
作者&投稿:郑义 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
牛津小学英语6A U6课文及翻译~

姆是本班上的新学生。他住在本的附近。本和吉姆放学后常常一起回家。今天,本正在拜访吉姆。他们在吉姆的房间里,正谈论有关本生日的一些事。 本:今天是几月几日,吉姆? 吉姆:十月十六日。 本:十月十六日?哦,我的生日就要到了。 吉姆:是吗?你的生日是什么时候? 本:是在十月十八日。你愿意(喜欢)来参加吗? 吉姆:当然。 本:太好了!你的生日是什么时候,吉姆? 吉姆:我的生日是在八月六日。 本:你通常举办一个生日宴会吗? 吉姆:是的。 吉姆:你想要什么作为生日礼物,本? 本:我想要一个悠悠球。 吉姆:好的,你也想要一张日本卡通的VCD光碟吗? 本:日本卡通?是的。我喜欢它们。 吉姆:你想看“阿拉丁”吗? 本:是的,我想,我们什么时候能看? 吉姆:让我们等着瞧。



UNIT6 is in 08:30 in the morning on Saturday , children are not at school today David calls GaoShan,they discuss plan on the weekend in course of You you are fond of being a high mountain well? Talk yes, please You intend to go to today why? This afternoon I and father intend to go to watch a Beijing opera Are you interested in? Yes, I am interested in we meet in garden theatre entrance at 01:30? What do you will intend to go to tomorrow do under asking about well passingly? Will have a concert to depend on school tomorrow, I will go to play the violin well Nancy needs to go to participate in the concert , the of course , he needs to go and play the piano. You are possibly what natural , I will compose in reply nancy Wang Bing , Liu Tao and Yang Ling Yi get up That is very good


你好 你好,是高山吗? 是的,请讲


你感兴趣吗? 是的,我感兴趣 1点30我们在花园剧院门口见面?

好的 顺便问下,你明天打算去干什么?明天有个音乐会在学校,

我将要去弹小提琴 好的


你想来吗 当然,我将和 nancy 王兵,刘涛和杨凌一起来


Is in 08:30 in the morning on Saturday , children are not at school today David calls GaoShan,they discuss plan on the weekend in course of You you are fond of being a high mountain well? Talk yes, please You intend to go to today why? This afternoon I and father intend to go to watch a Beijing opera Are you interested in? Yes, I am interested in we meet in garden theatre entrance at 01:30? What do you will intend to go to tomorrow do under asking about well passingly? Will have a concert to depend on school tomorrow, I will go to play the violin well Nancy needs to go to participate in the concert , the of course , he needs to go and play the piano. You are possibly what natural , I will compose in reply nancy Wang Bing , Liu Tao and Yang Ling Yi get up That is very good
你好 你好,是高山吗? 是的,请讲
你感兴趣吗? 是的,我感兴趣 1点30我们在花园剧院门口见面?
好的 顺便问下,你明天打算去干什么?明天有个音乐会在学校,
我将要去弹小提琴 好的
你想来吗 当然,我将和 nancy 王兵,刘涛和杨凌一起来

UNIT6 is in 08:30 in the morning on Saturday , children are not at school today David calls GaoShan,they discuss plan on the weekend in course of You you are fond of being a high mountain well? Talk yes, please You intend to go to today why? This afternoon I and father intend to go to watch a Beijing opera Are you interested in? Yes, I am interested in we meet in garden theatre entrance at 01:30? What do you will intend to go to tomorrow do under asking about well passingly? Will have a concert to depend on school tomorrow, I will go to play the violin well Nancy needs to go to participate in the concert , the of course , he needs to go and play the piano. You are possibly what natural , I will compose in reply nancy Wang Bing , Liu Tao and Yang Ling Yi get up That is very good


导语:每天我们都要吃东西,人是铁饭是钢,不吃一顿饿得慌,下面我带来牛津英语小学六年级下册第15课内容介绍,欢迎大家前来学习。The food we eat 我们吃的食品 [00:29.88]'What would you like for dinner tonight?'Mrs Li asks Kitty and Ben.[00:34.42]'今晚你想要什么样的晚餐? ' 李...

On Sunday morning, Su Hai went for a walk in the park. She met Ben and his cousin Jack. She was glad to see them. They sat down under a big tree and had a chat . Jack, this is Su Hai , She is my classmate. Su Hai , this is my cousin, Jack....



苏海:高兴见,杰克 杰克:好苏海 本:苏海有双胞胎妹妹名字叫苏阳 杰克:真们长得像苏海 苏海:杰克:和双胞胎妹妹样高?苏海:我比苏阳高 杰克:和苏阳谁年轻 苏海:苏阳比我小20分钟 杰克:真有趣我想有天能见见 苏海:有些弟弟或妹妹杰克 杰克:苏海:家里独生子女了 杰克:我妈妈说吉米也孩子 苏海:吉米谁 ...

Me too.There is a stamp show on Sunday.Let's go together.我也是。在周日有一个邮票展。让我们一起去。I have a friend.He likes collecting stamps,too.Can he go with us?我有一个朋友。他也喜欢集邮。他能和我们去吗?Sure!当然可以!如何学好英语:1、方法一:多看中英文对译的书籍。

PEP六年级(下册)四会单词词汇表 Unit 1:tall—taller更高的 short—shorter 更矮的 strong—stronger更强壮的 old—older 年龄更大的 young—younger 更年轻的 big—bigger更大的heavy—heavier 更重的 long—longer 更长的 thin—thinner 更瘦的 small—smaller (体型)更小的 U...

In china,drivers drive on the right side of the road.In the US,drivers drive on the right side,too.在中国,司机在道路右侧行驶。在美国,司机也在道路右侧行驶。In England and Australia,however,drivers drive on the left side the road.然而,在英国和澳大利亚,司机在道路的左侧行驶。If...

The blue and orange teams played hard.Now they are tired.Who won? asks Mr.Smith.Bob team won. says Li Ming . The orange team lost.That great . says Mr.Smith. Did you have fun watching the game?Yes,We yelled for Bob team . says Li Ming.Go,Bob.Go,Blue Team.We ...

你应该把这段对话打出来我们才能帮你翻译啊。。。诶 每个国家的交通信号灯都一样.总是有三种灯:红灯,黄灯和绿灯.红灯表示停,黄灯表示等待,绿灯表示

郎溪县19622392184: 牛津小学英语6B Unit6课文本人要把课文翻译下,懒得打上来, -
邰桦护康:[答案] UNIT6 在周六早上8点30,天气晴朗和温暖,儿童今天不上学 David正在打电话给高山,他们正在讨论周末的计划 是高山吗?是的,请讲 你今天打算去干吗?今天下午我和爸爸打算去看京剧 你感兴趣吗?是的,我感兴趣 1点30我们在花园剧院门口见...

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邰桦护康:[答案] 课文翻译 UNIT6在周六早上8点30,天气晴朗和温暖,儿童今天不上学David正在打电话给高山,他们正在讨论周末的计划是高山吗?是的,请讲你今天打算去干吗?今天下午我和爸爸打算去看京剧你感兴趣吗?是的,我感兴趣 1点30我们...

郎溪县19622392184: 牛津小学英语6A第6课课文是什么 -
邰桦护康:[答案] ti is the 18th of december. Christmas is coming.The teachers and the students are getting very excited.Today,Mr Green is ... Yang Ling :Yes,i did.It was beautiful. (汗!我可是把六年级的书找出来才打的哪!~·打得累死我了,一定要给我加分哪!·)

郎溪县19622392184: 牛津小学英语6bUnit6课文翻译 -
邰桦护康: 高山:爸爸和我打算下午去看京剧:当然了? 高山? 大卫.天气温暖而晴朗:当然!南茜明天也会在音乐会上演奏吗.孩子们今天不上学.他们谈论着周末的计划:你好:太棒了.大卫正在给高山打电话:是的,请讲.你明天想来吗? 高山. 高山:你好!是高山吗! 大卫周末计划 现在是周日早上的八点半. 高山:你今天打算做什么? 大卫、刘涛还有杨玲一起来.你想不想要加入我们:是的. 高山.我将会和王兵:那我们一点半在花园剧场前面见面怎么样:好的:顺便问一下? 大卫.她将会去弹钢琴,你明天打算做什么:明天下午学校会有一场音乐剧.我要去演奏小提琴? 大卫,我很乐意:太好了? 高山. 大卫. 大卫

郎溪县19622392184: 牛津小学英语6bUnit6课文翻译 -
邰桦护康: 周末计划 现在是周日早上的八点半.天气温暖而晴朗.孩子们今天不上学.大卫正在给高山打电话.他们谈论着周末的计划.高山:你好!大卫:你好!是高山吗?高山:是的,请讲.大卫:你今天打算做什么?高山:爸爸和我打算下午去看京剧.你想不想要加入我们?大卫:是的,我很乐意.高山:那我们一点半在花园剧场前面见面怎么样?大卫:好的.高山:顺便问一下,你明天打算做什么?大卫:明天下午学校会有一场音乐剧.我要去演奏小提琴.高山:太棒了!南茜明天也会在音乐会上演奏吗?大卫:当然.她将会去弹钢琴.你明天想来吗?高山:当然了.我将会和王兵、刘涛还有杨玲一起来.大卫:太好了!

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邰桦护康: Dear MikeHow are you? I had a wonderful holiday at Easter. I went to the park with my friends. We met at eight o'clock at the school gate. We went to the park by bus. It was a beautiful day. We sat under a big tree and had lunch there. We ate a lot and...

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邰桦护康: c2:A:Touch your knees with your hands five times.B:All right.c3: A:Turn left and right seven times.B:All right.c4:A:Lie on your back and lift up your legs eight times.B:All right.d1:The boy is standing on the man's shoulders.d2:The girl is sitting on the ...

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