我最喜欢的昆虫 写蝴蝶的英语作文 七八句话

作者&投稿:父解 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我最喜欢的节日小作文(英语) 七八句话~

在新闻报道一直是我最喜爱的电视节目。 Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6:30 pm and wait for the news program.我几乎每天打开电视时下午6:30 ,等待新闻节目。 This has become a part of my life.这已成为我的一部分生命。 这个是新闻节目的你说的不清楚。

I 本项研究是关于哪一方面的讨论?
What Is Your Study About?
1 认真思考一下本项研究所关心的焦点问题为何?2 试选若干名词短语,概括本项研究基本内容,以备后用;3 根据文体需要,从内置模板所列句式中,遴选合宜的表达句式(Your Favorite Choice);4 从备选概括名词中,选出最佳范例,填入所选句式预留空处,完成整合描述。 这一主题/论元主题句式可以简约表示为a) 或者 b) 的内容:a) 作者从X 角度出发,研究了Y 问题。I EXAMINE ISSUE X FROM PERSPECTIVE Y.b) 本文是关于X 问题的研究。 THIS STUDY IS ABOUT ISSUE X.关于这一命题,其他可选常用表达方式包括:1.1 本文从......角度出发,研究了......方面的问题。We examine the … issue in this study from a … perspective.1.2 本文是关于......问题的研究/调查/综述。The study is about a … survey/summary of the … issue.1.3 本文集中讨论了......问题。The present paper concerns itself with a … study of the … issue.1.4 本文讨论的问题是......The … issue(s) is/are examined in this research.1.5 本文从......角度,研讨了......问题。The … issue(s) is /are addressed from a … perspective.
II. 本文在哪些方面同其他相关研究有所不同?
How Is Your Study Different From Other Studies?或者,
What Do You Want To Say About Your Own Research In Relation To Other Relevant Studies Of Same Kind?
第二组主题/论元句式的提出与回答包含以下四个方面的功能:1 说明研究者对有关文献的熟悉了解程度;2 有助于读者了解相关问题研究的全貌;3 强调突出进行本项研究的必要性;4 突显本项研究的创新之处。这一组主题/论元句式可以简约表示为a) 或者 b) 的内容:a) 本文在哪些方面同其他相关研究有所不同?HOW DOES THIS STUDY DIFFER FROM OTHER STUDIES?b) 与其他同类研究相比,本项研究有什么自己的研究特色?WHAT MERITS DO YOU WANT TO SAY ABOUT YOUR OWN RESEARCH IN RELATION TO OTHER RELEVANT STUDIES OF SAME KIND?如属综述性文章,可以跳过对这一问题的回答,或者如 c) 所示,直接说明其研究性质: c) 为了达到X目的,本项研究是关于Y领域Z问题研究的概况综述。 THIS IS A SUMMARY STUDY OF ISSUE X IN THE FIELD OF Y FOR THE PURPOSE OF Z.关于这一命题,其他可选的常用表达方式包括:2.1 与同类研究相比,本文旨在突出研讨......问题的重要性。Different from previous research, this paper wants to emphasize the importance of … in the study of …2.2 关于......问题的讨论,已有许多不同理论解释。本文试图采用一种新型理论框架对......问题进行研讨。Different theories have been introduced in the field to solve … problem(s). And in our study, we attempt to use an alternative theoretic framework to examine …2.3 通过本项实验调查,我们试图验证......合理性的问题。The present experiment is designed to testify/challenge the validity of …

Butterfly, commonly known as Butterfly, the whole world there are about 14,000 species, most of which lies in the Americas, particularly in the Amazon most varieties in the world in addition to other regions outside the polar cold zone, are distributed in Asia, Taiwan is also well-known to a wide variety of butterflies. General colorful butterflies, the wings and body there are various piebald head rod or a pair of hammer-like tentacles. The largest butterfly wings up to 24 centimeters, and the youngest is only 1.6 centimeters. Large Butterfly very interesting, special someone to collect all kinds of butterfly specimens in the Americas butterfly movement and Bird Watching, become an activity that attracted many participants. There are many types of butterflies, fruits, agriculture and the main pests.
原文: 蝶,通称为“蝴蝶”,全世界大约有14000余种,大部分分布在美洲,尤其在亚马逊河流域品种最多,在世界橙尖粉蝶(Anthocharis cardamines)其他地区除了南北极寒冷地带以外,都有分布,在亚洲,台湾也以蝴蝶品种繁多著名。蝴蝶一般色彩鲜艳,翅膀和身体有各种花斑,头部有一对棒状或锤状触角。最大的蝴蝶展翅可达24厘米,最小的只有1.6厘米。大型蝴蝶非常引人注意,专门有人收集各种蝴蝶标本,在美洲“观蝶”迁徙和“观鸟”一样,成为一种活动,吸引许多人参加。有许多种类的蝴蝶是农业和果木的主要害虫

台江区15796567026: 我最喜欢的昆虫my favourite Insect 50个字 用Butterfly来写 -
墨宣葫芦:[答案] Butterfly has beauty apperance which is my favourite insect

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墨宣葫芦: These butterflies most is to belong to a race, their wings on the back of peak green, it is also the beautiful decorative pattern, this makes them in to stop motionless as if they were in the grass green, their wings as positive is golden brown, this ...

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墨宣葫芦: Butterfly is insect. They are beautiful.They can fly and they have two wings.I like butterfly. What about you? 本文为20词的英语作文,本人为小学六年级,所以会有错误的地方,请谅解,请多多指教

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墨宣葫芦: 你好,可写为:I like the beautiful butterflies.满意请速速采纳,谢谢合作!

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墨宣葫芦: In the traffic court of a large mid-western city, a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given her for driving through a red light. She explained to his honor that she was a school teacher and requested an immediate disposal of her ...

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墨宣葫芦:[答案] I most like insects,dragonflies,they have wings of light,healthy body,but also can fly freely in the blue sky,because I like them but also aspire to the boundless freedom,they be can like the sky flyi...

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