中译英 几句简单的 拒绝机译 谢谢

作者&投稿:江疤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I know you are busy, and I really appreciated that you helped us with no charge.
I hate to wait , especailly not knowing how long the time I would wait.I fell sad and it's not a complain or a vent .It's not to hasten you and i am not aimed at you .
I really have done my best to report you. If it is standard please give me your approval,and if there is a mistake, i'd like you to tell me and i will correct it .I'm really sorry that i have to tell you if you can't accept my report , please tell me in time . I have already sent the report three times with no answers. I don't know whats wrong. If you give me a answer as quickly as possible, I will be very grateful.
I really feel bad with this endless waiting. I will be appreciated for your answer.

In the college campus, there are many buildings, e.g.
teaching buildings, office buildings, library; dinnin halIs,

Almost every building has its own heatIng, ventIlatIng,
air condition systems (HV AC) and elevator system, those
devices should be managed and maintained but it's not easy
to make this job well done.
Now we can use the internet of
Things technology in campus facilities management.
Figure 8 shows
the architecture of this pilot project we have desIgned for thiS
kind of facilities management
图像8 展示了我们为了这种设备管理技术所设计的试行样本建筑风格。



1)Please let me know your business time.
We close at six o'clock in the morning.
2)Excuse me, what can I do for you?
3)Excuse me, the air here is not good. Can you change another room for me?

1 What's your business time? - We stop service at 6:00am

2 Hello, anything I can help you?

3 Hello, air here is not fresh, can I move to another room?

1.When will it be closed here?We close at 6am
2.Hello,what can I do for you?
3.Hello,the air is not fresh here,can we change another room?

得荣县17174303951: 请帮忙翻译几句话(中译英)谢绝机译!谢谢!我知道你们很忙,你们都是无偿的为我们提供帮助的,我很感激.我非常讨厌等待,尤其是不知道期限的等待,... -
繁疤爱兴:[答案] I know you are busy, and I really appreciated that you helped us with no charge.I hate to wait , especailly not knowing how long the time I would wait.I fell sad and it's not a complain or a vent .It'...

得荣县17174303951: 英语翻译谢绝机译很高兴认识你.谢谢你的提醒.我的客人也已经通知我们,让我们特别注意货物的包装.我会很慎重的转告我的同事,请他们务必注意包装的事情. -
繁疤爱兴:[答案] Nice to meet you.Thank you for your advice.My customer had already informed us to pay special attention to the packing of the goods.I will pass this issue to our colleagues and make sure they take car...

得荣县17174303951: 英译汉问题~请英语高手帮忙翻译一段话,谢绝机译.非常感谢.翻译的满意的话一定把所有的分送上.(虽然总共也没多少分).很着急,再次感谢~~~Many of ... -
繁疤爱兴:[答案] 我们领域中许多上乘作品都是受主流学科的影响.似乎最弱的研究人员们忽视了一个真相,我们在建筑工业上面临的问题通常是我们已在其他方面遇到过的例子.我问作者和自己的研究人员一个反复的问题就是,这个问题(就是目前...

得荣县17174303951: 一句十分简单的英译汉,坚决谢绝机器翻译!!!!!!!!! -
繁疤爱兴: dave:噢!这个聚会好像已经人满为患了.jori:恩,他们快把我吃穷了.eat sb. out of house and home是一个固定用语,意思是把某人吃穷,me在句子里就是“我”的意思.

得荣县17174303951: 中译英,商务邮件,拒绝机译!求高手翻译下面一小段话,回复客户邮件的. -
繁疤爱兴: DSV have notified me that all my following shipments will use MAERSK, this is a bad news for us, because the seaport that MAERSK use is too far from us, trucking to the port takes 7 or 8 hours, and it only have one schedule shipment per week. We...

得荣县17174303951: 几句简单的英译汉?不要机器翻译~~~1、请先付押金.2、(娱乐结束了)完了请到吧台结账3、你可以随便坐(很自由的选择座位) -
繁疤爱兴:[答案] 1、please pay +钱数+yuan as deposit. 2、please check at the cashier. 3、You can sit as you like.

得荣县17174303951: 中译英一句话,拒绝机译!因为台风影响,本周无法正常发货,船期顺延到下个星期. -
繁疤爱兴: 因为台风影响,本周无法正常发货,船期顺延到下个星期.Because of the typhoon, the goods cannot be delivered this week and the shipment will be delayed to next week.

得荣县17174303951: 几句中译英..大家帮下忙..不要机器翻译..谢谢了!1.哪些专家都认同这项新计划(favour)2.他找的藉口让我忍俊不禁(can't help)3.人们普遍认为,买车不... -
繁疤爱兴:[答案] among these experts who will be favor for this new plan i cant help laughing at the excuse he picked.the people commonly think,it is more expensive to maintain a car than to buy it.they had striken by...

得荣县17174303951: 大神来译,英语段落,谢绝机翻译,英翻中译,通俗通顺化些 -
繁疤爱兴: 你好,可翻译为:[Fire of Desire]渴望之热火 oh my Nights .我那夜夜 Oh how they left tenderness.都思绪着他们所残存的温柔 and oh how they drew on my mind .思绪着如何于我脑海中盘旋 suffering and moans.自珍贵的你同我身边离去后 since ...

得荣县17174303951: 中译英,就几句,不要机译就好关于骑自行车的:我不敢直视前方,一定看着地面怕自己摔倒.爸爸在身后扶着我叫我别害怕 -
繁疤爱兴:[答案] I'm very afraid to look straight ,so I keep on looking at the ground so that I can't fall down from the bike. My father holds the bike behind me ,and always tells me that I shouldn't be so afraid ,I should be brave . 如果是写日记,那就把相应的主要动词变成过...

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