
作者&投稿:江洋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.以A rainny day为题目的英语作文

A rainy Day

Today is a rainy day,there is lots of rain. I don't like rain,becasue it brings much clouds.There are many clouds in the sky, so I am very sad. There are flowers next to my windows, but they become grey.I sit beside the window playing my computer ,though there are many games on it ,but I 'm still unhappy.There are few people in the street. There are few umbrellas.There are many buildings in distance,but they are grey, too. What a bad day!


请问需要翻译成中文吗?My favorite weather is rainny day,because in people's mind it is usually some poetry or romantic things gonna happen in these days.I like the rainny day,and you will see the flowers,trees and plants are irrigated.Because of rain,all the plants full of vital force.Meanwhile,the children like rain as I did.And they play their favorite games together in the rain,enjoy this gift from heaven.I also like the fresh air after the rain.The rainny day can give everyone happiness。

3.关于 时间,,日期,,,天气,,,,的一些句子 英语

1,how is the weather in someplace during spring(summer/autumn/winter)

或者what is the weather like in someplace during spring(summer/autumn/winter)





make a snowman(snowy) ,fight with snowball(snowy),swim(hot),fly a kite(windy),wash some clothes(suuny),play games outside(sunny)



rain, snow, fog, wind, etc。

这类名此类的,就当个一般的名词用就成,不过是不可数的名词,你可以说 We had too much snow these days. 或者look at the rain outside. 表示雨水,雪,风,雾。。。这些东西。

rainy, snowy, foggy,windy,etc。

这类形容此类的,额,,,就当一般的形容词用,像What a rainy/foggy/windy day! 或者Rainy days always make me feel lazy. 他们表示下雨的,下雪的,刮风的,有雾的,,,所以这些后面要加名词。


It rained again last night. When it rains, it pours.

希望有帮助到你~ 具体还有问题就再问哈~~


1,how is the weather in someplace during spring(summer/autumn/winter) 或者what is the weather like in someplace during spring(summer/autumn/winter) 2,天晴的sunny,相关的有温暖的warm,炎热的hot,干燥的dry,舒适的comfortable等 多雨的rainny,相关有潮湿的wet,寒冷的cold等 多云的cloudy,起风的windy,下雪的snowy等等 不同天气做的事情是指什么?make a snowman(snowy) ,fight with snowball(snowy),swim(hot),fly a kite(windy),wash some clothes(suuny),play games outside(sunny) 是不是这种啊?。

6.英语作文:my favourite film


My favorite weather is rainny day, because in people's mind it is usually some poetry or romantic things gonna happen in these days. I like the rainny day, and you will see the flowers, trees and plants are irrigated. Because of rain, all the plants full of vital force. Meanwhile, the children like rain as I did. And they play their favorite games together in the rain, enjoy this gift from heaven. I also like the fresh air after the rain. The rainny day can give everyone happiness



A Meaningful ThingToday was Sunday,and it was fine .I had free time to go to Nanjiao Park with all of my classmates. In the morning,we took the bus to Nanjiao Park and it took us one hour to arrive there.We climbed the hill ,sang songs and played some games that can keep us healthy and relaxed.We were happy the whole morning. At noon,we finished the meal and organized a activity.We showed the importance of protecting enviornment to visitors.And the visitors were very kind and took an active part in our activity.They also realised the importance of protecting our environment,and determined to stop environment from being polluted.It made us happy,because everyone was trying to protect the environment. In the afternoon,we went back at 4 o'clock .。

Sadie 公主 Safa 纯洁的 Saffi 智慧 Sagara 海洋


巩留县13860268673: 描述天气的常用英语单词、短语或者句子有哪些呢? -
凭怖吲哚: 句子: 1.天气怎么样? What's the weather like? 2今天气温如何? What's the temperature? 天气: 形容词: sunny 晴天 rainy 雨天 windy 有风天,多风天 cloudy 多云天 misty 多雾天

巩留县13860268673: 有关天气的英语词汇
凭怖吲哚: Clear=晴朗 Cloudy=多云 Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风 Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪 Drizzle=毛毛雨 Dust=灰尘 Fair=晴 Few Showers=短暂阵雨 Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪 Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时...

巩留县13860268673: 汉译英,翻译句子
凭怖吲哚: It's rainy in spring.

巩留县13860268673: 下雨的英语单词 -
凭怖吲哚: 你好! 下雨 rain 英[reɪn] 美[ren] n. 雨; (热带地区的) 雨季,雨天; 雨点般降落的东西; <俚>电子流; vt. (雨) 降下,(使)降落; 大量地给,(使)大量落下; [例句]I hope you didn't get soaked standing out in the rain 我希望你站在外面没有被雨淋透.

巩留县13860268673: 两个句子翻译和几个景点翻译``不要用网站上的在线翻译啊`
凭怖吲哚: 这可是个人翻译的 呵呵 1. It was sunny just now, but it's rainny now. 2.Longmen Grottoes 3.caves of differen size. 4.White Horse Temple 5.Buddhist Temple-chuen 6.Buddha 7.Let's go drifting

巩留县13860268673: 分销相关法律法规(和分销)
凭怖吲哚: 1、市场营销渠道,是指配合生产、分销和消费某一生产者的产品和服务的所有企业和个人.2、这就说明了,市场营销渠道包括参与某产品供产销过程的所有有关企业和个人,如供应商、生产者、商人中间商、代理中间商、辅助商(如支持分销活动的仓储、广告代理)以及最终消费者或用户等.3、分销渠道通畅是指促使某种产品和服务能够顺利地经过由市场交换过程,转移消费者消费使用的一套相互依存的组织.4、其成员包括产品从生产者向消费者转移过程中,取得这种产品和服务的所有权或帮助所有权转移的所有企业和个人.5、他包括商人中间商、代理中间商,还包括处于渠道起点和终点的生产者、中间商和最终消费者或用户,但不包括供应商和辅助商.

巩留县13860268673: 求以下四个句子的英语形式
凭怖吲哚: 1.The rainny day make me feel sad. 2.I like music rather than P.E. 3.My friends are all over the world. 4.It's easy said than done. 望采纳,谢谢!

巩留县13860268673: 各位帮忙用英文翻译以下句子,谢谢!
凭怖吲哚: Today :8-16 degree, little rain ,light wind( rainny,take umbrella with you when out ,slip road ,pls drive carefully.

巩留县13860268673: One of the few things you - ----say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about -
凭怖吲哚: 你好.答案是D CAN 在这里强调能力. can do sth with certainty-----肯定能做某事 翻译: 天气是你能够与英国人交谈的为数不多的事情.

巩留县13860268673: 用英语说明天的天气预报 柳州的 -
凭怖吲哚: It will +天气(动词形式的)+tomorrow 如果是晴天 it will be sunny tomorrow 雨天 it will be rainny

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