get the most out of是什么意思

作者&投稿:骑居 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

get the most out of
英[ɡet ðə məust aut ɔv]美[ɡɛt ði most aʊt ʌv]
A runner must ensure that he or she is drinking water to get the most out of training runs.

get the most out of

get the most out of
英 [ɡet ðə məust aut ɔv] 美 [ɡɛt ði most aʊt ʌv]

get the most out of
英[ɡet ðə məust aut ɔv]
美[ɡɛt ði most aʊt ʌv]

英语读法[ɡet ðə məust aut ɔv]
美式英语读法[ɡɛt ði most aʊt ʌv]

碾子山区19724317743: 请问:get the most out -
宿贞安卜:[答案] 要看具体语境的,就表面翻译的话是“充分利用”“得到最大的收获”等

碾子山区19724317743: get the most out -
宿贞安卜:[答案] get the most out of 获得最出 双语对照 词典结果: get the most out of [英][ɡet ðə məust aut ɔv][美][ɡɛt ði most aʊt ʌv] 最有效的使用,发挥…的最大功效; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. They do everything possible to teach you their ways and ...

碾子山区19724317743: get+the+most+out+of是什么意思 -
宿贞安卜: get the most out of 好好利用,充分利用;发挥…最大功效;最有效地使用 网络释义 最有效地使用 充分利用 最有效的使用;发挥¥最大功效21世纪大英汉词典 get the most out of1.发挥…最大功效,最有效地使用…2.发挥…最大功效,最有效地使用

碾子山区19724317743: get the most out of是什么意思 -
宿贞安卜: get the most out of 英[ɡet ðə məust aut ɔv] 美[ɡɛt ði most aʊt ʌv] 最有效的使用,发挥…的最大功效

碾子山区19724317743: get the most out of sth 等于get the most of sth. 吗? -
宿贞安卜: 我举个例子."get the most out of this trip"指从这次trip中学到尽可能多的东西,或得到尽可能多的利益.而"get the most of the marks" 指拿到“大部分”的分数.指分数本身.而get the most out of xx 是指从xx中得到,学到了别的什么东西,是主观的.不懂再问我吧:)

碾子山区19724317743: get the most out of it 是怎么理解?
宿贞安卜: 就是“尽最大可能的利用它”

碾子山区19724317743: 麻烦老师解答:阅读理解. 阅读理解.      You know you have to read "between the lines" to get the most out of anything.I want to tell you something ... -
宿贞安卜:[答案] 1-5 DEBCA

碾子山区19724317743: 英语翻译(1) My management skills came in handy to get the most out of each person on the team.(2)That means that I needed to go from working one - on - ... -
宿贞安卜:[答案] (1) My management skills ( 主语 我的管理技能) came in handy ( 谓语,派上用场) to get the most out of each person on the team. ( 状语, 充分调动了团队每个人力量) (2) That ( 主句主语)means ( 谓语 那就意味着) that I needed to go ...

碾子山区19724317743: to get the most out of college,这里的most out of college是什么意思?这是一个短语?什么短语?希望大家帮我好好讲讲,谢谢. -
宿贞安卜:[答案] get the most out of [固定词组] : 最充分地利用 To get the most out of college. (充分地吸收在大学所教所学的)

碾子山区19724317743: to get the most out of college,这里的most out of college是什么意思?这是一个短语?什么短语?希望大家帮我好好讲讲,谢谢.
宿贞安卜: get the most out of [固定词组] : 最充分地利用 To get the most out of college. (充分地吸收在大学所教所学的)

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