
作者&投稿:万杭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

浸泡式学习方法国际音标学习方法自然拼音法学习方法浸泡式英语学习是在找不到一种正确的学习方法而采用填鸭式的教学手段,学生不能直观的了解到接受知识的程度。国际音标是传统的一种英语教学方法,但是鉴于48个标准音的难度,容易导致形成哑巴英语现像,因此近年来国际音标已经退出中小学课本! 自然拼音法”是根据语言发音的自然规则归纳而成的一种发音学习,但是不够系统,被外界所诟病的就是,对于相对长的单词、复杂的单词就不适用了,而且缺少很多规律和法则的传授。 欧美的语言学家们也承认,目前还在传授和研究自然拼读法的专家或者老师们,他们实际上想传授“表音密码”。表音密码从学习内容上,比自然拼读法更加系统,内容更加丰富,具体来说呢,就是自然拼读法教会五部分内容,包括字母名,字母声,辅音,元音字母组合。而表音密码所传授的内容包括七部分知识,七部分能力,囊括所有自然拼读法的知识内容。除此之外,还有468个不间断音的学习,5大类60种常用后缀的学习,另外还有表音密码的七步语言处理流程,百万单词的重读音节发音规律,弱读音节发音规律等等诸多内容,无论长短单词,都可以适用,经过统计,适用率高达97.4%。可以说比自然拼读法的内容要翔实许多。而且根据很多家长的反应,他们的孩子学过自然拼读法,但是遇到单词仍然不会拼读的情况还是很多,依然是用死记硬背的方式记忆单词,他们认为表音密码的知识体系确实更加系统,内容更加完整

第三,一定要说出来,大胆说出来,错了也没关系,大学一般都有english corner,那里有语言环境,一般有外国人,大胆跟他们交流,他们很愿意,而且不会笑你。

Hi Jane,
Care to do some tree planting with us this Sunday? Might be interesting -- if you like trees or planting, that is.
Ok, so much for the kidding. I would be really happy if you can come to our tree-planting. A lot of the class will be going and it will be a lot of fun. At least it will be much more fun than just digging holes. And it's quite meaningful. The world can always use a little bit more green, can't it?
Really looking forwards to your coming!
Li Hua

Hi Jane,
Care to do some tree planting with us this Sunday? Might be interesting -- if you like trees or planting, that is.
Ok, so much for the kidding. I would be really happy if you can come to our tree-planting. A lot of the class will be going and it will be a lot of fun. At least it will be much more fun than just digging holes. And it's quite meaningful. The world can always use a little bit more green, can't it?
Really looking forwards to your coming!
Li Hua

Dear Michacl
We are so glad that you want to join us in our activities on Tree-planting Day. We will meet at the school
gate at 7 30 in the morning and then take the bus to where trees are to be planted in the country.Don'tbe
Planting trees on Tree-planting Day is meaningful, but that's not enough. Not until everyone realizesthe
urgency and importance of tree-planting will our world be kept green and beautiful.So in theafternoonwe
will pay a visit to local families, trying to raise their environmental awarencss so that they will take positive
actionto protect nature. I'm sure you will have a wonderful day.



Dear Kate,I'm glad to receive your letter. You said that you had a toothache because you liked eating sweet food especially chocolate and candy. Let me give you some advice:First, don't eat too much chocolate and candy.Second, brush your teeth every morning and evening.Thir...

When the teachers know how the students react about their teaching methods, they can make some adjustion and do better in the following. As teachers, of course they will think they are teaching well, but for most students, they will think what the teachers said is boring. So ...

非常急 很急 非常急 很急 一篇英语作文 假设你是学生会主席
The lecture Ladies and gentlemen,Please!Our school will hold an English lecture,the topic is Differences between AE and BE,the main content are 3 parts of aspects。Such as Season,the AE fall is of BE autumn,color、center and traveler is of colour、centre and trareller。And...

7. 以我的启蒙老师为题写一篇作文 我们老师姓李,女老师 我是三年级转 还有我想对董老师说:如果说我是展翅飞翔的小鸟.李老师的字也写的很棒,是我们的语文老师,但是课堂外她就不严了,我曾记得她以前常与我们一起聊天、谈心,就如“大事化小,那你就是鼓振我翼翅的风,小事化了.”一样. 我会记起这一次的小...


May our friendship last till the end of the universe.! Yours, Wang Ping 试题分析:考查提纲类作文写作,重点考查考生的书面表达的能力。毕业留言的话题应该是中学生熟悉,有话可写的素材,因此难度并不大。把握三个要点:1.简要表述李华在你心目中的印象;2.用一到两个相关的事例进行具体描述...

显然,李叔叔生气了:“你,不知好歹!哼!”一扭头就走了。 这时,我站起来对父亲说:“爸爸,你真伟大!” 八年级语文作文 篇2 时间如梭,转瞬即逝。时间对我们而言非常珍贵。时间赢来知识,一个月过去了,教学情况如何,现借月考这个契机,作一详细分析。 一、试题特点 本次试题考试范围为八年级语文1、2单元,满分120...

Dear Professor Li,I am pleased to inform you that we are organizing an academic exchange conferenceentitled "Cultural China" on December 13th in kunming.You are invited to participate in this important academic event as our guest.Your round trip air ticket,accommodation and meal ...

老师说;“我又没打骂你,你哭什么,我叫你来是让你认识到自己的错误,下次再考好点不就好了。”我听了老师的话就暗下决心一定要考个好成绩。 这就是我的“两味”老师。老师你想知道她是谁吗?他就是我的李老师,一个幽默风趣,和蔼可亲的李老师。 我的语文老师六年级作文12 我班的语文老师,长得眉清目秀。

显然,李叔叔生气了:“你,不知好歹!哼!”一扭头就走了。 这时,我站起来对父亲说:“爸爸,你真伟大!” 八年级语文作文 篇2 科目:作文 章节: 课题:《黄河游记》 总课时编号: 主备人:武瑞平 备案时间: 实施人: 实施时间: 班级: 姓名: 所属小组: 《写作目标》 1、掌握“定点观察”、“移步换景”、“...

宿迁市15919181553: 英语作文 假如你是李华,周日和朋友去郊游的有关内容,要有出发和返回时间,地点,出行方式,活 -
鲁致永新:[答案] Last Sunday i had gone picnic with 3 of my friends at the beach at west coast park. It was a great day and we really had much fun. Despite the scorching hot sun, we played beach volleyball and rugby o...

宿迁市15919181553: 英语作文,假设你是李华打算本周日和同学们去植树,给你在校就读的美国交换生Jane写电子邮件邀请参加 -
鲁致永新: Hi Jane, Care to do some tree planting with us this Sunday? Might be interesting -- if you like trees or planting, that is. Ok, so much for the kidding. I would be really happy if you can come to our tree-planting. A lot of the class will be going and it will ...

宿迁市15919181553: 英语作文 假如你是李华,打算和父母一起到另一座城市过周末.请你给一家酒店写一封e - mail预定两酒店. 要求如下:1.周六上午到达,周日下午离开 2.要求... -
鲁致永新:[答案] Water is the most valuable resource on the earth. Water is the necessity of our life and we must drink it everyday. Now, many people can not drink clear water, because many of them are badly polluted....

宿迁市15919181553: 用英文写一篇请假条假设你叫李华,本周日上午你班的外教要组织你们进行一次户外郊游活动,但你昨天下午打篮球时扭伤了脚,医生建议静养休息,为此... -
鲁致永新:[答案] Sep.1 Dear Mr.Smith, I'm sorry I can't go to school today. I went to play basketball yesterday afternoon.Unluckily, I Sprained my ankle, but I wasn't badly hurt. The doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. So I ask for a leave for today's travel. ...

宿迁市15919181553: 高考一调中,英语作文:假设你是李华,下周日是你18岁生日,父母为你举行生日晚会,邀请你刚好在本市上大学的美国朋友Tom.1,询问Tom的生活和学习... -
鲁致永新:[答案] Dear Tom: how are you? I am having a birthday party last saturday and would like to invite you to come along. I am turning eighteen, which is a big turning point in my life and would want all my friends and family to be there to share this special moment. ...

宿迁市15919181553: 关于英语作文 假设你叫李华,你的一位朋友john刚从国外归来,邀请你参加本周日在他家.假设你叫李华,你的一位朋友john刚从国外归来,邀请你参加本周日... -
鲁致永新:[答案] Dear John, I'm so glad to hear that you've come back from aboard. I miss you so much, however, i have to say sorry as i cannot attend your party to be held on Sunday. The college entrance eamination is coming. As you know, i want to be admitted to ...

宿迁市15919181553: 假设你是李华,正在美国的某高中做交换生.算上标题,你打算利用周末举办一次“传播中华文化”的活动.请根据下列提示,给你所在学校的校长MR.Smith... -
鲁致永新:[答案] Spread the Chinese cultureHello, respect of MR SMUTH, principal, we will hold an activity to spread of Chinese culture, the purpose of this activity is to students know more about China and Chinese cu...

宿迁市15919181553: 写一篇英语作文:假如你是李华,星期天是你的生日,你想邀请大明来参加你的生日晚会,请你写一封50词左右的邀请信给他. 回答好的话必采纳!!! -
鲁致永新:[答案] Dear Daming can Next sunday is my birthday.i`m happy to inviet you to come to my birthday party.Would you like to come to my party?i miss you a lot,we will have a lot of games on my party,also we will eat a lot,such as birthday cake,beef and so on.i hope...

宿迁市15919181553: 英语作文:内容:假如你是我校学生会主席李华,计划在周末组织同学们到乡下慰问"留守儿童"left - behind children" .请你根据下列提示,给国际学校的学... -
鲁致永新:[答案] we will be so happy if your school students could be accepted our invitation to visit them with us.Here are the activity subjects: a. we will show our love to those children by sending some presents (...

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