
作者&投稿:保洋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

anyway example: 反正总有一天是要倒台的,现在该是作好准备的时候了。 It will fall one day anyway , and this is the time to prepare

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Qiao Hoover left a village of people go to a crossing of the Government to set up mobile camps for farm workers. Since they came to California after Qiao This is the family that they were first treated as a person.

However, the environment has finally forced the family to leave the camp because it can not find a job in this region. They drove to the labor required is a large farm. Where they found someone in advocacy, do not want to discourage persons Shanggong, because farms do not give a fair wage. However, one only fill the stomach of the Qiao family, but on a motorcycle by a police escort to enter the Farm.摘桃子family, one-fifth of the money box, but can only do the whole day money to buy a meal. Tom think of at the camp outside the strike pickets, and about taking advantage of the situation go out the night away. He met Casey, now Casey is already a leader who encouraged the family. They speak the time being, the search for Casey has been surrounded by the security team.夺路two escape, but unfortunately身陷重围. Casey was killed who die, Tom got his head knife, but he finally斧柄first team down a law and order. Tom put the family in possession in the shanty. During this period, the wages摘桃子fell two and a half a box. Tom's a dangerous situation, they can not simultaneously maintain摘桃子livelihood, so the family had no choice but to re-Qiao road, the injured Tom hiding in the back of the truck under the mat.

Finally, the family saw a group of displaced persons at a small river a few years abandoned boxcar camped. Them to join the group soon found a temporary job摘棉花. Tom Ma Qiao aware of the situation of insecurity, to pass him on the go.

Rain started. Shortly afterwards, the operation flow of the river and next to widespread, diffuse into the boxcar. Simply live in such circumstances, Sharon Rose gave birth to an infant. The water rose up so that the family can not stand. Days of heavy rain so that they car is useless to the old car, a person had no choice but to leave the camp on foot. They passed a barn, where they at him with a boy and his father are crowded with people who suffer from hunger. Sharon lost his own roses with baby's milk to feed her that the man is going to starve to death. The poor is at the Great Depression years of the相依为命.


The joads left hooverville and went to a government for transient agricultural workers set up camp. Since they had arrived in California, the joads first time they treated as human beings.

However, the environment from forcing the last camp, because the area is to find a new job. They drove to a farm worker is needed. There they found someone in publicity, want not to dissuade refugees, because the farm house to pay is not fair. However, all consider only fill the stomach the joads by riding a motorcycle, but the police escort the farm. The peach, five cents a vintage, but do all day of money can buy a meal. Tom in the camp of the outside pickets, while sneaking out for the night. He met k, k now is the chief motivator. Both of them are talking, was always in search of k surrounded by public security team. They fled, but unfortunately cries in siege. Cayce was dead, Tom head to achieve a knife, but he managed to use his axe down a security team. The family took Tom hid in the shack. During this time, the peach wages fell two and a half a tank. Tom's dangerous situation, at the same time, it can be maintained and pick the peach, the family life, so the road again, to the injured Tom hid behind the mat underneath in trucks.

Finally, the man saw a group of refugees in a small river cars abandoned boxcars set in. They joined the camp and soon found temporary jobs picking cotton. Ma, realizing that Tom was not safe, and sent him away.

Rain started. Soon, which ran beside the, entered the boxcars. Under these all but impossible conditions, rose of Sharon gave birth to a dead baby. The water came up to the man couldn't stand it. Round-the-clock rain makes them that old car all useless, leaving the family had to foot the camp. They came to a barn, where one boy and his starving father. Rose of Sharon, bereft of her baby in her breast feeding the famished man. Poor people in that depression years depending on each other.

Qiao Hoover left a village of people go to a crossing of the Government to set up mobile camps for farm workers. Since they came to California after Qiao This is the family that they were first treated as a person.

However, the environment has finally forced the family to leave the camp because it can not find a job in this region. They drove to the labor required is a large farm. Where they found someone in advocacy, do not want to discourage persons Shanggong, because farms do not give a fair wage. However, one only fill the stomach of the Qiao family, but on a motorcycle by a police escort to enter the Farm.family, one-fifth of the money box, but can only do the whole day money to buy a meal. Tom think of at the camp outside the strike pickets, and about taking advantage of the situation go out the night away. He met Casey, now Casey is already a leader who encouraged the family. They speak the time being, the search for Casey has been surrounded by the security team.two escape, but unfortunately. Casey was killed who die, Tom got his head knife, but he finallyfirst team down a law and order. Tom put the family in possession in the shanty. During this period, the wagesfell two and a half a box. Tom's a dangerous situation, they can not simultaneously maintainlivelihood, so the family had no choice but to re-Qiao road, the injured Tom hiding in the back of the truck under the mat.

Finally, the family saw a group of displaced persons at a small river a few years abandoned boxcar camped. Them to join the group soon found a temporary job。 Tom Ma Qiao aware of the situation of insecurity, to pass him on the go.

Rain started. Shortly afterwards, the operation flow of the river and next to widespread, diffuse into the boxcar. Simply live in such circumstances, Sharon Rose gave birth to an infant. The water rose up so that the family can not stand. Days of heavy rain so that they car is useless to the old car, a person had no choice but to leave the camp on foot. They passed a barn, where they at him with a boy and his father are crowded with people who suffer from hunger. Sharon lost his own roses with baby's milk to feed her that the man is going to starve to death. The poor is at the Great Depression years of the

2、1the first day 第一天,the second day 第二天,the third day第三天,the fourth day 第四天,the fifth day 第五天,the sixth day 第六天,the seventh day 第七天,the eighth day 第八天,the ninth day第。3、中文翻译 英文意思是Chinese translation 英文也可以读作Chinese Translation...




中文翻译英文的软件有 : 百度翻译、网易有道词典、有道翻译官。1、百度翻译 。百度旗下的翻译软件,收录了非常全面和权威的词典,在翻译的时候通过专业术语来加深大家的理解,不仅支持中英文翻译,百度翻译提供即时免费的多语种文本翻译和网页翻译服务,支持中、英、日、韩、泰、法、西、德等28种热门语...


翻译员用英语说是translator。一、发音英:[ˌtrænsˈleɪtər];美:[ˌtrænsˈleɪtər]二、中文翻译n. 翻译员;译者 三、形式复数:translators 四、短语搭配1. professional translator 专业翻译员 2. freelance translator 自由职业翻译...

中文译英文翻译是:Chinese translation into English。translation 读法美 [trænzˈleɪʃn; trænsˈleɪʃn]n. 翻译;译文,译本;译词,译语;转变,转化;(生)转译;转移;(数)平移;调任 [ 复数 translations ]词汇搭配:Translation Memory ...


操作设备:戴尔电脑 操作系统:win10 操作软件:浏览器 1、 打开百度搜索框,如下图所示:2、输入“百度翻译”关键词,如下图所示:3、在文字框里输入要翻译的文字,如下图所示:4、 选择要翻译成的语言,如下图所示:5 、点击“百度翻译”功能键,如下图所示:6 、查看翻译结果,如下图所示:...

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瑞安市15041754700: 中英文翻译
陟关协美: 1.be familiar with 或have a great knowledge of 2.catch 或seize 3.communicate with sb 4.trade 5.impact 或beat 或strick6.run-down 或deserted 或waste 7.hunt for 或search for 8.match 9.挣扎,抗争,奋斗10.了解,深入,进入某事物11.处于危难中12.链接,结合13.灾难,祸难

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