黄子韬原创RAP《GO DIE》歌词

作者&投稿:以晏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
黄子韬自创RAP《 GO DIE》 歌词~

Listen My Freestyle
Don*t Be Naive. This is my life. I am fine.
我不会就这样轻易地go die, Huh?
Your life is loser! So don‘t waste your time on making rumor!

Listen My Freestyle
Don*t Be Naive. This is my life. I am fine.
我不会就这样轻易地go die, Huh?
Your life is loser! So don‘t waste your time on making rumor!

歌曲:go die

Everything I thought was true turned into a lie.
After all the time we spent what is there to pride.
This is my dawning day,
the old will change with haste when you let our future fade away.

Lay beside the moonlit ocean, gazing into the sky.
Then I cried up through the blackness, waiting for a reply.
It's been so long since I saw you, but it's been the time of my life.
Now that it's all over I want you to go die. Die.

Reflecting on our memories, I never felt at peace.
Why would I be with you, when you are never pleased.
This is my dawning day,
the old will change with haste when you let our future fade away.

Lay beside the moonlit ocean, gazing into the sky.
Then I cried up through the blackness, waiting for a reply.
It's been so long since I saw you, but it's been the time of my life.
Now that it's all over I want you to go die. Die. Go die, die.

Can you feel me scream out loud? You left me out to try.
Can you feel me scream out loud? You left me out to dry.
Whisper in the air, don't try to save the night.
It's been so long since I saw you, but it's been the time of my life.
Now that it's all over I want you to go die. I want you to go die.

Listen My Freestyle
Don*t Be Naive. This is my life. I am fine.
我不会就这样轻易地go die, Huh?
Your life is loser! So don‘t waste your time on making rumor!



【图1:《神武3》首席弟子黄子韬态度海报】 因为专注与热爱 结缘神武携手快乐回合在黄子韬的演艺生涯中,唱作歌手是一个非常重要的身份。出道以来,他对音乐的热爱从未消退。曾有新闻报道,黄子韬在零下18度的户外拍戏片场,利用拍戏间隙练习rap,他表示“无论是唱歌还是做其他事,都要时刻保持实力,让自己...

EXO-中毒(中文版)我赌上一切 而喝下了你 时间倒转也无法收回 就算冒着上瘾的危险 so bad. no one can stop her her love her love,我想要她的一切 她的爱 就是唯一的定律 她的唇一吻致命 越恍惚 就越无法自拔 oh she wants me,oh she's got me oh she hurts me 我是如此渴望想得到你...

我是名行星饭,我知道的,不过好像是凡凡唱的吧 亦凡:我想要把你灌满我的喉 全身都在颤抖 就算喝的再多永远都不够 毒性已经蔓延从头到脚 但我不去招架 享受着这种刺激 那么痛快 I Can't Stop 秀敏: Hey Doctor 这种感觉就挺好的 Huh 抗拒不了你给的引力 让我被你慢慢融化 子韬: 宁愿长睡...

鱼台县15965151312: 黄子韬原创RAP《GO DIE》歌词
佟齐盐酸: 歌曲:go die 作词:黄子韬 作曲:黄子韬 演唱:黄子韬 歌词:Everything I thought was true turned into a lie.After all the time we spent what is there to pride.This is my dawning day,the old will change with haste when you let our future fade away.Lay...

鱼台县15965151312: 黄子韬自创RAP《 GO DIE》 歌词
佟齐盐酸: Listen My Freestyle 有人骂我,制作谣言,想要我生气失去自信.呵呵.Don*t Be Naive. This is my life. I am fine.我不会就这样轻易地go die, Huh?Your life is loser! So don't waste your time on making rumor!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.bilibili.com/video/av1417889/

鱼台县15965151312: 狗带奥特曼要逃跑是哪首歌的歌词 -
佟齐盐酸: 狗带=go die 出处:黄子韬自创RAP 歌词 Listen My Freestyle 有人骂我,制作谣言,想要我生气失去自信.呵呵.Don't Be Naive. This is my life. I am fine.我不会就这样轻易地go die, Huh?Your life is loser! So don't waste your time on making rumor! 好像每晚睡前音乐这个为信平台上有

鱼台县15965151312: 黄子韬那个 go die your life is loser 是出自哪里 -
佟齐盐酸: “go die your life is loser ”这是黄子韬2014年上海巡演的时候说的.黄子韬自创RAP《 GO DIE》 歌词 Listen My Freestyle 有人骂我,制作谣言,想要我生气失去自信.呵呵.Don*t Be Naive. This is my life. I am fine.我不会就这样轻易地go die, ...

鱼台县15965151312: “我不会轻易的狗带”来自何处? -
佟齐盐酸: 出处:黄子韬自创RAP,狗带=go die Listen My Freestyle 有人骂我,制作谣言,想要我生气失去自信.呵呵.Don\'t Be Naive. This is my life. I am fine.我不会就这样轻易地go die, Huh?Your life is loser! So don't waste your time on making rumor...

鱼台县15965151312: 黄子韬 go die的rap出处是来自哪个节目?? -
佟齐盐酸: 那是桃子原创,在美拍发过,在演唱会唱过

鱼台县15965151312: 有一首歌,中文,里面有一句是想让我生气失去自信,这是什么歌啊? -
佟齐盐酸: 黄子韬自创RAP《 GO DIE》 歌词 Listen My Freestyle 有人骂我,制作谣言,想要我生气失去自信.呵呵.Don't Be Naive. This is my life. I am fine.我不会就这样轻易地go die, Huh?Your life is loser! So don't waste your time on making rumor!

鱼台县15965151312: 狗带的青春 -
佟齐盐酸: "狗带”就是“Go die”(去死)的谐音.这位黄姓小鲜肉黄子韬在唱一段rap中经典歌词:你们都是loser,都给我go die.so,狗带的出处其实就是黄子韬rap中的歌词,被网友们音译出来了. 《狗带的青春》为黑岩阅读网签约作者“我本王少”原创作品,首发、独家签约于黑岩阅读网.

鱼台县15965151312: wuli韬韬不会轻易狗带什么意思 -
佟齐盐酸: wuli是韩语.中文是我们的意思.狗带=go die.翻译过来就是“我们韬韬不会轻易去死” 来源:当红小鲜肉黄子韬自创RAP 歌词Listen My Freestyle 有人骂我,制作谣言,想要我生气失去自信.呵呵.Don*t Be Naive. This is my life. I am fine.我不会就这样轻易地go die, Huh?Your life is loser! So don't waste your time on making rumor!

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