
作者&投稿:华素 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Here the geographical conditions, gives birth to maturity very good grapes, where the wine there is nothing comparable to this, people here romantic passion, in this kind of advantage, France is a very good investment wine country

Objectively speaking, for each person to study abroad as well as every family is a major decision. Should first ask ourselves some more Why: Why should I go? I look forward to from the study of what? I want to study the cost will be worth it? I am studying it right now?
CONSULTATION often said simply: people are leaving the country, and I would also like to go out, it was said that I want immigrants, or to answer my stay at home and so on have been boring, I usually think of everyone's life so important to study not given fully taken into account.
Why do I want here to study abroad for a number of reasons, wish to make a decision in the U.S. before careful consideration.

First, life experiences

First of all, students are no doubt a life experience, this experience has been you are unable to experience at home. I often say that students learn not only technical knowledge, but also to understand and integrate into Western society as an important channel. Things outside the study, the students form a complete personal outlook on life, world outlook and values are very important.
Modern information society is already very advanced, you may find in the media, the Internet can be seen that the developed countries on all, is perfectly conceivable to be in foreign countries is how to live. But this imagine you do with the actual life in foreign countries are different. Breathing fresh air, experience concern for the humanities, it will be unable to follow the example of you at home, unable to experience a taste. As we have seen countless scenes of the series love story, but only the actual experience of our love, to realize that one of their own brilliant and helplessness.
Living abroad will greatly broaden your horizons, experience the true multi-cultural, exercise independent thinking and the ability to cultivate calm and face the mentality of win and fail, and help you to view a more comprehensive understanding of human nature and society, but also let you more care and love of our homeland.

Second, language
Needless to say this, read the two years in Australia after high school, no matter the other how to grade homework, at least the level of English can reach the level of English graduates. Study English in China, may be to deal with a number of examinations (including IELTS, TOEFL, etc.) can be very high fraction, but the ability to use language in the domestic environment more difficult to break. Of course, I say this is a reasonable assumption that you are abroad with local teachers, students and the community have adequate access to and exchange, rather than the whole day together with the Chinese students.

Third, the opportunity to attend the world famous
When I recommend a time when the University, a very common problem is the question what the school is equivalent to the grade of the Chinese University. Well, I wish to quote the evaluation of universities.
Shanghai Jiaotong University recently has a global ranking of 500 universities, National Chiao Tung University to the U.S. can be found on the web. In Australia, for example, the Australian National University ranked No. 49, Melbourne University, ranked 92; 201-250 spaces at Tsinghua University, and Fudan University is ranked between 301-350. Peking University Press has published a "world famous Kam", the book lists all the country schools, for example, are listed in the United States Harvard, MIT, Stanford and so on, are listed in the United Kingdom Oxford, Cambridge, Australia is listed Australian National, Melbourne. Unfortunately, the book does not relate to Chinese schools, it appears that the author did not think China has also called a world famous university.
This study therefore also provides an opportunity for a school to allow you the opportunity to study the world.

Fourth, the opportunity to select major
This has two meanings, one of the major foreign universities to open very wide at home or a lot of major gaps, or the domestic equivalent of foreign professionals are not generally recognized, including a typical clinical medicine and the legal profession. If you want to practice in foreign countries, then the only choice you get a degree abroad. Two are in China, when the majority of graduate student applicants are still required undergraduate major of the same background, then go abroad read more flexible master's degree, no academic examinations, but also more convenient to major. For instance, English major graduates can apply for accounting, education, media and even IT professionals - this at home is almost impossible.


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girl.我对你坦诚相待,所以请好好照顾你自己,也请好好照顾Weina,她是个好女孩。If you listen to me, you are on the way to become adult...which is not an easy way, but it worth to try...如果你听我的话,你就会慢慢长大成人... 这成长的道路是艰难的,但这值得一试......

帮忙翻译一下《相见欢 朱敦儒》
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汾西县19715913457: 帮帮忙,翻译一下 -
舌婉宫血: 英语就是 Nothing special has happened these days. Everyday I either took classes at school or slept in my dormitory.This is my high school life.

汾西县19715913457: 帮帮忙用英语翻译一下
舌婉宫血: There are advantages and disadvantages for internet shopping; It is not only convenient due to its 24/7 business hour and no waiting in line but also cheaper. On the other side, we might be cheated because there is no way to check the item in ...

汾西县19715913457: 帮帮忙翻译下英文.
舌婉宫血:有些事,是做给一个人看. Some things, is for a man to see.

汾西县19715913457: 帮忙用英语翻译一下“尽可能多地练习使用英语”这句话!帮帮忙吧~~ -
舌婉宫血:[答案] Practise using english as more as you can.

汾西县19715913457: 帮帮忙吧 英语翻译 急~!!! -
舌婉宫血: Because artificial hunts and kills the wild animal to injure accidentally the national treasure panda, is the 21st century affects the panda survival the primary cause. the panda luck survival world's critical condition is causing various countries anxiety ...

汾西县19715913457: 帮帮忙翻译一下~~~~~~~, -
舌婉宫血: 他会唱许多英文歌. 如果没有水或空气,人们不能生存. 有时这个老人很怪诞. 他的声音总是很模糊. 地球上三分之二被水覆盖着.

汾西县19715913457: 帮帮忙.翻译一下.英文.
舌婉宫血: Leave it alone! I have my own world, my own life.

汾西县19715913457: 帮帮忙,用英语翻译一下
舌婉宫血: My dream is to be a singer, because I feel that I have the strength, in order to realize my dream, I will study hard to sing, listen to songs, and then learn more, I believe I will succeed!!! Come on.

汾西县19715913457: 英语翻译帮帮忙吧
舌婉宫血: 1. I will dress casually on weekends. 2. Do you know what will Tom be after ten years? 3. We believe that people will have a robot at home in the future. 4. Scientists nowadays are inventing robot that it's appearance is similar to human beings, doing the similar things to us.

汾西县19715913457: 帮帮忙吧,翻译一下
舌婉宫血:Only you can give me power

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