
作者&投稿:聊背 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
There aren't any fish here,中的aren't 使用的对吗~

any fish的组合是不可数的,应当用is单数形式,还有你的there和here其实用一个就可以了,而且这个句式我不知道你要表达的意思是这里有一些鱼但是不多,还是说这里没有鱼,因为就这句话而言来说是表达的这里没有那么多的鱼,意思就是还是有鱼的。

原句:There aren't any fish here


There aren't any fish here.这里没有鱼儿。
There isn't any fish here.这里没有鱼肉。

Everybody is here,aren't they?【名词、副词】
everybody这个是特例,固定用法,翻译疑问句就用aren't they not as ……as和not so……as都是不如的意思

you're new here,aren't you?否定回答
对于反义疑问句的回答,是就说yes,不是就说no,然后按常规书写即可 No, I'm not正确答案

() thre any bridges in your village? No,here aren't前面可以加什么...
Are 祝学习进步,有不会的可以再问我。(*^__^*)

Everyone ( ) here,aren't they? [be]适当形式填空,求
is 记得点好评哈

Everybody is here , aren't they ? 这句话后面的反义疑问句为什么是...
应该用aren't they的。参考(百度百科):陈述部分的主语是everybody, somebody, anybody, nobody, everyone, no one, none, either, some one时,其后的反意疑问句用主语they以兼顾所指代的男、女两性。有时也用单数he。eg. Everyone knows the answer, don't they? (does he?)① Everybody ...

book here. An English book is here。3.用在其他行为动词之后或句末,作状语,表示运动的方向,行为发生的处所,放置东西的处所。如:Come here,please.Please sit down here.Put them here.还常用在“there be...”结构末作状语:There are some books hereThere aren't any cats here。

Everyone is here,aren't they?

Everyone is here ,aren't they?为什么前后又用is又用 are?
前分句的主语是 everyone,单数可数名词,因此谓语be动词用is,但是后分句的主语是they,be 动词用are。Everyone is here, they are so happy.

Everybody is here,___ ___? Everything goes well,___ ___?(反义...
当陈述部分的主语是everyone,everybody,someone,somebody等,附加疑问句中主语一般用they.,所以说Everybody is here,aren't they?当陈述部分的主语是everything,anything,nothing,something时,附加疑问句中主语用it 不用 they ,所以是Everything goes well,doesn't it?

everyone is here,aren’t they为什么不用isn't they前不是有is_百度...
everyone 可用they,he,she代替 强调大家时用they 另外,没有isn't they这种用法,因为they是复数,不能用is

亳州市19667075852: There aren,t 和There isn,t 分别是什么意思
臧弘硫酸: 这是英语中的一种句子结构,英语中句子只有三种结构,第一种是主系表(it is red),第二种是there be,表示哪里有什么;第三种是主谓宾(最常见,I kick the ball). 在这里,你举的两个都是there be结构的开始,be的人称变化(is am are)...

亳州市19667075852: there aren't肯定形式 -
臧弘硫酸: there aren't肯定形式 there are 第一时间为你解答,如有帮助,敬请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

亳州市19667075852: 一些英语问题请教【急】Excuse me,do you have a table for two? - I m sorry,____there aren't  any seat now.A.but B,and C.or我们英语老师说选a.为什么?我选... -
臧弘硫酸:[答案] I am sorry but是习惯说法,but只表示意思的转折,但汉语没有对应的翻译. alive 活着的,对应的是dead 更强调生理意义上的死活 我们讨论一个作家,应当说是否健在,而不是死活 living是现存的并且很活跃的 强调精神状态 供参考.

亳州市19667075852: 什么时候用there isn't什么时候用there aren't -
臧弘硫酸: there isn't + 单数 there aren't + 名词复数

亳州市19667075852: there aren't any trees near the house改为一般过去式? -
臧弘硫酸:[答案] there weren't any trees near the house 如果有帮到您 请给予好评 如果还有问题 请重新提问哦 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快

亳州市19667075852: There aren't是什么意思 -
臧弘硫酸: 没有...there be(be 动词,包括 am is are was were)是 有...,存在.... 的意思 希望能帮助到你!望采纳!谢谢~~~~

亳州市19667075852: there aren't 怎么读 -
臧弘硫酸: there are not 或者 there 昂特

亳州市19667075852: there aren't是any还是some biscuits -
臧弘硫酸: biscuits['bɪskɪts]n.饼干( biscuit的名词复数 ); 软烤饼; 松饼(食用时常佐以肉汁); 如果是否定句,修饰词为:any. 原句意思是:这里没有饼干.

亳州市19667075852: there aren't怎么连读? -
臧弘硫酸: 连读时请在There 后加[ r],然后和aren't中的第一个音 [ a:]拼读即可.

亳州市19667075852: 用some或any填空.I'm goingg to the shopping mall.I need - _clothes.There aren't__shops near my house.  3.Have you got - _friends here?  4.Would you like... -
臧弘硫酸:[答案] 用some或any填空.I'm goingg to the shopping mall.I need _some_clothes.There aren't__any shops near my house.3.Have you got _any_friends here?4.Would you like_some_tea?Yes,please.5.Don't buy any _rice.W...

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