
作者&投稿:施削 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   Key Sentences(重点句子)

  427.Excuse me,is this the Gusu Travel Agency?


  428.What can I do for you,sir?


  429.Would you please tell me something about the city?


  430.It is called the Venice of the East because of its net work of canals.


  431.It is world-famous especially for its landscaped gardens.


  432.These gardens are not large but curious in their de-signs.


  433.They bring together the beauties of nature,architecture and painting.


  434.I'd like to take a one-day sightseeing tour around the city.


  435.They can give you further information.


  436.I really want to see these places:Zhuozheng Yuan Garden, Shizi Lin Garde, Hanshan Si Temple and Huqiu(Tiger Hill)。


  437.Do you have any tours that include all of them?


  438.How long does the tour take?


  439.What is the cost of the tour?


  440.it's ninety yuan, including lunch.


  Dialogue A

  Tourist:Excuse me,is this the Gusu Travel Agency?

  Agent:Yes,what can I do for you,sir?

  Tourist:I'm David Stone from America.This is my first trip to Suzhou.Would you please tell me something about the city?

  Agent:Certainly,Mr.Stone.Suzhou is a beautiful city.It is called the Venice of the East because of its network of canals,and it is world-famous especially for its landscaped gardens.There are about150 gardens in Suzhou.Some of them are more than1,000 years old.These gardens are not large but curious in their designs,and they bring together the beauties of nature,architecture and painting.

  Tourist:That's wonderful.I'd like to take a one-day sightseeing tour around the city.

  Agent:Fine,we have several.Here are the brochures.They can give you further information.

  Tourist:Thank you.Oh,I really want to see these places:Zhuozheng Yuan Garden,Shizi Lin Garden,Hanshan Si Temple and Huqiu(Tiger Hill)。Do you have any tours that include all of them?

  Agent:Yes,this one does.You visit Zhuozheng Yuan Gardenand Shizi Lin Garden in the morning.Right after lunch,the tour makes a stop at Hanshan Si Temple. Then the rest of the afternoon is spent at Huqiu.

  Tourist:How long does the tour take?

  Agent:About eight hours.The bus starts from here at 8∶30 in the morning.You should be back by 4∶30 in the afternoon.

  Tourist:What is the cost of the tour?

  Agent:It's ninety yuan,including lunch.

  Tourist:Are there any English-speaking guides?

  Agent:No,I'm afraid not.But we do have this guidebook.It is both in English and Chinese,and tells all about the places you'll be seeing.Please take it,free ofcharge.

  Tourist:Oh,that'll be very helpful.Thank you very much.

  Words and Expressions

  landscape vt.使自然美化(如加铺草


  architecture n.建筑

  brochure n.小册子

  temple n.庙,寺

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