
作者&投稿:柴玛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Control youself
Challege youself
competition with myself

  Challenge yourself
  As we all know, life is full of challenges. Challenge to get into a good school, good college, good job, good position, everything. Some of them are long term, and are generally resolved as time passes. Some of them are short term, and need immediate attention, for example, to finish a very important assignment at school, or to get a job after graduation. Short term challenges create a sense of tension in us, and when they are achieved, we feel happy. They also keep us busy and minds occupied until they are resolved.

  However, what happens when there are no challenges? There is no tension, the mind gets free. Then we start thinking about doing new things we like in this free time. We go on vacation, eat good food, watch favorite movies, go partying with friends. However, there is still a sense of boredom. When you tell this to other people who are fighting with problems, they laugh on you. There are no problems in our life, which starts becoming a problem. There is nothing to look forward to, no big mountain to climb. Life becomes predictable. We cannot figure out how to get the zing back in life (and creating problems is not the answer).

  One solution is to create challenges for yourself, doing things that you always thought to be difficult or impossible to do. For example, playing a musical instrument, writing a poem, training for marathon, learning a new sport, or simply watching all the movies involving Woody Allen. These things may not be real challenges, but they surely brings hapiness back to the life when they are achieved. So whenever you think you are bored, take up something you have never done.

Version A:
Challenge Yourself in Your Life
Challenge yourself in your life .
If having the courage of daring to challenging yourself,a person can do everything in the world.
In America,a painting , where a boxer was tied lying,has been published on a magazine .And the title <<Suddenly ,you are the hardest defeated opponent >>,is worth affording to thought .
Once having a confidence ,a person will be in the possess of the volition .Actually,among the different people ,the difference between success and failure lie in the vollition difference .Therefore,once in the possess of the volition ,you will defeat various drawbacks on your own .
When requiring courage,you will defeat your recreancy.
When requring diligence,you will defeat your laziness.
When requiring probity,you will defeat your selfidh desire.
When requiring modesty,you will defeat your pride.
When requiring quiet,you will defeat your ficklenness.
In your life,the biggest challenge is to challenge yourself,for other enemies are easily defeated expect yourself.Once a writer says:"persuading yourself,is a triumph of wise;moving yourself,is a sublimation of your soul;conquering yourself,is a lifematurity."
If persuading,moving and conquering yourself,the person is going to defeat all the frustration ,including afflication and adversity.

Version B:
Challenge yourself !
As we all know, life is full of challenges. Challenge to get into a good school, good college, good job, good position, everything. Some of them are long term, and are generally resolved as time passes. Some of them are short term, and need immediate attention, for example, to finish a very important assignment at school, or to get a job after graduation. Short term challenges create a sense of tension in us, and when they are achieved, we feel happy. They also keep us busy and minds occupied until they are resolved.

However, what happens when there are no challenges? There is no tension, the mind gets free. Then we start thinking about doing new things we like in this free time. We go on vacation, eat good food, watch favorite movies, go partying with friends. However, there is still a sense of boredom. When you tell this to other people who are fighting with problems, they laugh on you. There are no problems in our life, which starts becoming a problem. There is nothing to look forward to, no big mountain to climb. Life becomes predictable. We cannot figure out how to get the zing back in life (and creating problems is not the answer).

One solution is to create challenges for yourself, doing things that you always thought to be difficult or impossible to do. For example, playing a musical instrument, writing a poem, training for marathon, learning a new sport, or simply watching all the movies involving Woody Allen. These things may not be real challenges, but they surely brings hapiness back to the life when they are achieved. So whenever you think you are bored, take up something you have never done.

Tour attractions, history, experience culture, close to nature and explore the mystery, to challenge themselves

英语演讲 题目:挑战
这次演讲主题是“挑战自我,奇夺前锋”首先我很佩服自己能够有勇气站在这里。古希腊哲学家德漠克里特有句名言:“所有胜利之中,战胜自己是最首要的,也是最伟大的胜利。”我站上来了,我认为自己站在这里是胜利的。 以前的我们都曾满怀憧憬的规划我们的大学生活,对于只有三年的我们,无论是升本,出来工作还是其它更多的...

英语翻译 : 永远充满活力 喜欢挑战自我 很好的锻炼自己
I'm always energetic, enjoy challange myself,锻炼自己英语中好像没有对应的概念

With the support of his belief that it is never too late to challenge oneslef, he succeeded eventually.

2. 关于运动会的口号8字含英语短语 1 Friendship first,competition second,race out of style,match the level2.团结拼搏,争创佳绩,飞跃梦想,超越刘翔2 unity and hard work,striving for success,leap dream,beyond the Liu Xiang3.挑战自我,突破极限,奋发拼搏,勇于开拓The 3 challenge ...

你想挑战吗?You wanna challenge and try?{很有美式味道的语气}


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