
作者&投稿:支竹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

June the 9th was my birthday.I held a party and invited my best friend Judy.Judy took a present for me on that day.It was a oblong green backpack,40cm long and 30cm wide.I like it very much and I thanked Judy very much.I really had a great time on that day!

hi dear ,

How are you doing ?
Here we are going to have an international meeting , so we need 3 interpriter ,so I'm just thinking if you have time to do me a favor . As I know you are great in Chinese now , so I think it would be fun if you join us , to work together it would be too much appreciate . The meeting will be on March 4th to March 7th , but we should be there advance , from 8 am tp 6 pm , during this time have 2 hours for lunch . Also , we still need one more , so I'm wondering if you may ask your friend who at that time can join us .

thanks a lot dear ,I'm looking for your answer .

All my best ,

Fans is no longer a strange word for us because there are many of them around us. Ther are several reasons why people become fans .If they are crazy about some singers or movie stars . Maybe they like their appearance Enjoy their songs tand dances and appreciate their performing skills .Ifthey admire some ahtletes .Maybe they respect them for there perseverance and courage .Many people become fans .sincethey are attracted by someone They pay more attention to the stars they love and this makes their life more colorful .I would rather listen to some singers songs freely than focus on one of them .Being a fan alsl wastes time and engergy when you collect their CD records MTV and so on


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初三语文作文 篇3 因为孤独,我爱上读书 老师们、同学们: 大家好! 今天我演讲的题目是《因为孤独,我爱上读书》。 大家知道,我是一个性格内向、不善言辞、少言寡语的人。我常常觉得自己是离群的孤雁、落单的羔羊、异类的丑小鸭。所以,我没有朋友,没有闺蜜,没有铁杆。我的生活似乎没有朝气蓬勃的春天,没有欣...

这些美与不美的事物说出来是“语”,写出来的是“文”,语文就是生活,需要用心去理解,去感受,去热爱语文。 四年级语文作文 篇7 今天,我一大早起来,只见我的房间到处是一叠叠厚厚的纸,一看竟是高中的复习资料,再看看我,成了一个高中语文教师。 哇!一米八的个子,真酷!“咦!我成功了,终于是老师了,可是老师是...

作文评语,它就是架起老师与孩子沟通的桥梁。 4. 多一份期望,少一些空洞 “语句通顺”“主题明确”“结构完整”等等几乎成了作文评语的常用语。这些成人化的语句根本不符合孩子们的身心发展特点,起不了作用。 我们要求学生作文的语言要有个性,“用自己的话说话”,但学生很喜欢模仿。这也不失为一种好方法,让我...


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