
作者&投稿:厉磊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

教育目标: 1、复习单词 bus 2、学习短句 get on /get off 3、学习句子 get on the bus get off the bus 教育过程:1、问好:good morning boys and girgs 2、出示bus 图片,what is it? 3、复习 bus 4、出示纸偶小动物,做上车动作并教get on the bus ,并要小朋友,学说get on 5、幼儿练习说get on the bus 并做让小动物上车的动物,等幼儿都学会后,做小动物下车动作并教学get off the bus ,幼儿跟学。6、游戏:交通车幼儿把小椅子当bus ,教师发号指令:get on the bus ,幼儿迅速坐到小椅子上,教师说get off the bus 时小朋友迅速从小椅子上起来,请幼儿发号指令。7、Time is up goodbye.

活动内容:英语:短语Comb hair Wash hands 活动目标:1在游戏中激发学习的兴趣! 2理解含义,掌握正确发音。活动准备:魔术袋,图片!录音活动过程:1表演魔术教师扮演魔术师!伴随着动感的音乐还有时尚的魔术表演!变出学习内容,板书到黑板上!2直接教授可以用大小声!图片高了声音就高图片低了声音就低!在练习时从整体到部分再到单个,在整体练习时可以用大小声,在部分练习时用高低声,逐个练习时可以用拍卡片说短语等亲亲卡片碰碰卡片等!3游戏。抽卡片!冰山一角!拍卡片!闪卡!等! 4卡片回家!再用魔术把卡片变回去!变的时候孩子们要说bye bye !魔术到可以用档案袋,外边从中间部分再粘一层里边分卡片用,再用一整块即时贴整个贴住黑色最好!再用镭射纸装饰一下,很漂亮的!放射状!黄色红色兰色!我试过效果很好!希望帮到你!

  B Look read and learn & C Look and say
  C Ask and answer
  1、能正确地听、说、读、写句型Is there a/an… in …? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. Are there any … in…? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.
  2、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组first, of, term, back, each other, toilet, garden, table tennis room, reading room, swing, slide, building.
  3、能听、说、读、写单词day, all, at school,
  5、能用there be的结构一般疑问句询问学校的设施。
  1、能正确地听、说、读、写句型Is there a/an… in …? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. Are there any … in…? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t。
  2、 能正确地听、说、读单词及词组toilet, garden, table tennis room, reading room swing, slide, building。
  3、能用there be的结构一般疑问句询问学校的设施。
  1、能正确地听、说、读、写句型Is there a/an … in …? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. Are there any … in…? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t。
  2)4B Unit8歌曲磁带。
  Step 1 Free talk/ Revision
  1 T: Today is the first day of the new term. All the students are back at school. I’m happy to see you again. I think you are happy to see each other, too.
教单词first, of, day, all, at school, term。
  2 读课题。
  3 Greetings. Good morning./Nice to see you again./How are you? …
  4 Sing a song: In the classroom
  5 T: There is a … in the classroom. There are some … in the classroom.Can you describe our classroom?
  S: There is a … in the classroom. There are some … in the classroom.
  板书 There is a … in the classroom.
  There are some … in the classroom.
  Step 2 Presentation and pratice
  1 T: Is there a bookcase in the classroom?
  将黑板上板书改为Is there a …in the …?
  Ask one student to guess the meaning. Then help the student answer.
  S: Yes, there is.
  板书Yes, there is.
  Practice two by two.
  2 T: Is there a piano in the classroom? (摇手)
  Help the student answer: No, there isn’t. 板书No, there isn’t.
  3 ppt出示学校照片
  T: Is there a toilet in the school? 教单词toilet
  S:Yes, there is.
  Practice in pairs and then check the answers.
  4 同法教单词table tennis room, reading room, garden。
  5 出示花园的图片,剪一滑梯放中间(也可做PPT)
  T:Is there a swing in the garden?
  S: No, there isn’t.
  6 同法教单词slide,用手势帮助学生区这两个单词(左右摆动表示swing,
7 Practice. A: Is there a swing/slide in the garden?
  B: No, there isn’t.
  8 出示P11图片
  T:Are there any swings in the garden? 将黑板上There are some …改为Are there any …?帮助学生回答Yes, there are.板书。
  Practice in pairs.
  9 T: Are there any slides in the garden? (摇手) No, there aren’t.
  T: Are there any slides in the garden?
  S:No, there aren’t.
  Practice in pairs.
  10 出示reading room图片,操练Are there any … in the reading room? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.
  11 Summary.
  Step 3 Listen, read and say/ Look and say
  1 T: Today we have learned six words and phrases. Let’s review them.
  Listen and read Part B.
  T: Is there a table tennis room in the building?
  S: No, there isn’t.
  3 T: Open your books and turn to Page 9. Ask and answer in pairs.
  4 Check the answers.
  5 Talk about our school.
  A: Is there a/an … in the school? / Are there any … in the school?
  B: Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. / Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.
  Step 4 Consolidation
  1 Ppt出示校园平面图,请你重新设计,合理安排各类教室和活动室。
  2 四人一组,以介绍校园为主题编对话。
  Data: Is there a … in the school/building/reading/…?
  Are there any …in the school/building/reading/…?
  How nice!
  3 请三组学生上前表演对话。
  1 Copy the words of Part B.
  2 Write the small dialogues of Part C in the exercise books.
  3 Listen and read the words of Part after the tape four times.
  4 Recite the words.
  Unit 1 The first day at school (B&C)
  Is there a/an …inthe …?
  Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
  Are there any …inthe …?
  Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

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