英文导游词 叠彩山

作者&投稿:农弦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

象鼻山英文简介Ludi Yan 叠彩山英文简介Diecai Park 伏波山英文简介Fubo Shan
(Reed Flute Cave)
Described as "Art Palace of Nature", the stalagmite and stone flowers of grotesque shapes in the caves create breathtaking spectacles which are really a feast for the eyes. Half way up the Brightness Hill, Reed Flute Cave is seven kilometers northwest of the center of Guilin. There used to be a special kind of reed growing outside of the cave which was an ideal material for making flute.
叠彩山英文简介Diecai Park
( Hill of Folded Brocade)
It earned its name due to the fact that its fault layers look like pieces of piled brocades. Standing on the top of the hill, you will get a panoramic view of the city.
伏波山英文简介Fubo Shan
(Whirlpool Hill)

I went to the diecaishan sit slide

I went to the diecaishan sit slide

叠彩山 位于桂林市区东北部,滨临漓江。叠彩山与城中的独秀峰、漓江畔的伏波山鼎足而立,同为城内的游览胜地。叠彩山占地面积约2平方公里,由明月峰、仙鹤峰和四望山、于越山组成,横亘市区,景色优美,又易于攀登,为桂林山景中的一个热点。山中佳景甚多,有叠彩亭、于越阁、瞿张二公成仁碑、仰止堂、风洞、叠彩楼、望江亭和拿云亭等名胜。山上历代名人的摩崖石刻尢多,为文物的精华。若登上明月峰,驻足拿云亭,全城景色尽书眼底。“一面晴风四面山,望疑仙境在人间”。

叠彩园门 叠彩公园园门,1990年建,为飞檐、硬脊、坡顶、绿瓦的仿古圆门建筑。我国现代著名书法家王遐举书“叠彩山”横匾悬其上,右侧为售票处,左侧饰以玻璃壁窗,古朴雅丽,嵌于锦翠相间的山石林木之前。 叠彩山门 在叠彩山仰止堂前,是坡顶、青苡的仿古建筑,高踞在登上风洞的咽喉之地,可拾级而上。门上有魏继昌书”叠彩山“隶字横额;两侧悬挂清广西布政使张祥河撰、桂林书法家伍纯道写的”到清凉境,生欢喜心“的楹联。一过山门,即进入历史文物、宗教、自然风光相互交融的胜地。

景风阁 在叠彩山风洞南洞口右前方的平台上,唐元晦建于会昌间(841-846),历代有修茸,阁已久废,数十件珍贵诗刻同毁于抗日战争。据清画家张宝《泛槎图》,景风阁为重檐、坡顶、长方形建筑。清庆保《景风阁记》说阁”居四望、于越之间,前接广野,倚大江,廓然翕受,窈而多风。其东小阁数椽,故为游人憩望地,每盛夏熏灼,于此解烦焉“。景风阁为一时名建,历代名人有诗刻,变法维新风云人物康有为、百岁爱国老人马相伯先后居此。

叠彩亭 位于叠彩登山道上。4角、平顶、单层、红柱、绿瓦,高约5米,长7.5米,宽8.5米。面积约64平方米,呈十字形。正面悬挂著名书法家王遐举所书“叠彩山“的匾额。叠彩亭东依于越,西邻四望,北对明月,与山景和谐而不争高。东西设坐凳,北隅为观赏”彩翠相间“的最佳角度,是游憩的理想场所。亭西,刻有明代羽卿的”江山会景处“。 叠彩琼楼 在叠彩山明月峰与于越山之间,是一组以桂北侗族建筑形式为依据构筑的大型风景园林建筑群体,建筑面积1300平方米,1990年建成。叠彩琼楼以鼓楼和连廊为中轴线,将整个建筑分为东西两个院落;东院庭转院接,曲径通幽;西院开阔疏朗,小桥勾连。院落以池水为中心,东为高阁,西有亭廊,南设层楼,北置水榭。主体的鼓楼为2层歇山顶楼阁,前面是小巧的卷棚敞轩,其余为1、2层坡顶,局部突起重檐、3重檐卷棚歇山顶或6角、8角攒尖顶。整组建筑,主从分明,层次丰富,错落有致,富于变化,与自然环境和谐调协,具有仙山琼阁的意境。

仰仁堂 桂林市重点文物保护单位。位于市区叠彩山风洞前。抗日战争期间所建。原建已毁。1958年重建。堂东西长11.5米,南北宽7.1米。东西开门,北壁嵌有瞿式 、张同敞画像、《洁气岭》唱和诗,以及1963年郭沫若来此凭吊所作二公像赞诗等石刻。

望江亭 在叠彩山北半山腰处,原为正德间(1506-1521)明太监傅伦作为钦差镇宋广西都知监时所建。他酷爱桂林山水,尢偏爱叠彩,有七登叠彩山诗。他的《望江亭诗》,有“山色佛云青,溪光照空碧,构亭倚风洞,超然意自适”句,绘出望江亭“佛云”“照空”的特色,亭早废,1954、1990年两次在原址重建,为红柱、绿瓦、翘角、攒尖顶的仿古方亭,高约6米,南北长5.2米,东西宽4.9米,总面积约25.5平方米。亭右壁有摩崖题刻“探奇处”3个大字,站在亭内或由此攀登,都有奇景可探。

瞿张成仁处碑 在市区叠彩山山门内。碑高167厘米,宽83厘米。共28了,均为楷书。正文”常熟悉瞿 的陵张忠烈二公成仁处“,字经20厘米,年月日及姓氏署款,字经10厘米,清道光20年广西巡抚梁享 书并立,

临江上岩 位于叠彩山北麓。临江岩有二:南为上岩、北为下岩。上岩洞口刻有“临江上岩”4字。上岩高4.6米,宽3.5米,深8.6米,面积约30平方米。岩口临江,视野开阔,江山景色与岩景交融,登临玩赏,兴味无穷。古往今来的仁人志士,无不以到此弄吟为快。明陈于明《题木龙洞石壁》诗,“逶迤江路洞天开,奇峰排空拥翠来,水石参差当槛出,亭台高下自天栽”,如实地概括了上岩的特色。

风洞 明月峰山腰一奇洞,南北对穿,中狭小,仅通人,形成前后两个洞,南北开敞,呈葫芦状,全长20米,最宽9.2米,最高5米。总面积约140平方米。风洞原是一条地下古河道,两头大中间小,所处地势高,北接“湘桂走廊”,南迎驾桥岭与海洋山之间的“峡道”,形成对流,两端过风的断面大,中间小,风速增大,压强减少,风不断补充。随着季节变换,来风有清、和、暖、冷之别。


叠彩北牖洞 风洞之北,即后洞,椭圆形,是葫芦的后半部。洞口北向,如窗,又称“北牖”。洞高4.8米,宽9.2米,长7.5米,面积约69平方米。洞口有清人陈维湘题刻“北牖洞”三字,洞内摩崖石刻数十件,以朱 颜《访叠彩岩登越亭》、杨芳《游风洞山》、袁枚《游风洞登高望仙鹤明月诸峰》、康有为《风洞题名》和李秉绶的兰竹画刻为珍。洞中原有卧佛一尊,供抚摩祈祥,现已无存。

叠彩太极洞 位于明月峰山腰,南口在北牖洞西南隅,北口朝登山道口,呈弯管状,洞内有石柱分隔,酪似太极图的两条阴阳鱼。洞门宽4.2米,洞高3米,宽3~4米,长13米,面积约50平方米。“太极洞”3字,刻在北洞口上。从洞的一端到另一端,纡回曲折,能见度低。北口大而敞,光线可透达转折处,洞景依稀可辨;南口在北牖洞内,小而隐,光源微弱,初入有伸手不见五指之感。自南口盘旋而上,出北口,从黑暗中渐见光明;从北口人,出南口,至北牖洞,凉风习习,题刻琳琅,如入仙境。乐于在不同境况中探索、感受,捕捉各异乐趣的人们,尢爱太极洞。

迎风楼 在叠彩山风洞的北牖洞口处,原为古建,久废。1972年重建,为8柱、两层、开敞的仿古建筑,总面积180平方米。柱间设坐凳,中有石桌。一层置楹联二:其一“登临爽气此间生,且喜江山多丽色;回首屐痕何处是,惟留天地一奇观”,其二“风指落花妍小径;雨清芳草翠层阶”。分别描绘迎风楼当风雨立、爽气此生的特点,以及楼前“多丽色”“一奇观”的气势和榜旁楼后”花妍“”草翠“、”层阶“、”小径“的景物,是给游人以启迪的绝妙导游词;二层为观景楼和登上明月峰的必由之路。

明月峰 位于叠彩山东北,海拔223米,相对高度约73米,山体总面积1.41公顷,是叠彩山的主峰。清袁枚《游风洞登仙鹤明月诸峰》诗有“仙鹤不可招,明月犹堪弄”句,明兵部右侍郎杨芳《风洞山诗》,“引手欲探天上月,俯躬疑碍日边云”,均言峰高可揽月,故有明月峰之谓,峰顶有形如葫芦的小平台,五代马殷曾在此建台,人称马王台。宋静江知府张 筑“尧山”、“漓水”二坛,以祭祀山川,并写《尧山漓水二坛记》,把山川作为土地资源,江河资源加以赞美,呼吁加以重视、保护,以维护自然环境的生态平衡。台、坛均早废。1955年在旧址建拿云亭。


四望山 位于叠彩山西南,与东南之于越山相对,以山间径道相隔,山体面积3.32化顷。四望山“乱石纵横,枕籍排突”,他山稀有。登山可四面临眺,东面尧山、漓江,南有穿山、塔山、南溪、斗鸡,目之所游,群胜交集,山壁有唐元晦《四望山记》刻迹及清李少莲刻“玉叠蓬壶”4个大字,近年新刻我国著名作家芭盾等墨迹。山麓曾建普明庵,后在遗址建定粤寺。绡忧亭和定粤寺,均已早废。 仙鹤峰 位于明月峰的西北,海拔253.6米,相对高度101米,是叠彩诸峰最高的,山体面积2.1公顷。山腹有仙鹤洞,高约14米,底宽8.6米,长60米,面积516平方米。呈三角形,相传古时有二仙鹤栖息山峰上,好事者镌二鹤于洞口,供人瞻仰,因名“瞻鹤洞”。到了明代,明宗室第3代靖江王朱佐敬之曾孙朱镇山,在瞻鹤洞硕面壁修道;自号瞻鹤道人,据为别业,改名仙鹤洞。此后,峰和洞都以仙鹤为名,一直沿用。


环碧园 在叠彩山北白鹤洞下,与仙鹤洞相通。因“满园碧翠,环顾可得“而名,是清代桂林画家李秉绶所建,也叫李园;园中遍种反栗树,亦称板栗园,园已久废,李的姻亲张维屏,有《桂游日记》可窥环碧园之盛。据载,”园以洞为尢胜“,一园之中有”林屋“、”水壶“、”瞻鹤“、”明月“、”墨云深处“5个奇洞,最高的明月洞,皓月东升时满洞清辉;园中建筑遍布,有亭、台、堂、榭、圃、廊10余处,成为一代名园。

于越亭 在叠彩山的于越山顶上,是一个8柱、3开、单檐、翘角、长方、四面开敞的亭阁。长10.6米、宽4.95米,高4.54米。面积51.47平方米。原为唐元晦所建,久废。1954年在原址上重新构筑,更名于越阁,阁名为美籍华人、美国迈阿密中国画院院长梁粲英女士所书。于越亭是游人多喜登临之处。宋人朱 颜《访叠彩岩登越亭诗》:“不到越亭久,榴花经几红。江流寒泻玉,山色翠浮空,百越薰风里,三湘夕照中。”比较客观地写出了于越山和于越亭的特点。

康岩、素洞 在于越山麓。洞北向,高3.2米,宽1.7米,长10.5米,面积约18平方米。1894年12月,康有为到桂林讲学期间,住在叠彩山景风阁,发现于越山下两个岩洞。以自己的字号命名,东叫“康岩”,北叫“素洞”,并摩崖篆名刻。现“素洞”两个篆字和题记尚存。

叠彩岩 风洞之南,即前洞,是叠彩洞,因山得名,古称叠彩岩。高3.65米,宽5.6米,长12.5米。面积约70平方米。洞口有陈毅名句“愿作桂林人,不愿作神仙”的题刻,以及著名书法家沈尹默题“叠彩山”3个大字。洞壁有佛像90余尊,为唐宋物,故又名福庭洞。

拿云亭 在叠彩山明月峰顶,又名齐云、倚云、取其高之意。始建于唐,久废。1955年重建,1988年遭雷劈,再建,高约5米,面积19.36平方米。为红柱、单檐、攒尖顶、青苡、四面开敞之圆亭,柱间设坐凳,亭基三级,意谓上升九宵。香港书画家赵少昂为之书额。登亭眺瞰,目极无遗。

销忧亭 在叠彩山的四望山上。唐会昌年间(841~846)建。元晦《四望山记》载:“山名四望,故亭为销忧。亭之前后,绵络山腹,皆溪梁危磴。由南而北,复东上叠彩右崖,至福庭石门,约三十余步。”亭久废。

木龙洞 在叠彩山东麓,高4米,宽2~3米,长10米,面积40平方米,南北穿透。西邻明月峰仅数十米,南去伏波山约1公里,是龙珠路与驿前街必由之路。相传洞口原有盘曲的古树,洪水突涨时化龙入海,这个洞被叫作木龙洞。明天启间(1621~1627),督学曹学 做了两条木龙,悬于洞顶,早废。叠彩山有通往木龙洞的路,明周进隆《再题叠彩山》诗,“重峦叠峰瞰江流,空明一径通人游”,道出了木龙洞的特点,木龙洞踞山临江,洞北约20米处,在一块巨大的蛤蟆石上,建有一座喇嘛古塔。宋谭舜臣《木龙洞游览题名》:“嘉祜癸卯(1063)寒食旬休,谭舜臣携累累石门,下临江岩,参唐代佛塔,览风帆、沙鸟、江山之胜,此为最焉,遂舟过虞山。”据此,塔为唐代所建,是广西最古的石塔之一。

宝积山 旧名卧龙山,在叠彩区政府西北。与叠彩的四望山隔中山北路相对峙,海拔208米,相对高度58米,长350米,宽120米。山体面积7.75公顷,呈蟠龙状。北宋前,城池北门建在宝积与四望山间,山上筑有城墙,“城壁峻悄,皆斩崖火之”,有“铁封云锁“之誉。元代在山上建武侯祠,通称孔明台,宝积山也被称作孔明台,明万历二十三年(1595)移至南麓,清康熙间又重建于山顶。后毁于抗日战争烽火。山北有宝积岩、华景洞、华景塘。华景洞附近曾建有岩光亭、铁佛寺。洞深5、6丈,平坦敞朗,曲折深幽,可达孔明台。登台远望,前后左右为华景塘、桂湖、漓江、八角塘所拱,四周则观音、鹦鹉、叠彩、独秀、骝马、老人诸山环绕,北面峰峦常为岚气凝集,雨后初雾,紫雾笼山,景色独丽,有“桂岭晴岚”之称。唐宋时已成游赏胜地,壁间有宋明以来石刻10余件。1979年5月,在宝积岩内发现距今约3万年前人牙化石两枚、动物化石和打制石器等。宝积山不仅是旅游胜地,也是文物荟萃之地。

宝积岩洞穴遗址 位于市区中山北路宝积山山腹。洞口呈三角形,为单斜岩层构成,向南距地面7-8米。岩洞面积968平方米。主洞之外,有支洞数个。本世纪70年代开始,洞内就不断发现原始文化遗迹和遗物。经过1979年发掘,推定为旧石器时代晚期洞穴遗址,距今约三万年。

华景洞 在宝积山北扉,高5米,宽17米,深50米,面积约850平方米。《广西通志》:云“(在)华景山下,岩诽东向,空明轩豁,有穴直通山后。由石径循雉堞南行,竟达武侯祠。”清查礼在游记中写道:“洞口高约十五六尺,广五十尺,洞中平坦轩豁,后有二个窦,一窦右折,黑暗不可下;一窦左旋通光,渐上渐高,长百五十尺,出洞有飞云台,台广三十尺,外为石栏,凭栏则城西诸山,历历在目。”唐元晦在洞前建岩光亭交题诗,“石静如开镜,山高若耸莲:笋竿抽玉管,花蔓缀金钿”。明清时建铁佛寺,毁于火,光绪间重修,并铸大铁佛一尊。洞壁诗刻多件。现封闭以培植食用菌。

华景塘 在宝积山下华景洞前,宽120米,长60米,水面面积约7200平方米。明《桂胜》载:“横塘深广,晨飘霞绮,夕丽金波,得水而观益增。故唐元常侍晦建亭一,曰‘岩光’,以岩指水而写光也。”说明自唐以来得到名士、游人的青睐。塘畔遍植榴花,水光花色交相辉映,引人入胜。
Mt. Diecai located at Guilin urban district northeast, shore near Lijiang River. In Mt. Diecai and the city outstanding peak, Lijiang River bank's Fu Boshan stands in opposition, with for city in tourist attraction. The Mt. Diecai area the approximately 2 square kilometers, by the bright moonlight peak, the Manchurian crane peak and look out in all directions the mountain, Yu Yueshan to be composed, span the urban district, the scenery are exquisite, also easy to climb, for a Guilin mountain scenery in hot spot. In mountain beautiful scenery very many, has folds the color pavilion, Yu Yuege, Ju to open two male dies for a righteous cause the tablet, to admire greatly the hall, the wind tunnel, to fold the color building, the Wangjiang pavilion and takes scenic spots and so on cloud pavilion. On mountain all previous dynasties celebrity's inscription carved on a cliff face carved stone wang many, is the cultural relic essence. If reaches the bright moonlight peak, settles down takes the cloud pavilion, entire city scenery completely book eyeground. “around the clear wind the mountain, looks at the same time doubts the fairyland in the world”.
Folds the color garden gate to fold the color park garden gate, in 1990 constructed, for upturned eave, hard keel, top of slope, green tile round gate construction in the style of antiquity. Above our country modern well-known calligrapher Wang Xiaju book “Mt. Diecai” the inscribed horizontal tablet hangs, right flank is a ticket office, left side plays the part of by the glass wall window, plain tastefully beautiful, inlays Shan Shi who Before Jincui alternates with forest. The Mt. Diecai gate admires greatly the hall before Mt. Diecai, is the top of slope, the blue yi construction in the style of antiquity, lords over in mounts the wind tunnel place of the pharynx and larynx, may go up steps on. In the gate has Wei Jichang the book” Mt. Diecai “the lishu horizontal tablet; The both sides are hanging clear Guangxi provincial adminstrative commissioner Zhang Xianghe to write, Guilin calligrapher Wu Chundao to write” to the cool boundary, lives likes the heart “couplets hung in front. An entrance, namely has entered the paradise which the historical relics, the religion, the natural scenery blend mutually.
Jing Fengge south the Mt. Diecai wind tunnel right front in Dongkou's platform, Tang Yuanhui constructs at Huichang between (841-846), all previous dynasties have repair the deer velvet for a long time, the Chinese style pavilion already waste, dozens of precious poems engrave with destroy in the Sino-Japanese War. According to clear painter Zhang Bao "Pan-Bamboo raft Chart", Jing Fengge for double-eaved roof, top of slope, rectangular construction. Celebrated clear guarantees "Jing Fengge To record" said that the Chinese style pavilion” occupied four looks, between Vietnam, first met the broad plains, relied on the great river, the open and quiet amiable received, but yao multi-winds. Its east small Chinese style pavilion number rafter, therefore rests for the tourist looks, each midsummer is arrogant and intimidating, is bothersome in this solution “. Jing Fengge to construct for a while, all previous dynasties celebrity has the poem to engrave, political reform reform man of the hour Kang Youwei, hundred year old of patriotic old person the horse uncle occupies this successively.
Folds the color pavilion located at to fold the color to ascend on the mountain road. 4 jiao, flat top, monolayer, red column, green tile, high approximately 5 meters, length 7.5 meters, width 8.5 meters. The area the approximately 64 square meters, assume the cruciform. Frontage is hanging the well-known calligrapher Wang Xiaju book “Mt. Diecai “inscribed horizontal tablet. Folds east the color pavilion according to Vietnam, west the neighbour looks out in all directions, north to the bright moonlight, harmonious does not struggle high with the mountain scenery. The thing supposes sits the stool, north the corner is watching” the color green jade interaction “the best angle, is the amusement and rest ideal place. West the pavilion, inscribes Ming Dynasty feather minister” the landscape to meet the scenery place “. Folds the color fine jade building in the Mt. Diecai bright moonlight peak and between Yu Yueshan, is a group take the Gui Bei Dong minority architectural style as the basis construction large-scale scenery garden structure community, the floor space 1300 square meters, in 1990 completed. Folds the color fine jade building by the drumtower and Lian Langwei the axle, divides into the entire construction the thing two courtyards; East the courtyard courtyard transfers to another hospital meets, sinuous; West courtyard open bright, bridge involvement. The courtyard take the pool of water as a center, east is the high tower, west has the pavilion porch, south supposes the level building, north sets at the waterside pavilion. The main body drumtower is 2 rests the summit pavilion, front is the exquisite structure with side-walls only opens the porch, other are 1, 2 tops of slope, breaks out the double-eaved roof, 3 double-eaved roof structure with side-walls only to rest partially the summit or 6 jiao, 8 jiao accumulates the apex. Entire group building, main from distinct, the level is rich, scattered and organized, is rich in the change, harmonizes harmoniously with the natural environment, has the fairyland palace ideal condition. Yang Rentang Guilin key Cultural relic preservation organ. Before the urban district Mt. Diecai wind tunnel. Sino-Japanese War period constructs. Constructs originally has destroyed. in 1958 reconstructed. Hall thing length 11.5 meters, north and south width 7.1 meters. The thing opens the door, north the wall inlays has Ju Shi, Zhang Tongchang to paint a portrait, "Clean Gas Range" composes a poem in response to one received the poem, as well as in 1963 Guo Moruo came this to be grieved makes carved stone and so on two male portrait inscription poems. the Wangjiang pavilion north Mt. Diecai the halfway up the mountainside, (1506-1521) bright court eunuch Fu Lun supervises originally for Germany between as the imperial envoy town Song Guangxi knowledge time constructs. He is very fond of Guilin scenery, wang is partial folds the color, seven ascend the Mt. Diecai poem. He "Wangjiang Pavilion Poem", has “Shan Sefu spatially the ultramarine, the brook illumination blue, the construction pavilion relies on the wind tunnel, aloof Italy from suitable” sentence, draws the Wangjiang pavilion “spatially “the Buddha cloud” according to” the characteristic, the pavilion is early waste, 1954, in 1990 two times in the original address reconstruction, for the red column, the green tile, the rake, accumulated apex's Fang Ting in the style of antiquity, high approximately 6 meters, north and south length 5.2 meters, thing width 4.9 meters, total area approximately 25.5 square meters. The pavilion right wall has the inscription carved on a cliff face topic to engrave “searches wonderfully place” 3 large brush-written Chinese characters, stands or climbs from this in the pavilion, has the marvelous sight to search.

Hello, everyone, I am a pain in the travel guides Bingkuailezhuo XX, here I come to all of us in Wuhan City to extend a warm welcome, the next time I will give you a guide on services, I will make every effort to arrange Members of a good trip, so that everyone in the tourism activities are in them. , The following please sit with me in the Wuhan Cruise Night Tour. Prior to the board, I was all for a brief introduction about the situation in Wuhan. Wuhan is the capital of Hubei Province, covering an area of 8467 square kilometers, the population of 8,310,000, is the largest city in central China, is one of the largest cities across the country, we came to Wuhan, you will certainly hear the Wuhansanzhen, indeed , Wuhan, the Yangtze River and Han River has been divided into Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang three in the town, so people used to do that. There are words "scoop a spoonful from the two river, a cup of green tea in the town three", said the Wuhan is also the unique geographical situation, as the two rivers were the Department of Justice, also located in the hinterland of central China, Wuhan is why since ancient times have had Tongqu nine provinces in the world. If you have been to Wuhan City, I would like to run tonight and I will certainly make you think of the past, like Wuhan, if you are the first time, then you see the Wuhan will be the real success now and in the future. Well, now we have reached today on board the Hong Kong and Wuhan where it is the Ministry of Wuhan City on July 5 and the key construction projects, began operations early in 1992, China's inland and the Yangtze River's largest Ke Yungang. Now in Hong Kong and Wuhan, perhaps we can only feel it's magnificent, but I would now like to remind you that later Congjiang to turn around and look at the surface of it, you would set a "do not know truth, just because In the mountains, "the feeling that we are now boarding.

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