
作者&投稿:幸蓝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





Anqing is a prefecture-level city in southwestern Anhui province, People's Republic of China. It borders Lu'an to the north, Chaohu to the northeast, Tongling to the east, Chizhou to the southeast, and the provinces of Jiangxi and Hubei to the south and west respectively.

The prefecture-level city of Anqing administers 11 county-level divisions, including 3 districts, 1 county-level city and 7 counties.

The city was founded during the Han Dynasty in the second century BC. In the Middle Ages it received the name of Anqing. From 1853 to 1861 it was held by the rebels of the Taiping rebellion. Several years later Anqing was a centre of the weapon industry.

The Zhenfeng Pagoda, dating built in 1570 during the Ming Dynasty, is located in Anqing on the banks of the Changjiang(Yangtze) river.
The Zhenfeng Pagoda is a pagoda first built during the Ming Dynasty in 1570. Due to its location near a bend of the Yangtze River, the pagoda was used as a lighthouse in the past, and contains niches for lanterns.After being built, the pagoda was initially called the 'Ten-thousand Buddha' pagoda due to its interior containing over six hundred Buddha statues.

Anqing is important for the industries of petrochemical, textile, automobile fittings, food and tea.

Anqing City in Anhui Province is located in the south-west, the north shore of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, is famous along the Yangtze River port city. There are "thousands of miles of this Yangtze River Lesch, Wu Chu-jiang first sub-state" of the name. Anqing Yangtze River is the first of a city, but also thousands of miles above the Yangtze River in Anhui section of a city, East and Chizhou City, Anhui Province, Tongling City, across the River, the south by the Yangtze River in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, connected with the Western community in Hubei Province Huang, Qi-chun, c Yingshan County, north Lu'an City, Anhui Province, Chaohu City. Anqing North Lungshan pillow, the south Yangtze River, according to Wan West River, the east Shitang, breaking all gang Lake, Lion, Phoenix Hill, Linghu Qin Lake mosaic, etc. During this period, the whole is like a big garden. Anqing is the country's major grain, cotton, oil, aquatic products and livestock and poultry production base in Anhui Province is an important petrochemical, automotive parts manufacturing and the textile processing industry base. The initial formation of the oil industry chemical, textile, building material, machinery, the four pillar industries. Anqing is the national garden city, the state historical and cultural city in China Excellent Tourism City.


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丘背厚朴: The differences of personality and concept To perfect our personality is an important part of the standard of mental health. First of all, the mainstream concept of personality differences: Chinese culture is effected very much by Confucius and ...

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