
作者&投稿:唱菲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Home Economists are concerned with the empowerment and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities, and of facilitating the development of attributes for lifelong learning for paid, unpaid and voluntary work; and living situations.

Home Economics professionals are advocates for individuals, families and communities.


Wie tief soll ich dich lieben,
bis der Schmerz vom Brust weggeht.
Ich kann das nicht in Wörtern verfassen.
Ich möchte mein Gefühl mit dir teilen
Wenn ich dich unarmen könnte mit meinen Händen.
Nur das und keine andere Sache
ich brauche gar nichts mehr.

Wie sehr soll ich dich lieben
sodass der Schmerz meines Herzen nachlässt
man kann es nicht mit Worten beschreiben
dieses Gefühl, das ich dich wissen lasse, ist dermaßen stark
könnte ich dich mit den Händen fest in die Arme nehmen
ist dies alles
was ich brauch'

Wie tief in der Ende Wanna Love You
Schmerzen in der Brust wird nachlassen
Worte können nicht beschreiben, wie die
Möchten Sie vermitteln Ihnen die Gefühle sind so stark
Wenn Sie dieses Händen halten
Abgesehen davon, ob andere
Was ich brauche nicht zu

1、无条件执行; Unconditional execution!(在企业三层管理中:即决策、管理、执行中,“执行”要用excution)2、工作无借口; Task without excuse!(这里的工作应当是任务,完成工作无借口的意思)3、细节决定成败, Detail determine your success or failure.(见后附参考文献)4、以上司为榜样, Your bos...

1、将来会有更多的树 There will be more trees in the future.2、人们不用走在路上上班,他们能飞在天上 People won't need to walk to work. They can fly in the sky.3、我从来不喜欢一个人住(独居)I never like living alone \/ on my own.4、明天的天气怎么样?What will the weat...

1.你怎么了?What's wrong with you?2.你像这样多久了?How long have you been like this?3.无关紧要,也许你有点感冒。It doesn't matter. Maybe you have got a little cold.4.请你一天服3次药,很快就会好的。(背景:医生和病人的对话)Please take the medicine three times a day ...


That I am here is because I would like to view and appreciate the world with my own eyes and experience and feel the love and freedom with my heart.我们相信,我们可以帮助更多的人摆脱困乏和限制,过上富足,健康,自由,充满爱和希望的生活。每天都能活在上帝的爱中,并且喜乐,如果你...

第一句:如果你还有什么需要,请跟我说.Please feel free to let me know any of your requirement.第二句:你看到JANE了吗?我想跟他说些事.have you seen Jane?i'd like to talk to him something.第三句:你可以帮我把这张卡片交给他吗?will you help me pass this card to him?第四句:...

car burns too much gas, moreover the price almost is twice of the one I want to pay.5、要了解一起重大的国际事件,我们首先需要考虑其历史与政治背景。(background)In order to learn a intermational enent, we should consider its history and politics background.参考资料:自译 ...

2.Computers, which make it possible to free man from the laber of complex measurements and computations here found wide application in engineering.计算机,使人们免于复杂的计量和计算,今天在工程技术中得到了广泛的应用。【free...from】从...中解放出来,使不受...3.there is more to ...

【人的一生,到底有几句话是真实的,又有几句话是虚假的呢?】So many words during one's life time. How many is real, and how many is false ?【是你的东西总会是你的,不是你的东西,那就去把它抢过来。】If it is yours,it is yours;if it is not,vie for it.【正义这种...

1.It's very difficult for a pedestrian to know how fast a car is travelling before it can stop.对于一个行人来说了解一辆行进中汽车需要多久能够停下来是很困难的 2.Then if the road is clear,it is safe to cross.那么如果路面很空旷,穿过将会很安全 3.If people run across the ...

兴宾区15167484833: 用英语翻译几句话 -
逯话比佳: 1. I have a friend Liming , he is 15-year-old 2. when he was 5 years old ,his parents died in a car accident, only one sister 3. In class, he is the most hard-working, he study very well. 4. He arrived very early to school every day 5. He believes that people DO not reading the same like blind.这个有几个语法错误 但是语序基本上是对的、

兴宾区15167484833: 求翻译几句话 -
逯话比佳: 1.佐藤さんは决して黙って仕事を休むような人ではない.佐藤绝不是那种不打招呼就不来上班的那种人.2.早速スタートさせると思っているよ.我觉得我们就快点开始吧3.清水君からその家游びに行くという手纸がきた、いつ来るかと思ったら、今日やってきた.-- 从清水君那儿收到来信说到时要过来玩,我还在想什么时候来呢,结果今天来了.-とんでもありません.太过分了吧.4.もっと交流を深めってことが大切ではないだろうか 进一步加深交流是很重要的5.ちょっと寄る所もございますので 我有顺道要去一下的地方

兴宾区15167484833: 求翻译几句话成英文~~~~~~
逯话比佳: A: Hello, sir. What is the problem?B: I ordered a beef dish that features a little old, and there is also a bit of this dish is not new.A: Oh ~ You wait a bit, I went to chef talk.A: Sorry, but you see if I can give you re-do a beef. And then drained away, or for ...

兴宾区15167484833: 翻译几句话(英语)
逯话比佳: 1. We intended to give you a surprise. 2. 'Titanic' is so sentimental that our eyes are filled with tears. 3. We should think about it carefully. 4. He slept on the sofa last night. 5. Tom and John made peace at last. 6. My brother is used to swimming in ...

兴宾区15167484833: 用英语翻译几句话
逯话比佳: Don't put the cup of water on desk please i need a room for listening music Bring my pen to me please

兴宾区15167484833: 请用英语帮我翻译几句话 -
逯话比佳: 1他们通常不能为考试做充分的准备 They always can not do enough preparation for the exams.2他请求我和他一起回家(这句用过去式) He asked me to go home with him. 3这片叶子像刀一样锋利 This piece of leaf is as sharp as a knife.

兴宾区15167484833: 初中英语翻译几句话
逯话比佳: 1. Weeping and fearing are of no help to us while we are in trouble or in danger. 2. Keeping calm is the only way to help us out of trouble or danger. 3. In fact ,our brain is powerful enough to help us solve any difficult problems. 4. In addition,we should ...

兴宾区15167484833: 帮忙翻译几句话 -
逯话比佳: 1、This time it If this situation persists 2、 It is impossible in 3、This is your once gave me a gift, use it whenever things on your mind

兴宾区15167484833: 英语翻译几句话
逯话比佳: It is a very good chance to anneal yourself , it's alright if you try your best to do it , The most important thing is to participate,I believe that you are the greatest ! The most important thing is to participate 重在参与.这是最恰当的表达方式

兴宾区15167484833: 帮我翻译几句话 -
逯话比佳: 1. elephents not only kind ,but also wise,2. Maria is a very kind girl.3. my new teacher is very kind to me.

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