
作者&投稿:吁丹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

O,people tell me Daffy,
They say that I am goofy,
I just con some happy,it's no final lony tony.(空)
O,when they say I'm nutty,
It's your gives me a pain.(空)
Please pass the ketchup,
I think it's going to rain.(空)
O,you can bounce some meatball,
Then try out with your might,/打开收音机(Turn on the radio,)我要放风筝(I want to fly a kite!)(空)再见我的朋友~(I'm leaving my friend~)(RAP) (完)

歌名:Lonely - 孤单
I'm Mister Lonely
I have nobody
for my own
I'm so lonely
I'm Mister Lonely
I have nobody
For my own
I'm so lonely
This one here, goes out to all my playas out there man
Ya know
That got that one good girl dawg
That's always been there man
Like, took all the bullshit
And then one day she can't take it no more and decide to leave
I woke up in the middle of the night and I noticed my girl wasn't by my side
Coulda sworn I was dreamin, for her I was feenin'
So I had to take a little ride
Back tracking on these few years
Tryin' to figure out what I do to make it go bad
Cuz ever since my girl left me
My whole life came crashin
And I'm so...
Lonely (So lonely),
Im Mister Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
For my own (to call my own)
I'm so lonely (So lonely),
Im Mister Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
For my own (to call my own)
I'm so lonely
Can't belive I had a girl like you and I just let you walk right outta my life
After all I put you through
You still stuck around and stayed by my side
What really hurt me is I broke your heart
Baby you a good girl and I had no right
I really wanna make things right
Cuz without you in my life girl
I'm so...
Lonely (So lonely),
Im Mister Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
For my own (to call my own)
I'm so lonely (So lonely),
Im Mister Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
For my own (to call my own)
I'm so lonely
Been all about the world
Ain't ever met a girl that can take the things that you've been through
Never thought the day would come where you would get up and run and I would be out chasing you
Cuz ain't nowhere in the globe I'd rather be
Ain't no one in the globe I'd rather see
Then the girl of my dreams that made me be
So happy but now so lonely
Lonely (So lonely),
Im Mister Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
For my own (to call my own)
I'm so lonely (So lonely),
Im Mister Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
For my own (to call my own)
I'm so lonely
Never thought that I'd be alone
I didn't think you'd be gone this long
I just want you to call my phone
Stop playing girl and come on home! (come on home)
Baby girl I didn't mean to shout
I want me and you to work it out

AkOn lonely



歌曲名:Old Macdonald Had A Farm
歌手:Michaela Strachan
专辑:Let S Have A Children S Party

Old MacDonald had a farm, e i e i o
And on his farm he had some cows, e i e i o
with a moo moo here and a moo moo there
here a moo there a moo
everywhere a moo moo
Old MacDonald had a farm, e i e i o
Old MacDonald had a farm, e i e i o
And on this farm me had some ducks, e i e i o
with a our our here and a our our there
here a our there a our
everywhere a our our
Old MacDonald had a farm, e i e i o
Old MacDonald had a farm, e i e i o
And on his farm he had some ducks, e i e i o
with a quack quack here and a quack quack there
here a quack there a quack
everywhere a quack quack
Old MacDonald had a farm, e i e i o
Old MacDonald had a farm, e i e i o
And on this farm me had some Cows, e i e i o
with a mu mu here and a mu mu there
here a mu there a mu
everywhere a mu mu
Old MacDonald had a farm, e i e i o

歌词 大概是 唔得呱 呱 呱呱呱呱呱呱 。。。。。。。。。。。

1. "人们叫我唐老鸭,唉咿唉咿哦,在牧场上有我的家,唉咿唉咿哦,每天呷呷叫,每天叫呷呷,呷呷叫,叫呷呷,每天起来呷呷。"改写:People call me Donald Duck, oh-oh-oh, I have a home on the farm, oh-oh-oh, I quack every day, quack-quack all the way, quack, quack, quack,...



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