Try making a comples sentence from this:

作者&投稿:保霍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Can you make a sentence ____ this?~

Can you make a sentence _with_ this?

这句话的意思是make this sentence 和 use this word 都是由同一个人做的(都由主语来执行),由于这里是祈使句,我们就假设主语是you(当然he,she都行)吧。


She is a nice girl, sharing her kindness with those children.【-ing】
Being poor,he has to work hard.【-ing】

my sister Jane,12 years old now,likes music very much,went into town with her best friend Lisa this affternoon,hopeing to buy a new CD. Woried she can't afford it,so she asked if she could borrow some money from me, while my answer was only if she pay me interest!

My sister Jane is 12 year old now.She has a best friend called Lisa, they has gone into town this afternoon, hoping to buy a new CD.But worried she cant afford it, she asked if she could borrow money from me and i said only if you pay me interest.

嘉黎县19745822540: try to do sth.和try doing sth.的区别是什么 -
廖殃肺力: try to do sth.尽力去做某事(暗含做成某事) try doing sth尝试去做某事

嘉黎县19745822540: try to do sth.和try doing sth.的区别???? -
廖殃肺力: try to do 表面的意思是; 试着做某事儿,但实际上的意思是:努力想做成某事儿 比如,i tried to escape,but i failed. "我努力着想逃走,但是没有成功." 而try doing 表面意思也是: 试着做某事儿,但实际意思是:(为了达到另外的一个目的)...

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廖殃肺力: and you might not be with her in the future. But if such a person is called silly, I would rather be the first one and try to be such a fool and follyIf you knew she would be gone and still like her, you are a fool. If you knew that even you were with her, and you wouldn't be able to see her for a long time.正统的说法

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廖殃肺力: 填try doing 你的采纳我的动力 很高兴能够帮助你 应该填try making

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