
作者&投稿:钱饱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. The derogatory term "gook" originates from the Vietnam War when it was used by American soldiers to abuse Vietnamese soldiers due to the muddy and sloppy conditions in the jungle. Today, this term is widely used to refer to all East Asians. It is essential for us to respond with the corresponding language if we are insulted with this term.
2. Southeast Asia is located in the southeastern part of Asia and consists of two main parts: the Indochinese Peninsula and the Malay Archipelago. The Indochinese Peninsula got its name because it is located south of China. The long, narrow strip of land in the south is called the Malay Peninsula. The Malay Archipelago is spread across the vast expanse of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, making it the largest archipelago in the world with over 25,000 islands. It is divided among Indonesia, Malaysia, East Timor, Brunei, and the Philippines.
3. There are 11 countries in Southeast Asia: Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, and East Timor. The region has an area of approximately 4.57 million square kilometers and is located at the "crossroads" of Asia and Oceania, the Pacific and the Indian Oceans.
4. The Strait of Malacca is a vital strategic location at the crossroads, serving as the "throat" of the region. It is situated between the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra Island, stretching about 1,080 kilometers in length, and at its narrowest point, it is only 37 kilometers wide. It allows the passage of vessels weighing up to 250,000 tons. Many shipping routes between the west coast of Pacific countries and the coastal regions of South Asia, West Asia, East Africa, and Europe pass through this strait.
5. The geographical location of Southeast Asia in the southeastern part of Asia holds great significance. On one hand, it is the lowest latitude region in Asia, representing the equatorial part of the continent. On the other hand, it is situated at the transition zone between Asia and Australia, reflecting distinctly in the climate and biodiversity. This region is also where the Pacific and Indian Oceans meet, which results in a humid climate and the formation of lush tropical forests. These factors differentiate Southeast Asia from its neighboring regions.
6. Geologically, Southeast Asia can be divided into two major units: the relatively stable Indian-Malay block and the more active fold mountains. The region experiences two types of climates: equatorial rainforest and tropical monsoon. The natural vegetation primarily consists of tropical rainforests and tropical monsoon forests, which can be further categorized into two sub-regions.

1. The derogatory term "gook" is used to refer to individuals from Southeast Asia. It originated during the Vietnam War when American soldiers used it to disparage Vietnamese troops due to the muddy conditions of the jungle warfare. This term has since been widely adopted and is...



1. 东南亚被称为“猴子”的原因之一是越南人经常使用“conkhí”(猴子)这个词汇作为口头禅。2. 相较于西方人,东方人,尤其是东南亚人种,往往肤色较深、身材较矮小。因此,西方人有时会使用“猴子”这一词语来蔑称东方人,包括越南人、印尼人、菲律宾人等。

学名为Macaca mulatta,英文名Rhesus monkey,属哺乳纲,灵长目,狭鼻亚目,猕猴科(Cercopithecidae)。最初发现于孟加拉的恒河河畔,所以称恒河猴或孟加拉猴。我国广西的这种猴很多,所以俗称“广西猴”。过去一般都称猕猴,但猕猴是属名,此种称法不妥,容易混淆,以称恒河猴为宜。恒河猴的分布由印度的北部往东,通过...




十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac 鼠 Rat 牛 Ox 虎 Tiger 兔 Rabbit 龙 Dragon 蛇 Snake 马 Horse 羊 Goat 猴 Money 鸡 Rooster 狗 Dog 猪 Pig


沁阳市15976993687: 为什么叫越南是猴子??? -
调通达力: 因为越南人口头禅很喜欢用 con khí(猴子).比如你怎么怎么样,后加个con khí就表示不同意你的观点的意思. 以下有介绍连结: http://www.360doc.com/content/11/0301/13/164211_97124529.shtml

沁阳市15976993687: 为啥韩国人叫棒子,越南人叫猴子,印度人叫阿三 -
调通达力: 印度人被叫成阿三这是上海话,有鄙视之意,而且早期的印度人来到上海当红头阿三的比较多(就是帮英国人看大门的),而且他们说的英语超烂,总喜欢说:"I SAY...,I SAY..."上海人听起来就象"阿三,阿三"于是就叫他们阿三.越南人叫猴子是因为他们长得象猴子,又黑又小.韩国人叫棒子可能是他们喜欢用棒子(做泡菜或者打老婆).

沁阳市15976993687: 为什么称越南为猴子? -
调通达力: 因为越南人口头禅很喜欢用 con khí(猴子) 比如你怎么怎么样后加个con khí就表示不同意你的观点的意思

沁阳市15976993687: 东南亚人的外号叫什么? -
调通达力: 猴子(属于蔑称).中国人对外国人的蔑称主要有:鬼子(日本人)棒子(韩国人)毛子(俄罗斯人)猴子(东南亚人)洋鬼子(欧美人)

沁阳市15976993687: 为什么很多人都喜欢称越南人为“猴子”?
调通达力: 疯了你们 懂不懂越南语阿 因为越南人口头禅很喜欢用 con khí(猴子) 比如你怎么怎么样后加个con khí就表示不同意你的观点的意思

沁阳市15976993687: 越南猴子是什么意思啊??怎么老是听见那么多人说的???? -
调通达力: 越南人高穹骨,还黑,瘦小,就象猴子.

沁阳市15976993687: “你是越南人吗?” 英语怎么说、 -
调通达力: Are you Vietnamese? 满意请采纳

沁阳市15976993687: 今天听到别人说 猴梨雪特的骂人话 雪特是shit 但是猴梨是什么? 好像是英文 -
调通达力: holy shit参考资料:http://baike.baidu.com/subview/1894836/15187866.htm?fr=aladdin

沁阳市15976993687: 文莱、柬埔寨、印尼、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、东帝汶、越南 的全部英语
调通达力: 依次是Brunei、Cambodia、Indonesia、Laos、Malaysia、Myanmar 、Philippines 、Singapore、Thailand、Timor-Leste、Viet Nam

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