翻译 在晚会上我们畅快地用英语交流 是什么结构

作者&投稿:栋纯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Do you want to have a party?

Do you want to hold a party?
Do you want to party?

party 可以做动词。
为...举行社交聚会, 以宴会款待

结构比较简单。主语:Touris,holidaymaking and travel; 表语more significant social phenomena;比较状语从句than most commentators have considered;时间状语these days

At the party, we we communicated freely in English

At the party,we were freely communicating in English。

At the party 状语,地点
we 主语,
were communicating 谓语
freely 状语, 程度
in English 状语, 方式

Through the story we communicate in English at the party.

we communicated in English excitedly at the evening.

源汇区18973965764: 在晚会上英语怎么说 -
长逄常乐: 英文原文: at the party 英式音标: [æt; ət] [ðə] [ˈpɑːtɪ] 美式音标: [æt; ət] [ðə] [ˈpɑrti]

源汇区18973965764: “在英语晚会上,我们可以用英语聊天交流,观看来自不同班级的学生的表演.”请把以上的话译成英语 -
长逄常乐: During the English party,we can communicate in English with each other, and watch performances of the students' from different classes. 这句话从"and"到最后的意思是 观看来自不同班级的学生表演. 如果你要强调"来自不同班级的学生的表演"的翻译,那就这样:and watch performances acted by the students from different classes.

源汇区18973965764: 用英文翻译:你愿意来参加我们的晚会吗?我们会玩得很开心的. -
长逄常乐: 您好! 翻译为:Are you willing to attend our party? We will have a good time then.望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

源汇区18973965764: 三天前,孩子们在晚会上玩的很开心英文翻译两种 -
长逄常乐: 1. Children had a great time at the party three days ago.2. Children enjoyed themselves at the party three days ago.

源汇区18973965764: 英语翻译她在晚会上过得十分愉快.我们举办晚会并且给别人礼物.我们必须找个合适的地方停放我的小车.他的父母想要为他开一个盛大 的聚会. -
长逄常乐:[答案] She had a good time at the party. We hold the party and give gifts. We have to find a appropriate place to park my car. His parents want to hold a great party for him.

源汇区18973965764: 我们在Millie的生日晚会上玩得非常开心的英文 -
长逄常乐: 玩的开心 一般翻译为have fun或者是have a good time We had fun at Millie's birthday party.从句子意思上看,是采用过去时.

源汇区18973965764: 用英文翻译下列句子:1上星期日他们举行了晚会.他们玩得很高兴. 2做间操的时间到了,让咱们去操场. -
长逄常乐: 1. They had a party last Sunday and they had a good time. 2. It's time for exercises. Let's go to the playground.

源汇区18973965764: 翻译下列句子 他们昨天在晚会上玩得很开心. They()()at the party 北京烤鸭闻起来很香, -
长逄常乐: 1.他们昨天在晚会上玩得很开心. They(had)(fun)at the party 2.北京烤鸭闻起来很香,尝起来也很好吃 The Beijing roast duck(smells)(good) and (tastes)(good), too 3.他不仅是我们的老师也是我们的朋友 He is(not)(only) our teacher(but )(also)our ...

源汇区18973965764: 我们在上周五的晚会上玩的很开心 ,求翻译成英文
长逄常乐: We play on Friday evening party of very happy!

源汇区18973965764: 英语翻译:晚会我们玩的很开心. -
长逄常乐: We have a great time at the party.晚会我们玩得很开心.

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