
作者&投稿:占凡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

is harmful(后面有to,不用加)
stay healthy
was afraid of
Make sure
is doing a survey
clean and tidy
big enough

第二范式(2NF):如果关系模式R(U,F)中的所有非主属性都完全依赖于任意一个候选关键字,则称关系R 是属于第二范式的。

1. Here are some examples of those things.
2. He tries to help them.
3. He dose not push to the front.
4. He dose not talk or laugh loudly in public.
5. In some Asian countries,it is good manners to take off your shoes in the house
6. Good manners really mean to be kind and helpful to others.

1. Here are some examples of those things.
2. He tries to help them.
3. He dose not push to the front.
4. He dose not talk or laugh loudly in public.
5. It is good manners to ake off your shoes in the house in some Asian countries.
6. To be kind of helpful means to others really good manners.

1、Here are some examples of those things.
2、He tries to help them.
3、He does not push to the front.
4、He does not talk or laugh loudly in public.
5、In some Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your shoes in the house.
6、Good manners mean to be really kind and helpful to others.

here are some examples of those things
he tries to help them
he does not push to the front
he does not talk or laugh loudly in public
it is good manners to take off your shoes in the house in some Asian countries
good manners really mean to others to be kind and helpful

5道英语选择,希望细致的解答 谢谢
2 If I ___ home , I would have reminded him of the meeting.A .was B. were C. had been D. should be 答案是C 我觉得是B 3 Today the public ___about the way nature is being ruined.这题当中的today不是今天,而是进行时的另一种用法,表示最近一个阶段正在发生的事情或者状态。

解析:1. be elected+职务名称 [后面直接加职务名称,不加冠词]例如:Mr Charles was elected chairman of the municipal education committee.查尔斯当选为先生市教育委员会主任委员。2. at在表示感情色彩的词后一般表示“对,因”,同时“at”强调在得知某一结果的那一刻,突然发生的一种感情转变,即...

1、We must keep 【healthy】(health)first,and then we can study well.2、Little Tom is a good boy .He likes 【studying】(study)and likes school activities.3、Do you want to buy some Coke and 【carrots】(carrot)?4、Millie loves dancing and she wants to be a 【dancer...

英语教师王太认为:1. for 是一种推测性的或是一种附加的原因,这种原因不说句子也清楚; 本句主要强调“破晓了”。如:It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. 作晚一定下雨了,因为地面是湿的。as 表原因,习惯上放在句首;如果表时间,常常强调两个动作同时发生。如:We ...

1、They went the back door into the garden。A。over B、through C、 in D、out 答案详细解析:以上是考查 go through 用法,意思,穿过,通过,整个句子意思:他们穿过后门进入了花园:所以答案为B 2、I was surprised ___him here .A、at see B、 at seeing C、in see D...

2.Why is the letter E so important?2.Because it’s the beginning of everything!为什呢字母E很重要?因为它是“每件事” 的开头 3.Why are the letter G and letter S in "gloves" close to each other?3.Because there is love between them!为什么字母“G”和字母“S”在“手套”中...

我想求教几道英语选择题,希望能附答案: 1.He ___you more help,even th...
1. A 此题考查错综虚拟语气,其中后一句为过去的事实,前一句为对过去情况的虚拟。所以此句可以对比含if条件状语从句虚拟语气中,对过去情况的虚拟时,主句的语法结构:would\/could\/might\/should have done sth,所以正确答案是A。might have given your help可以翻译为“本可以给你帮助(事实上当时没有...

man in red;a woman in red 表穿戴均可用in 3.选择1.in a day中的a表示不特指的一天,任意一天。理解句意的话:一天有24个小时。4.是的,trousers在句子中单复数同形。a pair of trousers 表示一条裤子,看的是pair,类似的,two pieces of bread(两片面包)作主语的话,谓语动词用复数,...

求教4道英语题。 如能给我讲明白,万分感谢!
1. A it's necessary that从句中,从句必须使用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词由“should + 动词原形”构成,由此排除B;句意明显为被动,排除D;he has refused to是he has refused to be sent to Beijing的缩写,此is后面的表语从句并不缺少其他成分,所以用that引导,而不能用what引导,排除C。2. A...

fof example)1.what a clever boy.2 how clever the boy is... fun 不可数 d of就用宾格,指人 b 主句中没有先行词,就要找一个词来代替,就是that了 a a another ten minutes 再十分钟 b so 后面可以加“多多少少”这里的Little 是少的意思。和much many搭配的只能用so b a ...

华莹市19235172829: 有道英语题希望知道的人帮帮我 -
阮枫康妇: 1. Here are some examples of those things.2. He tries to help them.3. He dose not push to the front.4. He dose not talk or laugh loudly in public.5. It is good manners to ake off your shoes in the house in some Asian countries.6. To be kind of helpful means to others really good manners.

华莹市19235172829: 有道英语题不会,请求大家帮帮忙!我还有好多作业,帮帮我吧! -
阮枫康妇: 好像是:1.be harmful to 2.stay healthy 3.be afraid of 4.clean and tidy 5.make 6.habit 7.do a survey 8.daily 9.big enough 10.make sure应该没错.

华莹市19235172829: 老师们好!我有道英语题不明白,还希望有会的老师,告诉我!谢谢! -
阮枫康妇: 25、 选C,too much 修饰不可数名词,A too many 修饰可数名词,而"sweet food"不可数,B缺少of,D缺少 little26、 选B,but表转折,鸡肉很好吃,但我不喜欢吃27、 选D,交际用语,“让我们去购物吧!” “好主意!”

华莹市19235172829: 请帮个忙嘛,有道英语题不知如何解的I__go to bed until I -- finished my work.A.don't,have B.didn't,had我觉得两个都可以啊,但答案是第一个, -
阮枫康妇:[答案] 这句话是现在说的,整个句子的时间是基于现在,所以选A,从句为现在完成时 B的整个时间基点是建立在过去说的,从句为过去完成时

华莹市19235172829: 我有道英语题不会谁可以帮帮我
阮枫康妇: 选a,首先some是修饰复数的,所以piece要加s,再就是good 要放在piece前面,这是英语惯用法,举个例子,一双新鞋应该是a new pair of shoes而不是a pair of new shoes,这种说法不符合英语习惯,前面的一种才符合,所以选a

华莹市19235172829: 我有道英语题不会写,有谁能教教我呢? -
阮枫康妇: I'm good at (动名词) (国外的一个节日) is on December 25th the second month is (第二个月是什么?) the day after Friday is (周五后面一天叫什么) The day before Thursday is (周四前面一天叫什么) The first month of a year is (一年中第一个月是什么) The month of a year is September (这个句子没问题) 好好学习,不要在这里要答案,偷懒

华莹市19235172829: 一个英语的题目,读不懂,非常急我在做作业,有道题目理解不了,请大家帮下忙,Suppose you and your lab partner were each given scissors and a strand ... -
阮枫康妇:[答案] 哦就是说你跟你的同伴一人一条带子 你可以将任意两个地方接起来,他可以接5个地方 然后用剪子剪一刀能把绳子分成几部分 我觉得就是重合部分的问题.. 大概..他是想问最多能分几部分..不是数学题吧? 你的那个大概就是3部分 同伴的那个...2^n+1...

华莹市19235172829: 有道英语题很常见.I don't know - ---it.答案A when to do B where to do C what to do D how to do -
阮枫康妇: 除了C, 其它答案都可以.I don't know 【when to do】it.我不知道什么时候做那件事 I don't know 【where to do】it.我不知道在哪做那件事 I don't know 【how to do】it.我不知道怎么做那件事 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

华莹市19235172829: 有道英语题帮忙解答一下,谢谢! -
阮枫康妇: 2.on 3.When's 4.in 5.on 6.When's 7.in 8.on 9.When's 10.on

华莹市19235172829: 有道英语题,谁来帮帮我!
阮枫康妇: out of

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