
作者&投稿:迪享 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Could you date with me?
Good morning / afternoon / evening. Hello / Hi !A: How are you? B: Fine , thank you. And you? / Very well, thank you.
a. This is Mr / Miss /Mrs…. b. How do you do? Nice /Glad to see / meet you.c.My name is …. I’m a student/ worker etc. ( here)
a. I think it’s time for us to leave now.
b. Goodbye! (Bye-bye! Bye!) See you later / tomorrow .( See you .) Good night.
a.Hello!May I speak to… ?
b.Hold on. Please. He / She isn’t here right now.Can I take a message for you? c.I’m calling to tell / ask you…
a.Thank you (very much ). Thanks a lot. Many thanks. Thanks for….
b.Not at all. That’s all right. You’re welcome.
a. Good luck! Best wishes to you. Have a nice / good time.Congratulations! b.Thank you.
c. Happy New Year! /Merry Christmas! /Happy birthday to you.
d.The same to you.
I’m going to… I will …. I’d like to … I want /hope to…
a. I’m sorry. (Sorry.) I’m sorry for / about… Excuse me.
b. That’s all right. It doesn’t matter. That’s nothing.
遗憾和同情 What a pity! I’m sorry to hear ….
a. Will you come to …? Would you like to … ?
b. Yes, I’d love to… Yes, it’s very kind of you / nice of you.
c. I’d love to, but…

Date ?
Shall we date?
Invite you, You know..

yue ma 这是中式英文

Would you like to hang out?

[动] make an appointment; arrange; ask or invite in advance; restrict;
[名] appointment; pact; agreement; a surname;
[形] economical; frugal; simple; brief;
We arranged with him to meet at the hotel at one o'clock.

should we have a date?


可以吗 英语怎么说?
可以是can 首先还是要看主语,如是自己询问对方,那就是can I? 我可以吗?如果是询问地方的意见,那就是 can you?你可以吗?

Fuck 应该说明的是,在大学里,由TA造成的性骚扰是很少的,环境对这方面的要求也相对宽松。比方说,如果你在公司,当着女同事的面,一口一个fuck,那肯定是不行的。但在学校里,特别是是在计算机房,很多教授都是一口一个fuck,根本不注意。印象最深的一次是,有一回,我的一位也是当TA的美国同学...

是吗 英语怎么说?
是吗的英语:Is it?示例:That's definite then, is it? 那么,那是确切的了,是吗?it读法英 [ɪt] 美 [ɪt]pron. [指无生命的东西、动物、植物]它;这;那 pron. 指已提到或将提及的事物、活动、经验、抽象观念等 短语 Let It Be 顺其自然 ; 随他去吧 ; 让它去 As ...

是吗 英语怎么说
is it?

你明白吗?英文翻译:Do you understand?你明白吗的几种说法:1、你明白了吗?Be you there yet?2. 你明白了吗?Do you see it?3. 你明白了吗?Do you get it?4. 这就是我的自私,你明白了吗?”That is egotism.Do you see?【反问句】1、 您不明白吗?”Do you not comprehend?"2、...

“还有吗”的英文是:Anything else?重点词汇解释 else 英 [els] 美 [els]adv. 其他;此外;(常与or连用)否则、不然 例句:Would you like anything else to drink?翻译:你还要喝点别的什么吗?用法 adv. (副词)1、在比较句中,如果比较的主体和比较的对象属同一类,而比较的对象又是all...

对吗?英语是Right?或者Is it right?right,对的形容词。可能得看前半句是什么情况吧 你说的那个例子,用right好像语气有点不合适,可能don#39t you 更好一些,个人观点。相信自己,right?是对的 还有All right? 对吗Yes?是吗Yeah?是吗Do you think so ?你觉得呢反问Isn#39t it?不是...

此外,这个表达还可以根据具体的语境进行变化。例如,在询问朋友是否在家时,我们可能会说:“Are you there at home?” 或者在电话中,我们可能会问:“Are you there on the line?” 这样的变化使得这个表达更加灵活,能够适应不同的场景和需求。总之,“Are you there?&...

“好吗”的翻译:1. please 2. OK 3.will 4.how are you

富裕县17222466367: 约号 和 预约号 英文怎么说? -
阮敬隆欣: book

富裕县17222466367: 晚上约吗?用英文怎么说? -
阮敬隆欣: Do you have an appointment in the evening? have an appointment 英 [hæv ən əˈpɔɪntmənt] 美 [hæv ən əˈpɔɪntmənt] 预约;有一个约会;有约会 I guess you already have an appointment with him, right? 我想你是和他约好了是吧? ...

富裕县17222466367: 我能约你吗?如何用英语写出来,谢谢! -
阮敬隆欣: are you free tonight ?今晚有空吗? do you want to go out with me tonight?今晚能和我约会吗? may i ask you out ?我能和你约会吗? i want to talk to you ?我有话想对你说. you are everyingting to me?你是我的一切.

富裕县17222466367: 教你怎样用英语和老外另约时间和约会 -
阮敬隆欣: 1、Date的用法date可以表示“约会”的意思,既可以用作名词,也可以用作动词 .但是date一般用来表示和异性之间的亲密约会,所以使用的时候要注意场合. 例如你可以说: TomwillhaveadatewithAlicethisafternoonsoI'mnotgoing.汤姆和爱丽...

富裕县17222466367: 你是在约会我吗?英文怎样说? -
阮敬隆欣: are u dating me? +在名词前~~

富裕县17222466367: 另时间约吧用英语怎么说 -
阮敬隆欣:[答案] we can meet another time

富裕县17222466367: 约某人干什么用英语怎么说 -
阮敬隆欣: Date with someone指约会 Have a meet with someone指普通的约过来讨论事情之类的

富裕县17222466367: 约某人出去英语怎么说 -
阮敬隆欣: 约某人出去_百度翻译 约某人出去 [网络] ask someone out; Ask somebody out; somebody 英[ˈsʌmbədi] 美[ˈsʌmˌbɑdi, -ˌbʌdi, -bədi] pron. 某人,有人; n. 大人物,重要的人物; [例句]Has somebody helped himself to some film star's diamonds?有人偷了某个影星的钻石了吗?[其他] 复数:somebodies

富裕县17222466367: 约某人怎么说?英语
阮敬隆欣: 可以,用date, 有约会的意思.

富裕县17222466367: 约某人干什么用英语怎么说?麻烦啊我约好SIOM去打篮球.用英语怎么说 -
阮敬隆欣:[答案] invite sb to do sth date sb to do sth have a appointment with sb to do sth 都可以的

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