move on是什么意思

作者&投稿:东野澜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

move on
[英][mu:v ɔn][美][muv ɑn]
离开; 继续前进; 对…采取行动; 出发;
1.Shall we move on to dessert?
2.The captain and his group moved on, but the story of the little boy spread quickly.
3.The soldiers shouldered their kit and moved on.

move KK: [] DJ: [] vt. 1. 使移动,搬动;开动 That chair is in the way, move it please. 那把椅子挡着路,请把它移开。 2. 使感动[(+to)] They were much moved by her story. 他们被她所说的深深打动。 3. 推动,促使[O2] 4. (在会上)提议,动议[+that] He moved that the meeting be continued after dinner. 他提议晚饭后继续开会。 5. 脱售,租掉 6. 使(肠子)通便 7. (下棋)走(一子) vi. 1. 移动;离开;前进 The train was already moving when we arrived at the railroad station. 当我们到达火车站时,火车已经开动了。 2. (事情等)进展 3. 迁移;搬家[(+in/into/out/away)] When are you moving to the suburbs 你们什么时候搬到郊区去 4. (下棋)走一子[Q] 5. 提议;请求[(+for)] 6. 采取行动;行动[(+on)][+to-v] The public health bureau moved to curb hepatitis. 卫生局采取措施控制肝炎。 7. (商品等)脱手,销售 8. 周旋于[Q][(+in/among)] 9. (肠子)通便 n.[C] 1. 动,移动[S] With one move he was by her side. 他一步走到了她身旁。 2. 迁移,移居 3. 棋子的一步棋;棋子的走法 4. 措施,对策[+to-v] None of the moves to halt inflation has been successful. 抑制通货膨胀的措施无一奏效。

move on 继续前进; 对…采取行动; 出发; 离开

move on
[英][mu:v ɔn][美][muv ɑn]
继续前进; 对…采取行动; 出发; 离开;

市北区18478056395: move on 是什么意思? -
永唐新赛: move on 1. 离开,动身: After staying a few days in Shanghai, he moved on to Singapore. 在上海逗留了几天之后,他又启程去新加坡. 2. (命令…)走开,不要停留: We tried to see who had been hurt, but the police told us to move on. 我们想...

市北区18478056395: move on的中文意思是分手吗? -
永唐新赛: move on本意是指“向前走,前进”,在不同的语境中有不同的意思,也可以表示分手的意思. move on用在吵架的情侣之间的意思大概可以理解为”我要继续前行了凳仔,不会再看你一眼的,你自己好好保重,该干啥就干啥吧.“知粗吵;搭...

市北区18478056395: move on 是什麽意思 -
永唐新赛: move on:vi. 继续前进(向前进)例句与用法: 1. The soldiers shouldered their kit and moved on. 士兵们背起行装,继续前进.2. He told me to move on. 他叫我走开.3. The captain and his group moved on, but the story of the little boy spread quickly. 上尉和他的小队继续前进了,但这位小男孩的事迹很快传开了.4. Shall we move on to dessert? 咱们上甜食好吗?move on 是一个词组

市北区18478056395: 我想知道女孩说MOVE ON的意思? 具体点 -
永唐新赛: moveon本意就是“前行、继续向前进”但是在感情方面说moveon,光是这么一个动词短语是无法解释的,两种可能都有必须看前后语.Let'smoveon...我们继续前进(继续维持关系)youshouldmoveon...你该继续前进(我就未必奉陪啦)I'mgoingtomoveon...我将继续我的路(你该干嘛干嘛吧)所以要看你收到的全句是写些什么才能解释.

市北区18478056395: move on是什么意思 -
永唐新赛: move on 释义: 1、离去;继续前进 After three weeks in Hong Kong, we moved on to Japan.在香港待了3周后,我们又启程去了日本. 2、改做别的事;更换工作(或生活方式等) Things have moved on since I was last here.从我上次来这儿...

市北区18478056395: 请问,move on 是什么意思?
永唐新赛: 好比分手了,生活还是要move on,就是还要继续.会过去这个坎,走下去的意思.....

市北区18478056395: move on 是什么意思?
永唐新赛: move on , the love song

市北区18478056395: move on什么意思? -
永唐新赛:[答案] move on 1.前进;继续前进;继续进行Medical science has moved on a lot since I was a boy.从我孩提时起,医学就一直发展得很快.We'll now move on to your next proposal.我们现在接着讨论你的下一个建议.2....

市北区18478056395: moved on是什么意思 -
永唐新赛: move on 继续;前行;例:I can't move on without you.没有你我的生活将停滞不前. Let's make quick decisions so that our project can move on. 让我们快点做决定,这样项目就能继续进行了. 希望能够帮到你.

市北区18478056395: move on 的意思是什么?有什么同义的词组? -
永唐新赛:[答案] 继续前进 march on go on

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