
作者&投稿:徵承 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The geographic location of the project is advanced, the communication of that is convenient. Located in the new business core of Jieyang City, it integrates a number of functions such as food and beverage, entertainment and leisure activities; inside the street, commercial brands home and abroad meet together. Dense atomosphere of commerce, high quality service management and multi-function industrial satus has made here a first-rate choise for both enjoying leisure times and shopping.

There are not much conflicts in England after the civil war,and England is a isolated island country where people are general conversational.Long peace after civil war makes people there gentle and serious.It is hard for writers to create works with big sense of conflict under this ciucumstance,even so ,people will no long like it.During Bernard Shaw and Beckett's period,though conflicts were strong,they were mainly between people and world(beyond nation and country),people and people themselves(the world reflected that individuals were not worth menntioning which destroyed people's confidence and self-esteen) instead of people and people.there were other reasons:It was not a good time for them bo be borned, not only because there were other entertainments styles which seized audiences'attention,but also because there were aesthetic fatigue after the loss of beauty,Anxiety and fickleness' existance in the postmodern society and lack of heart to appreciate drama.

1.I have no idea that whether The system of Education in China adapt to the situation of our country,But I do think there lies lots of demerits in this kind of education system.Take the College Entrance Examinatin for example,tens of years hard working is just sadly aimed at and determined by a piece of plain paper,is this fare?
2.Chiese education system only pays attetion on the development and exploitation of a child's intelligence,and relatively ignore the importance of practise.But,in fact,at the most times we are faced with the situation that we should put what we learn from the book to the practise properly.Otherwise no matter how much you have learned you will come to an end with nothing.


1. I am not sure about whether or not the education is suitable to the situation of China ,but there are many abuses in the current education system,for example the national matriculation test,the future of students always designed only by one test paper,although they have studied very hard over 10 years, that is not humanistic.
2. The Chinese education always focus on intelligence development, but always lose sight of the importance of practices,mostly,what we just needed is performancing the theories on books logically in the actual ,otherwise ,it is useless even you read more books.


1, I did not know whether China's education does suit our country present the national condition, but China's education has very many malpractices, takes the college entrance examination, the student suffered great hardships has struggled for 10 several years on by an examination paper, a test had decided later way, this was very the user friendly.
2, China's education very many aspects all are the attention above the intelligence development, often has neglected the practice importance, but more times, we need are the books in thing reasonable utilization reality, otherwise you read again the multi-books uselessly also!

1.The lasted purported tape message from Osama Bin Laden (主句主语,message是中心词,前面的都是修饰message的,from后面也是修饰message的)has raised concern (主句谓语动词has raised,主句谓语动词的宾语是concern)among European intelligence and law enforcement officials (among带一个介词短语,...

Yuan Yuan Dynasty in the female image is a major literary landscape of literature, of which the image of intelligent women is an important position. Yuan Dynasty in the image of the wisdom of women with their own wisdom to find freedom and equality, describing the difficulties and ...

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太狠了,根据我个人的经验(我说英语,法语,会一点西班牙语),意大利文翻译过来是 活性(润肤)霜 从酵母精华和矿物质中提取的,仅供专业使用 “USO PROFESSIONAL-FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY EMPLOI PROFESSIONNEL PARA USO PROFESIONAL ”是意文,英文,法文和西语的,都一个意思,是仅供专业使用。Crema ...



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稻谭牛黄: 提供给接收方的资料,无论是在本合同订立日之来前或之后,亦无论是书面的还是口头的,连同所有说明书、文件、备忘录、笔记、分析、预测和其他由接源收方或其附属公司或代表准备的材料,而其中材料可能包含或反映,或是从以上所述资料制作的知,均统称为「保密资料」.「保密资料」是以“原样”方式提供,披露方并不对「保密资料」作任何明示、暗示或其他方式的保证,包括其准确性.~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,道欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~

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稻谭牛黄: This stage, the increasingly fierce conflict between doctors and patients, medical malpractice cases is increasing, the development of medical disputes on the harmonization of laws is an urgent need. Introduced in 2010, "Tort Liability Act" in the ...

林西县19364716999: 英语高手帮忙翻译一下~~不要用机器翻译!人们不再需要担心由於工作的忙碌而不能正常进行日常饮食.也不需要在周末或夜晚加班.楼下的这个答案一看就... -
稻谭牛黄:[答案] 人们不再需要担心由於工作的忙碌而不能正常进行日常饮食.也不需要在周末或夜晚加班.People no longer need to worry about because of the busy but not normal day-to-day diet.Do not need to work overtime on we...

林西县19364716999: 英语高手来.请帮忙翻译一句话,不要机器翻译的那种.句子如下:无论等你多长时间,你依然是我最珍贵的人. -
稻谭牛黄:[答案] No matter for how long I ahve to wait for you,you are still the person I cherish the most. 如果还有问题可以找我.

林西县19364716999: 英语高手帮下忙 翻译 不要用机器谢谢 -
稻谭牛黄: with the development of marketing economy, it brings upgraded com...

林西县19364716999: 来个英文好的高手帮忙翻译一段话哈~~不要机器翻译的! -
稻谭牛黄: Rose,listen tome```Rose(人名),听我说..Winning that ticket was the best thing 赢得了那张票是最幸福的事that ever happened tome``` 竟然发生在我身上了It broug me to you```And I'm thankful, 有了它(票),我才能见到你.我是充满感激的,Rose```I'm thankful```" Rose ,我是充满感激之情的

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稻谭牛黄: China is a country that has thousand years of rich history; It has left us with many natural yet also man-made sights. These...

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