
作者&投稿:屈沈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一题填patience, patient有两种意思,作名词是“病人”,作形容词是“有耐心的”,这里用它的名词形式。翻译为:医生对待病人应该有耐心/医生应该耐心对待病人。
第二题选A,asks for 是“问谁要什么东西”的意思,这样很容易就能选出来。整句翻译为:他从未向他的父母多要钱,尽管他的钱不够。
第三仍用recieve的原形就行了,这句是It is better to do sth的句式,than连接两个动词,所以用原形就行了。


I surrender for love.I stop lying for love.

The deepest love cannot be divided. For love is in heart. People can't survive with a divided heart.

Somnus,美丽却致命,一旦迷上了一开始会很快乐, 后来就会付出惨痛的代价。
Somnus,so beautiful and so lethal.Once you're addicted to it,you are happy at the beginning,and then you'll pay for the joy.

The earriing is embeded into the cracket,which indicates the harmony of male and female. However,when separated,they're independent from each other. This is just like two people who love each other. Even if one day they have to separate, they'll be together deep in heart forever. This is the original idea of this design.

Tianqi,can you imagine how much I love you?I love you no matter what.Even I'm asked to vanish like the mermaid,I would say yes.

因为我相信你啊, 在赛车场上,都有他的幸运女神眷顾,你愿意当我的幸运女神吗?
Because I have faith on you. A lucky star will bless the racer. Will you be my lucky star?

A Xing: Look at this! Isn't it beautiful.I'll make you a necklace.

天骐--你很有天份,可惜这些是没有价值的贝壳, 如果这些是钻石的话,这条项鍊一定价值连城。
Tianqi:You're so talented.It's a pity those are valueless conches. The necklace would be priceless if those are diamonds.

A Xing: Don't say like that. Conches have been made into ornaments for thousands of years. Conches servered as currency in the ancient time! People who had conches were people with dreams, for they could trade for what they want.

Tianqi: So what will you trade for with this necklace?

A Xing: For Zhong Tianqi.

Zhong Tianqi would not let me evade problems,he would courage me to face it.Zhong Tianqi would get me the sapphire on the cost of life.Zhong Tianqi wouldn't what people were saying about me.But now five years later Zhong Tianqi doesn't believe Xia Zhixing anymore.

My mother once said that people become stars when they die. And the better the person is,the more the star shines.I've always thought that the two stars which shine most would be my parents. I often look up to the sky and imagine they're around me.Look,your mother must've become a star in the sky too.She is watching over you.She is saying that you're great,and that she's always proud of you.

From the first minute I met A Xing,I've realized that she was the worst liar ever. She haven't lied for herself for one single time.
There're two kinds of liars in the world.One lie for themselves,and those are selfish people.And the other lie for others and cares for others,which A Xing is certainly one of them.

That day two people are abondoned in this street.I'm the one from the jewelry empire.And the other one is the fraud criminal who sacrifices herself into prison for love. Neither she nor I could bethink that this haphazard collision will lead to another relationship.

23:你不要看她一副天不怕,地不怕的样子。其实她胆子很小的。她从小就没有父母,可怜的她从小就是一个人。可是她偏偏又爱逞强,她从来不会在陌生人面前流 露出真的感情,还有她很容易满足,只要一碗卤肉饭加个蛋,她就可以吃得很开心。她画坏设计图时脾气最不好了,你只要买小美冰淇淋给她,她就会笑了。真是个好女孩。如果你能一直陪在他的身边,我的愧疚也就会少一些。千万不要再让她孤独一个人了。
She looks so fearless.But she's actually very timid. She lost her parents when she was very young and was always alone.But she never showed it.It's very easy to satisfy her.Just a braised pork rice with egg would make her so happy.She is very badtempered when designing.But if you buy her a Xiaomei ice cream,she'll be happy again.She is such a good girl.If you two are together,I'll be less guilty.Don't leave her along.

一直以来我都相信眼见为凭,直到今天我才在一位女孩子身上学会一个道理,看得到的只不过是表面光彩,唯有看不到的才是最真实最实在的。那个女孩对我来说并 不完美,在我第一印象里面,她既爱说谎脾气差,要是我没有进一步去挖掘了解,我永远不会了解被我忽略的美好。就像是明日乡盛产的榴莲,在场的许多人跟我一 样,对榴莲第一印象极差。榴莲不美不香,但是当你剖开它深入了解它,你会发现它其实非常甜。有些东西你吃过,但是你不会知道它甘甜可口;有些地方你没有去过,你不会知道它温馨美好;而有些人你没有和他共同经历风雨,是不会知道他有多么可贵。今天对我来说是一个值得纪念的一天,因为那个女孩让我丢掉去,重新找到自己。在这里我要将这首歌,送给那个女孩,还有她最爱的明日乡。
Hello,everybody.I'm representative of Mingri Village,and my name is Zhong Tianqi. You may never hear about this Mingri Village. You can't even find it in a map. Even though you happen to get here for the slightest chance,you probably won't like it.I've always believed that seeing is believing.Until now I've learnt from a girl that, what you see is just skin-deep, and what matters most is not visible.I would say she isn't perfect. My first impression is a badtempered girl who always lies.I would never find out the beauty of her if I stopped digging in her personality.She is just like durian of Mingri Village, you guys may have a bad impression for it like me. Durian is neither tasty nor fragrant,but when you really get to know it better you'll like it.For some food,iff you don't have a taste you won't know how delicious it is.For some places,if you've never been ther you won't know how nice it is.For some people,if you don't have helped each other through hardness you won't realize how precious they are.Today is a day to remember for me,because a girl helped me get out of the past and find myself again.I'll sing this song for her and her beloved Mingri Village.




我们到现在为止从没,将来也不会(退缩)never have:到现在为止从没,表示到现在为止从没发生过的事情,用现在完成时态 never will:将来永远不会,表示在未来也不会怎么样,一般将来时态 这话时表决心的。国家领导人在讲话时就经常出现这种句子:我们过去不会,现在不会,将来也不会。。。

1 Nothing can prevent him from going there.2 Be sure to turn off all the lights before leaving the reading room.3 Computer plays an important part in modern life.4 Our class is made up of 20 boys and 25 girls.5 We must make full use of our time.6 We believe that you ...

10句翻译句子 急 在线等
人工翻译!1. We are looking forward to this visit all the time.2. I don't think it is likely to rain today.3. Please remind Mary to return home early.4. This experiment cost her a lot of time and money.5. I find\/found it difficult\/hard for my grandmother\/grandma to ...


1.Did you attend his lecture last week?上周你听了他的演讲吗?2.The mail was delayed for two days because of the snowstorm.由于暴风雪,邮件晚送了两天。3.I’ll tell you my favorite remedy for a cold.我会告诉你我最喜欢的感冒治疗方法。4.I passed the test,I wouldn’t have ...



语文 文言文句子翻译
“其”字的用法并翻译句子 1、念悲其远也:这是惦念并伤心她嫁到远方,也够可怜的了。其:代词,她,指燕后。2、成以其小也:成名嫌它太小了。其:代词,它,指促织。3、矗不知其几千万落:巍巍峨峨,不知道它们有几千万座。其:代词,它们,指宫殿。4、此其患不见于今,而将见于他日:这种...

1.He (gave me a violin) eight years ago.2.I (spend some spare time in playing) volleyball for my school team.3.During the summer of 2000,he (spent four weeks in) a summer camp.4.她要求我们想象着在一个故事里。She (asked us to imagine) that we were in a story.5....

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盱眙县15642266424: 英语翻译句子 -
东郭查舒巴: I have not yet received his letter.或者I have not yet heard from him .We went to tne museum last week.It is difficult for her to learn French.You had better not fight with your classmates.

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东郭查舒巴: 1.在我国今后会有更多的数目,更少的污染 There will be more trees and less polutions in our country in future 2.当老师走进教室时,同学们立刻停止了谈话 When the teacher went into the classroo...

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东郭查舒巴: 你好:翻译如下:Fashion show is only for a few, because very few people have standard figureExcessive pursuit of famous brand, many women can even go for a month to buy designer bags...

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东郭查舒巴: I don;t want to watxh over my naughty sister but my mother insist so that I do so.A coach who can train universal athletes will be very popular.I don;t want to cook for my mother when i w...

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东郭查舒巴: I want to be you the great friends, may? 应该是这样!...

盱眙县15642266424: 翻译句子 -
东郭查舒巴: 我是英语老师,帮帮你.The children are enjoying themselves in the zoo.The children are having a good/nice/great/wonderful time in the zoo.祝你进步!

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