards the German border. 他们正前往德国边界. She had her back towards me. 她背对着我.

娄星区13319122070: 向的英文是什么 -
齐颜星元: towards 或者 to

娄星区13319122070: “向”姓的英文怎么拼写? -
齐颜星元: xiang ,就直接拼xiang,就可以了

娄星区13319122070: 朝chao,向的英文翻译 -
齐颜星元: orientation英 [,ɔːrɪən'teɪʃ(ə)n; ,ɒr-] 美 [orɪɛn'teʃən] 这个是名词,请问您要问名词还是动词呢 动词是:face to 可以追问,满意请采纳,谢谢

娄星区13319122070: 表示方向的英文短语 -
齐颜星元: (东,南,西,北,东北,西南,东南,西北的英文.) East, south, west, north, northeast, southwest, southeast, northwest Near East(south, west, north) 近东(南西北); 在…前面置 in front of; 在…后面 dahinter; at the back of(=behind); at the...

娄星区13319122070: 向……学习的英文是什么啊 -
齐颜星元: learn from 固定短语搭配 ***************************************************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问, 另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! *****************************************************************************************************

娄星区13319122070: “让情况朝着好的方向发展”用英语怎么说 -
齐颜星元: “让情况朝着好的方向发展” "Let things go in the right direction" 英 [diˈrekʃən] 美 [dɪˈrɛkʃən, daɪ-] n. 方向,指南; 指挥,指导,管理; 用法说明,指示,命令,吩咐; 导演,(乐队)指挥;

娄星区13319122070: 关于方向的英语单词?什么向左转,向右转啊的!1 -
齐颜星元:[答案] north北方 west西方 east东方 south南方southeast东南 southwest西南 northwest西北 northeast东北 east-southeast东南偏东 east-northeast东北偏东south-southeast东南偏南 south-southwest西南偏南 north-northeas...

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