
作者&投稿:东方吕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

放下全世界去爱你loving you behind all world
雨水像我的心在哭泣crying heart like raindrops fall
满脑子的回忆回荡在每个夜里massive feelings walks around every night
想起我为你第一次为你剪的断头发i recall your broken hair my first time cutting
冤屈的流心啊what a innocent shooting star
就象爱情里的童话有情盛开无情融化like a love fable rising and melting
你离开了和你的落叶一同消失在天涯you vanished in anywhere with a leaf
无知年少啊爱情已留下伤疤young pains had made a love wound
迷路的流星啊what a lost shooting star
承受着命运的惩罚going under a penalty of destiny
不能与你完美无暇cannot fly with you
我放下全世界不顾一切的奔向你 forwarding you apart from world
我放下全世界不顾一切的爱着你 loving you apart from world
为什么你连头也不回的说要放弃 but you were gone without turning your back
是谁不懂珍惜 who is someone does not mean cherish
你离开了和你的落叶一同消失在天涯 you vanished in anywhere with a leaf
无知年少啊爱情已留下伤疤 young pains had made a love wound
迷路的流星啊 what a lost shooting star
承受着命运的惩罚 going under a penalty of destiny
不能与你完美无暇 cannot fly with you
我放下全世界不顾一切的奔向你 forwarding you apart from world
我放下全世界不顾一切的爱着你 loving you apart from world
为什么你连头也不回的说要放弃 but you were gone without turning your back
是谁不懂珍惜 who is someone does not mean cherish
我打开命运的变化change of destiny starts from me
你是否无悔的留下 will you stay without words
时空破碎我的自在 space cracks my exsit
为我的爱在祈祷吧 praying for my love
我放下全世界不顾一切的奔向你 forwarding you apart from world
我放下全世界不顾一切的爱着你 loving you apart from world
为什么你连头也不回的说要放弃 but you were gone without turning your back
是谁不懂珍惜 who is someone does not mean cherish
是谁不懂珍惜 who is someone does not mean cherish

自己都翻译的肉麻了 朋友祝福你

You had to fight to have the upper hand.





Notification way which you prefer
Notification through phone/email/SMS/email

Your prefered brands

Your prefered style


Your prefered color

The Information you want

New Release,Membership special,promotion info,other related info

1. Preferred contact method
2. Through telephone/email/text message/regular mail
3. Brands that you always purchase
4. Preferred style
5. Casual style, fashion style, elegant style, mature style and profession style
6. Preferred color


7. Information you would like to receive
8. New arrivals, Membership specials, promotions, and other related information

附注:“新品上市”是个固定词组,用于衣服方面一定要用new arrivals。上面有朋友说new release,也对,但那是用在游戏、电影方面。是不同的领域不同用法。

notification method you prefer

telephone notification, email, SMS, mail notification

the brands you often buy

the style you like

casual, fashional, graceful, mature, professional

the color you like

The notifying method that you prefer

Phone notification, e-mail, text message, mail notification

regularly preferred brands

favorite styles

casual, fashion, elegance, mature, professional

favorite colors

1: notice the way you want

2: NOTICE phone, e-mail, cell phone message, e-mail notification

3: always buy the brand

4: enjoy the style

5: leisure, fashion, elegant, sophisticated, professional

6: favorite color

这儿有一张我的全家福。Herer I have a family photo.(照片中)我们现在都在家里。(in the picture) we are all at home.在第一张照片里,我哥哥正在游泳池力游泳。in the first photo, my brother was swimming in the swmimming pool.我正在做作业。I am doing my homework.我妹妹正在讲...

Two a.m. and the rain is falling 凌晨两点 雨一直下 Here we are at the cross roads once again 我们又一次在这十字路口 You're telling me you're so confused 你告诉我你狠困惑 You can't make up your mind 你没法决定 This is meant to be you're asking me 这...


帮我翻译一下这些句子 谢谢啦!
这部电影在昨晚九点中结束了.3.One is in the middle,the other is in the front.(one...the other...:(表示两者中的)一个...另一个)一个在中间,另一个在前面.4.I should him round the city.(show sb.round:带某人参观某地)我应该带他参观这座城市.5.Albert promised to come.(...

你真的是越来越帅了! you are becoming more and more handsome.这真是要多差有多差! it would not be worse.我只是想告诉你,没有最差只有更差! i do wnana tell you, no could be worse.你真是丢人到家了! you are really disgraced.你真是太没出息(起子)了,简直就是饿死鬼投胎...

帮我翻译一下 下面的文字 谢谢

3.在该市,因吸毒和赌博而引发的罪行在发展,当地政府似乎找不出对付这一问题的办法。With the development of crime due to the drug and gambling in this city,the government seems can't find out the solution.4.在那些日子里,我能弄到什么就看什么,只要是英文写的 In those days,i read...

4、XXX是您的账号,请核对下。谢谢。XXX is your account number, please check it. thank you.这部分内容主要运用了一般现在时的知识点:表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性(即事实)的动作或状态,或者动作有时间规律发生的事件的一种时间状态。在英语语法中,“时“指动作发生的时间,”态“指...

谁能帮我翻译一下最新中小学生守则啊 ,谢谢


佛坪县13191811349: 帮我翻译一下,谢谢!!!(英语) -
宦慧古纯: Thank you for trusting me despite of my young age. (如果是求职,建议就只要Thank you for trusting me. 如果你不怕麻烦,一定坚持按字面翻译,就是Thank you for trusting me who has just come of age. ) I will not dispoint you or make you repent. (正式一点用repent,不然就用regret) I am waiting for the information from the bank.你为什么要问这么多遍?能不能帮我都采纳了?不然我会很难过的.

佛坪县13191811349: 帮我翻译成英文,谢谢! -
宦慧古纯: thanks, but i am very busy with my work in my shop so i have no time. can you tell me what kind of job it is.

佛坪县13191811349: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下!谢谢 -
宦慧古纯: 可以这样译:1.歌伴舞,song and dance(歌舞)dance with song(歌伴舞,注意dance在前,否则就成了舞伴歌),你看自己需要哪种(下同).2.大合唱,chorus(齐声唱)cantata(相互配合的合唱,如独唱+合唱+伴奏)3.诗歌联诵,poems and songs就行.4.让我们来欣赏,please enjoy...let's enjoy...5.有请……,please welcome...或now it's ...(for us).单从汉语来看,有不同意义的英语翻译,请楼主根据实际情况,结合括号的注释灵活应用.

佛坪县13191811349: 帮我用英文翻译一下 谢谢 -
宦慧古纯: 我恨你1.i detest you2.je te hais3.i hate you4.ich hasse dich 我恨你!我恨你1.I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU 我恨你,我恨你……召唤我1.i hate you, i hate you... call me 我恨你,我恨你……(语1.i hate you, i hate you... call me 争我恨你1.let me love you

佛坪县13191811349: 帮我翻译一下英语,谢谢
宦慧古纯: I only want to love you, just want to grasp you, do not want to give up, and don't want to let go 满意的话 望采纳

佛坪县13191811349: 帮我用英文翻译一下,谢谢.
宦慧古纯: Can.(人名)I really love you, I can give up everything for you. Believe me. 望采纳 谢谢

佛坪县13191811349: 帮我用英语翻译一下,谢谢了!
宦慧古纯: When building the MSN, want to improve English is now really had. I very thank him! He is Hong Kong people, so I won't because I understand word dictionary! Thank you!

佛坪县13191811349: 帮我翻译一下,谢谢 -
宦慧古纯: My name is XX. I was in Class 6, Grade 1 in high school. My final exam marks were not ideal. I only got 71. I like sports. My favorite color is blue. I am also very interested in English. I will work hard in Grade 2! (对老师您没什么意见这句话不太好吧...

佛坪县13191811349: 帮我翻译一下,谢谢 -
宦慧古纯: 想不起来Nine(9)的拼写(spelling)所以才这样.

佛坪县13191811349: 帮我翻译一下英语.谢谢 -
宦慧古纯: A:我是来道别的. B:你什么时候启程? A:我周日下午乘飞机回家. B:那么再见吧!后会有期! A:请别忘了代我向你的家人道别.A:对不起,我没听清你刚才说什么. B:我刚才说:“你需要帮忙么?” A:如果你不忙的话我希望你帮点小忙. B:需要我帮你叫车么?A:好久不见了,你过得很好吧! B:是啊,过去的几个月我在加利福尼亚. A:不错啊!具体去了哪儿呢? B:圣地亚哥.我昨天回来的.A:我想我该走了. B:这么快?为什么不再多呆会儿呢? A:我也想,但现在已经很晚了. B:哦,你得走了真是太遗憾了. A:感谢您的盛宴! B:很高兴你能喜欢!


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