请根据以下要点,为小说"The million pound bank note"写一篇故事梗概

作者&投稿:韦宏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
书面表达。 请根据以下要点,为本单元课文“The Million Pound Bank Note”写一篇故事梗概...~

One possible version: An American named Henry Adams lands in London by accident. He has no money on him and is wandering on the street when he is stopped by two old and wealthy brothers,Roderick and Oliver. To see whether a man with only a million pound bank note can survive a month in London,the brothers make a bet and give Henry an envelope with the big note in it. Henry,without opening the envelope, comes to a restaurant,where he is treated coldly by the waiter because he is in rags. When Henry takes out the million pound bank note from the envelope, both the waiter and the owner are shocked. Immediately, they change their attitude towards Henry,trying to be as good as they can to him.

the American named Henry Adams arrived in London by accident. Meanwhile不管是哪个,你连这个也不会么? 《百万英镑》讲述了一位美国穷小子


Having not a penny in hand, the American named Henry Adams arrived in London by accident. Meanwhile, the two millionaires Roderick and Oliver were betting on whether a people with a million pounds only can live in London for a month. Consequently, they pitched on Henry to make an experiment. Henry went into a restaurant with an envelope with the money inside, given no notice at first, Henry got a hot ingratiation after the shop assistant and shopkeeper realized that the poor-looked man had lots of money.

1. Henry Adams American accidents came to London, penniless 2. Old millionaire brothers Oliver and Roderick bet, just watch a person of one million pounds of bank notes can live a month in London, they selected 3 experiments Henry. Henry, with one million pounds with an envelope of money into a restaurant, shop, shop owner turns a blind eye to every possible way from among high ranking.

  • 1.美国人henry adams意外来到伦敦,身无分文。2.富翁roderick 和oliver兄弟俩打赌看仅有一百万英镑钞票的人能否在伦敦生活一个月,他们选中henry实验



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虎丘区19167917522: 请根据以下要点,为小说"The million pound bank note"写一篇故事梗概 -
郸元麝香: Having not a penny in hand, the American named Henry Adams arrived in London by accident. Meanwhile, the two millionaires Roderick and Oliver were betting on whether a people with a million pounds only can live in London for a month. ...

虎丘区19167917522: 写小说的基本要素有哪些? -
郸元麝香: 通常小说有三要素:人物,故事情节,环境(自然环境和社会环境). 不过从写作角度而言,我建议将写小说分为两大要素:设定与内容. 如果把小说比作一棵大树,小说的设定就象大树的树干,而小说内容,如同其繁茂的枝叶, 小说设定也...

虎丘区19167917522: 小说3要素 -
郸元麝香: 小说三要素中最重要的要素是情节,人物,环境. 小说是以刻画人物为中心,通过完整的故事情节和具体的环境描写来反映社会生活的一种文学体裁. 小说反映社会生活的主要手段是塑造人物形象.小说中的人物,我们称为典型人物;这个人...

虎丘区19167917522: 小说的基本要素
郸元麝香: 时间,地点,人物,情节,环境.其中情节还可分为六部分,环境可分为自然环境和社会环境,人物描写也可通过各种细节丰富人物形象.呵呵,有不懂的地方请继续发问~ sorry sorry ,小说的要素只有三个呢,人物、情节和环境~

虎丘区19167917522: 考考你:什么是小说呀?组成小说的要素是什么?
郸元麝香: 小说三要素:人物、情节、环境. 小说就是包括这三个要素的文章吧.

虎丘区19167917522: 一部好的小说应具备哪些要素 -
郸元麝香: 人物设定要选取对文章最有利的角度(这一点在穿越和古代小说里更为重要) 情节和内容上一定要丰富(不一定要多灾多难,但一定不要太过平凡,而且在情节的转变上绝对不可以太过唐突,那样会显的作品太不成熟,而且大多数读者也不愿接受) 环境比起前两者倒不是特别重要,要根据情节的发展适当选择,不要太过离谱就好

虎丘区19167917522: 小说必备三要素 -
郸元麝香: 小说是以刻画人物为中心,通过完整的故事情节和具体的环境描写来反映社会生活的一种文学体裁.小说有三个要素:人物、故事情节、环境(自然环境和社会环境).小说反映社会生活的主要手段是塑造人物形象.小说中的人物,我们称为典...

虎丘区19167917522: 小说的三要素是哪三要素??? -
郸元麝香: 人物(根据能否表现小说主题思想确定主要人物) 情节(开端 /发展 /高潮 /结局 ) 环境(自然环境/ 社会环境.)

虎丘区19167917522: 小说的三要点请填空 -
郸元麝香: 小说的三要素:人物形象,故事情节和环境描写 小说塑造人物的方法、方式有如下几种:肖像描写,心理描写,行动描写,语言描写,细节描写.正面描写(直接描写),侧面描写(间接描写).

虎丘区19167917522: 小说写作技巧及注意事项和写小说的手法 -
郸元麝香: 从头开始说吧 第一步 把小说发到网上 进入网站 注册账号 申请作者资格 创建新书 粘贴到里面 ---------------------------- -------------------------- 下面当赠品 第二步 你该注意的写小说要点以下: 1、文笔2、故事(要有新意)3、世界观4、宣传5、选材6、...

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