
作者&投稿:丁阅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




A:Who is your best friend, Connie?
B:Because she likes to do the same things as I do. (1)_We are both good at drawing__.
(因为她喜欢做和我一样的事。 我们都很擅长画画)
A:Are you good at drawing, but I think (2)_______ than me.
(你擅长于画画吗?但是我认为 比我。)
A:(3)_Are you popular than her__?
B:No, I'm not. She's more popular than me. However, we're both outgoing. (4)_Who's your best friend_?
(不。她比我更受欢迎。不过,我们都很开朗 你最好的朋友是谁?)
A:My best friend is Harry.
B:Is he the same as you?
A:No, he isn't. (5)_______. He always makes people laugh. But I'm more serious. However, people say that we look the same.
(不。 他经常使我笑。但是我更严肃。然而,人们说我们看起来像。)

1、What can I do for you?
2、What size does he take?
3、What about this one?
4、How much is it?
5、I will take it.

考察应试者对英语语言的把握,考察考生对英语日常交流的理解能力。补全对话中最重要的一个解题技巧就是上下句呼应原则,具体表现为三种规律:一、在购物场景中最常考察的是颜色、价格、大小三种提问方式,通常是给出答案而考察疑问句,所以同学们需要记住,提到了red, green, yellow等颜色的句子对应的疑问句...

如何做好补全对话题 补全对话题答题步骤
还要验证。这时同学要再认真仔细地阅读全文,对所有的答案逐个再做一次复检,细心审查,注意细枝末节,纠正包括大小写、标点、时态、语态及表达法等在内的任何错误,只有耐心细致,才能确保万无一失。四步解题法:审题︱试填︱确定︱验证(举例一补全对话题)目的说明四步解题法在实例中的运用 ...

A:Hello!May I( speak to )Bill , please?B:Speaking!A:Hi , Bill!This is Jane speaking.B:Hello!What's up?A:I called you yesterday,but nobody( answered ).Where did you go?B:I went to the World on Water with my parents.A:Really?( how is it )B...

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对话大意:“我们”邀请Mary 参加新年晚会。1. 选 C.这从下句的答语 I‘d like to. 可知此空应是一个表示邀请的句子(另外 对话的中心及大意也可看出)。2. 选 B.假若仅从上文来看, 此题似乎应选 D, 但这与下文表地点的答语 In the classroom. 显然对不上号。正因为下文这个答语 In...

小题1:B小题2:F小题3:G小题4:E小题5:C 试题分析:小题1:此题考查情景交际,根据上文I...I just can’t stand that terrible driver. He is so...看出这个人很生气,情绪一定很激动,对方让他喝点东西来缓解紧张情绪小题2:此题考查情景交际,根据答语Yeah, much better.可知问...

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1.Are you going to Hollywood(根据上下文看出A在询问地点,而B回答的是去哪并且不去哪,略去了否定回答:No,I am not.)2.What will you do here(表示将来要干什么)3.When will you go there(B说他要在读完高中及其大学再走,反推为A在询问时间)4.Hope you success(虽然你原题上是问号...

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小题1:What’s wrong with you?\/ What’s the matter with you?小题2:Can you give me some advice?小题3:Good idea!小题4:What were you doing at that moment?小题5:Would you like to help me with my English? 试题分析:小题1:根据答语I have trouble learning English.和...


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堂昂捷芝: 为你解答.1. Do you know anything about China?2. it has the largest ...3. What's it famous for?4. How long is it?5. I hope to visit the Great Wall ...

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堂昂捷芝: 1 what were you doing 2 did you take your own shopping bag ? 3 what will you do tomorrow ? 4would you like to join us ? 5 when and where shall we meet ? 望采纳^_^

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堂昂捷芝:[答案] 1bus 2bike 3at 4walk 5is 1 dangerous to 2 thinking about 3 for example 4 turns to 5 Compare with

香格里拉县18059434105: 英语 补全对话 Teacher:You look worried,Liu Gang.Boy英语 补全对话Teacher:You look worried,Liu Gang.Boy:So I do,Ms Chen.①__________.Teacher:What's ... -
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香格里拉县18059434105: 英语,补全对话٩(๑^o^๑)۶ -
堂昂捷芝: 补全对话:1What's your plan?2Why do you go to London?3Who will go with you?4No,thank you.5Greatly,you are so nice.

香格里拉县18059434105: 英语,补全对话
堂昂捷芝: watch sounds kind because they terror(恐怖) action movie exciting Opera action movies

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