
作者&投稿:军帝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



3.尽管知道“明天”在很多时候是一个安慰的词,但又总是很依赖别人或自己所承诺的“明天”。我们总是相信“明天”一定会很美好,一定会比今天亮丽,于是总是“明天”的美好在支撑我们认真的活在今天。我们去探望一个长期卧病在床的病人时常常会说:“没关系,好好养着,明天会好起来的!”其实我们知道那样的安慰好无力,而他尽管在心里也会感觉到这个希望的渺茫,但还是会很依赖这句话带给他的一线生机。就是一个“明天”的承诺,让一个长期承受着病痛非人折磨的人,也不曾轻易的去放弃,而在努力的珍惜着生命。 人生的路上,不可能总是一帆风顺,难免会遇到不如意的事情。坎坷、挫折和不幸总是会在不经意间,冷不丁给我们沉重的一击。我们会因此痛苦不堪、流泪不止甚至从此倦怠生命。是“明天”的承诺在前方向我们发出诱惑且耀眼的光芒,让我们在今天,对生活再次燃起希望的火苗。今天是阴雨绵绵,寒风瑟瑟,也许“明天”就会是一个阳光灿烂的日子,所以我们总是怀揣着梦想,充满自信的走向“明天”,尽管“明天” 也许会很遥远。但“明天”就是今天的希望,生活中很多美好的结局,往往缘于“明天”为我们的今天赋予了希望。“明天”总是让我们执着于今天,为了“明天 ”,今天,我们就对昨天的遗憾、疲惫、茫然和忧伤做最后的封存;为了“明天”,今天我们就不能允许自己处于顾影自怜可笑复可悲的境地。 “明天 ”尽管是看不见,摸不着,甚至到最后也可能如今天一样的虚空。但是今天我们累了,倦了,甚至要垮了,所以在当下,我们需要“明天”的出现。哪怕它如彩虹一般,只是在点缀我们空白、无奈的心灵。在我们孤独迷茫,困扰无助,失去方向的时候,“明天”就象妈妈永远为我们敞开的怀抱,是我们可以暂时休憩和停靠心灵的港湾。它为我们抚平心中的伤痛,安慰温暖我们的梦。它让昨天的伤痕不再在今天流血,让“明天”的希望,在今天重新为我们点燃生命的火焰。过去的眼泪和今天的嘴角无关,我们要让心灵在今天稍作休整之后,笑着走向充满着无限希望的“明天”。 “明天”就如一眼流动着不竭的泉水,总是在今天给我们源源不断的透支着梦想。在我们对“明天”的幻想中,它虽然暂时只是一个未知,但我们总是喜欢赋予“明天”无限的遐想。对“明天”的向往,会让我们在今天拥有激情,拥有快乐和幸福。每一颗在今天灰暗等待着的心灵,都会因为“明天”在前方发出的一丝光亮而心生激动。今天,我们不能没有对“明天”的憧憬,“明天” 是我们在今天赖以生存的动力和精神支柱。而“明天”的美好,要始于今天的努力,所以我们要抛弃犹豫和彷徨,告别忧郁和哀伤,不去在乎是否会成功,只要我们在今天努力了,“明天”就是我们人生的希望。 在心里默默的告诉自己:“明天”会有阳光划破云翳,蓝天依旧会有白云的缠绵,头顶也会有暖暖的风惬意的吹过。


I was born in Beijing and live in Beijing, and I love Beijing very much. When I heard that Beijing will have a chance to hold the 2008 Olympic Games I feel very happy and excited, and I hope I can do something useful to build Beijing into a beautiful and energetic city.
In the twenty-first century, environment is becoming more and more important, so we have "Green Olympic" as a slogan. Of course slogan is just a goal, the most important thing is we should do some things to make it true. Such as assort the trash, save the energy and so on. We are still students now, so we can't do anything really big. But if everybody does something good for our environment we could make Beijing more beautiful.

In fact the things we can do are easy. Like not littering the useless batteries everywhere, assort the trash which we want to throw away, and also protect the animals and plants around us, because they are important parts of the energetic Beijing.

Luckily I had a chance to take part in an activity that is we planted 5 trees in our campus. My classmates and I worked very hard. This activity doesn't only plant trees, but also contribute to our environment. Look at the trees, I believe, tomorrow there will be more trees and flowers standing in Beijing and give Beijingers a beautiful environment.

We are all Chinese people, live on the earth. We have only one capital, just like we have only one earth. If we don't beautify our environment, who will? Good environment depends on good human consciousness. We should say that protecting our surroundings is not easy. That's why I'm standing here to summon people do it.

The 2008 Olympics games is coming, this is a chance for us to show the good environment we have to other people. If we do from the bottom of our heart, Beijing's tomorrow will be more brilliant it will have blue skies, cleaner rivers. Who don't want Beijing to become more and more beautiful? If we do our best, tomorrow will be better!










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鄢陵县17383815853: 求关于明天会更好的英语演讲稿 -
校度丽泉: Youth Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life . Youth means a temperamental predominance of ...

鄢陵县17383815853: 上午好!同学们今天我演讲的题目是《明天会更好》用英语怎么说? -
校度丽泉: Good morning,classmates.Today I will give a talk on'Tomorrow is another day.'

鄢陵县17383815853: 请大家帮忙写一篇命题为“Yesterday,Today and Tomorrow”三分钟英语演讲稿,用于大学演讲比赛. -
校度丽泉: Yesterday was yesterday. It won't come back, but I still have today and tomorrow. Today is the very minute and second I have now. Yesterday has already past. We are looking forward to today and tomorrow.Today is the most important day ...

鄢陵县17383815853: 求一篇英语演讲稿,题目what's for tomorrow!
校度丽泉: hello , everyone here. today i like to give my presentation about today and tommorrow. we know that there are many discussions about the topic,which teach us to stress on today but not waste the time,tomorrow is far away, we need to do our task ...

鄢陵县17383815853: 明天要演讲,求一篇十分钟的英语演讲,什么题目都可? -
校度丽泉: 什么题目都可以?我靠nbsp;我明天也有个presentation,nbsp;跟你share一下吧2.MainBody1.2nbsp;Generalnbsp;IntroductionThenbsp;Appliednbsp;Mathematicsnbsp;programnbsp;atnbsp;thenbsp;Universitynbsp;ofnbsp;Calgarynbsp;...

鄢陵县17383815853: 求帮忙写一篇英语短文做明天的演讲. -
校度丽泉: Hello everyone.It's an honour to stand up here and say a few words in front of you all. As we all should know that today's topic is kind of a bit unusual. The title is "the end of the world"!Well, when you think of "armageddon"(the end of the world), ...

鄢陵县17383815853: 英语演讲短文 -
校度丽泉: The Monkey and the Peaches One day, a monkey was looking for food. He came to a fence. There were a lot of big peaches inside the fence. The monkey tried to get into. But he failed. At last, he found a hole in the fence. But the hole was ...

鄢陵县17383815853: 急求一篇英语小短文,有几个生词可以,明天要演讲,150词左右,好的+分请不要乱答!不要诗歌!翻译也要给哦 -
校度丽泉:[答案] summer vacation This is my summer vacation.I intend to finish the operation.Then,take a look at China's famous novel.Look at some day.Of course,also want to play with the computer,watch TV.Early every morning to get up and running to run,do other ...

鄢陵县17383815853: 帮我写一篇英语演讲稿,题目the happiest moment in my life,要求演讲时 -
校度丽泉: You must write yourself. Say what you want to say from the bottom of your heart. I believe you will get good grades.Fighting!

鄢陵县17383815853: 明天要演讲了 求一篇50字以上的英语故事短文(最好带上翻译)最后带一个问题
校度丽泉: Think it over……好好想想…… Today we have higher buildings and wider highways,but shorter temperaments and narrower points of view; 今天我们拥有了更高层的楼宇以及更宽阔的公路,但是我们的性情却更为急躁,眼光也更加狭隘; We ...

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