
作者&投稿:项俩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1. 问候艺术


  • "Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. [Name]: Hello,

  • "或 "Greetings from [Your Name], [Your Position] at [Company Name], "

2. 初次相识,热情问候


  • "I hope this email finds you well, after our recent conversation on the phone."

  • "或者 "I came across your contact through a mutual acquaintance."

3. 直奔主题,明确目的


  • "The purpose of my message is to discuss [specific topic] in more detail."

  • "或者 "I am writing to formally invite you to a lunch meeting for further collaboration."

4. 引导行动,简洁明了


  • "Could you kindly spare a few minutes to review this proposal?"

  • "或者 "I appreciate your attention to [task at hand]."

5. 亲切结尾,温暖收尾


  • "I hope you have a productive day, and I look forward to your response."

  • "或者 "Best regards, [Your Name], sending warm regards for a great day."

6. 署名与细节


  • "Sincerely, [Your Name]"

  • "或者 "Yours sincerely, [Your Name], with all best wishes,"



③ Formal emails 正式邮件 如果你不知道收件人的名字,可以写“Dear Sir”或者“Dear Madam”,如果你连对方的性别也不知道,可以直接写“Dear Sir \/ Madam”。④ Writing to a group of people 收信人不只1个 如果你的收信人不只1个,那么你可以写“Dear customers”或者“Dear partners”。...

英语写邮件的格式:1.信头:指发信人的地址和日期。写在信纸的右上角,可以从靠近信纸的中央写起。信头上面要留空白。先写发信人地址。地址的写法与汉语不同,要先写小地方,后写大地方。在地址的下面写上日期。日期的顺序是:月、日、年,或者:日、月、年。例如:may 17 XX。在年份之前有一...

英文写email格式模板如下:1、英文邮件开头:你在写作正式的英文邮件时, 往往在开头要进行自我介绍, 包括自己的姓名, 身份, 院校或工作单位, 这样才能让收信人对你有一定的了解。 而在非正式邮件中, 基本是不用再自我介绍。 除此之外, 在邮件一开始通常要有基本的礼貌问候。2、英文邮件主体:E...

8、这里开始写内容了,最后可以加上Looking forward for your next e-mail.然后可以加上这句期待对方的下次来件。9、最后的最后就是要加上Thanks和Best regards还有落款名字。这样就显得正式并且有礼貌。

英语信件常用句式:1、开头部分:(1)The time flies,we haven‘t seen each other for a long time. All the things here are going on pretty well,I just miss you so much!时间过得很快,我们已经很久没见了。这里一切都好,就是很想你。2、Long time no see!好久不见。2、中间部分...

英文邮件格式一般包括:①、②日期的写法、③称呼、④正文、⑤结束语。具体如下:一、邮件标题,一般是邮件内容的一个概括,让收信人大致了解一下这封信是写什么的。二、日期的写法,英文邮件日期写法不同与中文,一般是月、日、年。如:(1997年7月30日)July 30,1997或July 30th,1997。三、...

英语信件的格式包括信头、称呼、正文、结束语、签名。1、信头:指发信人的地址和日期,写在信纸的右上角。2、称呼:指对收信人的地址和称呼。写在信头之下,从信纸的左边开始。写信给熟悉的人,如王明一般用Dear Wang Ming 或Dear Mr. Wang。3、信的正文:指信的主体部分,从称呼的下一行到结束...

写英文邮件的范文1 Directions:Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend, Jack, wrote an email to congratulate you and ask for advice on translation. Write him a reply to 1) thank him, and 2) give advice.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do notsign your ...



漳浦县13181976557: 英语短文6~10句话,发一封电子邮件给你的新朋友,介绍自己的年龄,爱好,学校,家庭,理想等情况. -
抄龚环磷: Dear Mary Hello,Mary! My name is Lucy.I'm 15 years old.I study at Nanjing 27 High school.There are 3 people in my family.My father is a teather and my mother is an accountant.My hobby is medicine and I want to be a licensed pharmacist in the ...

漳浦县13181976557: 怎么用英语写信呀..... -
抄龚环磷: Dear Mary, How is everything going? I have bought the four Chinese references you needed and I have sent it to you. It will arrive about 4 days later. Please check it. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best wishes. Yours, XX 写英文信,首先...

漳浦县13181976557: 一封50个字的信[ENGLISH句} -
抄龚环磷: Dear Tom I am very glad to receive your letter. You asked me about my plan for the summer holiday. I am going to relax myself. I will go to visit my grandparents and stay with them for about a w鸡亥惯酵甙寂轨檄憨漏eek. Of course I will help my ...

漳浦县13181976557: 英语怎么写信? -
抄龚环磷: Dear MR(MISS) hu,................................................... ...................................................... ..................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... Love,***2008.11.*

漳浦县13181976557: 用英语写一封信
抄龚环磷: Dear Lisa, I'm sorry to hear that you have a sore throat. I think you shoud drink more water, and hot tea with honey. They are good for your illness. But you shouldn't eat any hot(这里是辣的意思) food. Hot food may make your throat worse. Hope you fell better soon! Yours, ***

漳浦县13181976557: 用英语写一封信
抄龚环磷: Dear Susan: We are going to have a big denner.We went to the supermarket to buy some chickens and rice.The chickens are on the first floor.The rice are on the first floor too.We prepared the dinner between 2:30 and 4:30.Now it's 5:00 and we are...

漳浦县13181976557: 用英语写一封信
抄龚环磷: Dear LinTao,You told me that you have some difficulties in English last time,now let me tell you some ways in learning English. First,you should listen carefully in class,and pay attention to some language points. Second,you should read English ...

漳浦县13181976557: 用英文给爸爸写一封电子邮件(急需哪)英语小练笔:用英文给爸爸写一封电子邮件大概在40词左右,不用太长,三四句话就好.主要内容大概就是:爸爸,... -
抄龚环磷:[答案] Hello daddy, I hope you are well. I have just learned how to sent a e-mail,so I am trying to send one to you. Send a mail back to me in reply please to make sure that you have recived this mail,ok? Yours ー辈孓去爱滴人

漳浦县13181976557: 英文邮件,描写假期生活,30到50词. -
抄龚环磷:[答案] from:XXX to:XXX Date:xxx dear xxx: i'm glad to tell you something interesting about my vocation life.in this summer vocation, i have been to beijing ,the captial of china. and there i see the tiananmen suquare and i have made a vist to the great wall .i like ...

漳浦县13181976557: 英语写作写信
抄龚环磷: Dear某某:I am sorry to hear that you are always late for work these days.I suggest you have to correct this bad habit,if you always do like this .You will influence others'work,and this is for your own good.so please be on time tomorrow. 某某某某

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