
作者&投稿:职哪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
写一篇英语作文 6~8句话~

today is a sunny day. l feel very excited, because my parent buy a new computer for me. the computer is so cool, l am like it very much.

My name is Jenny. I am good at plying badminton. Playing badminton is very beneficial for one's health. It is quite interesting. It can help you to relax. In the meantime, it can train your brain to think more fast. I often play badminton with my friends on weekends. Many of my friends are badminton fans. They like it as i do. Another good thing of playing badminton is that it can help you to meet new friends.

Of all the sports ,i like badminton best. I like to watch the TV show about the badminton and I also like to play it. I enjoy the excitement the game brings to my life. Above all, playing badminton can make you physically fit and mentally strong. The win and loss of the game make you laugh and cry.Two players present the most exciting show that no other performances can match.

Playing Badminton
Badminton is my favourite sport.I usually play it after school.On weekends I often play it on the ground with my classmates.It's a lot of fun.There was a badminton match in our school last week.I played for my class and won the match.I like badminton so much because it's interesting and makes me strong.


打羽毛球可真有趣呀!它既可以锻炼身体,还能训练人的反应能力。我喜欢打羽毛球,它让我的童年充满了快乐。 5. 写一篇"厕所门口"的文章200字 {人物描写}内容:误把球打进男厕 厕所门口 放学后,我和同学一起在教学楼下的空地上打羽毛球。同学笑我技术不好,我一个激动,手一抖,把球打进了一楼的男厕所。怎么...


和爸爸打羽毛球 今天晚上,我和爸爸去文化宫广场打羽毛球。一到那里,“哇”!休闲的人可真多呀:有的在跳舞;有的在唱歌;有的在欣赏节目、还有的在乘凉聊天……玩得更欢的要数那些小孩子们,他们穿着溜冰鞋,踩着滑板车,在广场中央的喷水池边上尽情地玩耍着。 我和爸爸好不容易找到一块小空地...

10.女你会打羽毛球吗? 男不怎么会 女也许你该试试至少你之前从未感受过弹跳起来接球瞬间的那种美妙 11.一个巴掌拍不响,羽毛球也一样,努力做一个好球友永远比努力去找一个好球友更加划得来。12.无论你自我感觉自己球技有多多卓越,总有人比你技高一筹:无论你打的多多差劲,总有人比你还差。



谁没空帮你写这个哦。按说你的年龄不会被要求写这种东西哟。要不我帮你网上找一篇吧。羽毛球基础课周记 突然一个激情,就报了个羽毛球基础辅导班,每周日一次课,两小时,为了让自己在训练中的不规范动作以后在没有教练纠正的时候也不犯,所以想在博客里对每周的课程内容以及心情做个记录~~ 每周更新...

关于羽毛球的句子 有关羽毛球的句子示例

” 在这同时,我的头被砸了一下。原来我刚才根本没有拍中!可恶,我恼羞成怒,“我不信我搞不好你这个臭球!”我又把球高空一抛,瞄准球所在的位置,使劲地拍了一下。球是拍中了,但是连线都没过。我本以为打羽毛球是一件轻以易举的事情,没想到……这时,妈妈走过来,教我发球、接球……我...

乡城县17666934124: 我最喜欢的运动(羽毛球)英语作文,100字就行,最好有中文翻译! -
诏莘怡邦:[答案] Of all the sports ,i like badminton best.I like to watch the TV show about the badminton and I also like to play it.I enjoy the excitement the game brings to my life.Above all,playing badminton can ma...

乡城县17666934124: 我的爱好是打羽毛球英语作文 -
诏莘怡邦: I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby. I like reading for three reasons. First of all, books introduce me to a new world, which is colourful and without time and space limit, Through reading, ...

乡城县17666934124: 我最喜欢的运动.. 要羽毛球的.. 英语作文.. 只要说羽毛球的好处就好了.. -
诏莘怡邦: 打羽毛球的好处: (1)经常需要大口大口地吸入氧气,特别是多拍对打,互相调动之后,有利于加大肺活量. (2)经常有爆发性及多变的动作,增加灵活性及心脏和关节的适应能力. (3)步伐要有序,手脚要配合,增加你的全身协调性. (4)经常...

乡城县17666934124: 求→我最喜欢的运动(羽毛球)英语作文 -
诏莘怡邦: 我最喜爱的一种体育运动 我喜欢打羽毛球,因为羽毛球是全身运动的.不但可以锻练身体的灵活性,也可使身心得到健康发展.羽毛球需要两人一起才能进行,既可培养群体的精神,也可增进友谊.如果体弱多病的人,也可以尝试以羽毛球这运...

乡城县17666934124: 谁能给我提供一份关于羽毛球 Badminton的英文作文? -
诏莘怡邦: The white bird glided a beautiful arc over the blue sky,hit it hard with my racket, it turned back like a bullet aiming a target. "27th " I shouted to my sister.白色的羽毛球在蔚蓝的天空滑下一个美丽的弧,我的球拍重重的击中它,它一转身就像一颗子...

乡城县17666934124: 写一篇英语作文,演讲时间不超过两分钟,以我擅长打羽毛球开头,我的名字是JENNY, -
诏莘怡邦: My name is Jenny. I am good at plying badminton. Playing badminton is very beneficial for one's health. It is quite interesting. It can help you to relax. In the meantime, it can train your brain to think more fast. I often play badminton with my friends on ...

乡城县17666934124: 小学英语作文my hobby,要写打羽毛球的 -
诏莘怡邦: I like playing badminton.

乡城县17666934124: 问一下谁能给我一篇《我喜欢的运动羽毛球》的作文是用英语写的!写我喜欢羽毛球的一段话在写我什么时候去的它是一个怎么样的运动它对我有什么帮助 -
诏莘怡邦:[答案] There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is bad-minton. When I was in junior high, I started to play it in school. At th...

乡城县17666934124: 去公园打羽毛球的英语作文49个单词 -
诏莘怡邦: I went to the park with my friend yesterday. We went there by bike. We went to the park to play badminton. My friend plays better than I. We played for two hours. We got very tired but both of us felt happy. We had a good time there. 亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thanks(thx)! Happy New Year!

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