夏天能做什么事? 英文 带翻译

作者&投稿:资盼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、You can go fishing in summer.
2、You can go swimming in summer.

3、You can go rope skipping in summer.
4、You can take a bath in summer.
5、You can go fishing in summer.

First, you should replenish moisture at once but should not drink beverages. Fruit juice, cola, Sprite, soft drinks and other beverages contain more saccharin and electrolytes. Drinking them will stimulate gastrointestinal adverse affect digestion and appetite. Therefore, in the summer, you should drink boiled water or light salt (sugar) water.

Second, not binge after thirsty. After a lot of sweat and labor movement, a lot of white water for drinking should be appropriate to add some light salt (sugar) in the water, because a lot of people sweat excessive loss of body salt, accounting for about 0.5% of sweat, not replenishing salt makes the body loss of water and salt, which can lead a serious imbalance, leading to metabolic disorders.

Third, the most intense solar radiation time is around 10 -15, you should try to avoid this time out, including going out. You should put some skin care products on the skin, with light summer clothing as well.

Fourth, not excessive drinking. Body can be easily affected by the temperature in the summer heat plot Yun, and excessive heat is induced on the skin toxicity occurred sore carbuncle cause, not only you must have a large drink liquor, but also it will help students become wet heat and fan the flames.

Fifth, the diet should not be too light. In the summer, human activity lasts for a long time, including sweating and consumption. So it should be more appropriate to eat chicken, duck nutritious foods, lean meat, fish, eggs, etc., in order to meet the metabolic needs of the body.

Sixth, nap time can not last too long. Nap time is too long, which can deepen suppress on the central nervous system and the relative reduction in brain blood flow will slow down because of the metabolic processes, resulting in discomfort after waking up and the whole body will become more sleepy.

Seventh, avoid heating after "rapid cooling." In the summer, people go out to work or back, like the fan not opening enough, and then they immediately go cold baths, it would quickly close the pores of the body, but difficult to distribute body heat. Because of the rapid contraction of the blood vessels of the brain caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain, people are dizzy.

Eighth, air-conditioned indoor and outdoor temperature should not be too large. Using air conditioning indoor and outdoor temperature does not exceed 5 degrees, which is appropriate, even if the weather is hot, and the air-conditioned room's temperature should not be under 24 degrees.

go swimming游泳
wear dresses穿裙子

what can we do in summer?

赫山区13874726277: 夏天能做什么事? 英文 带翻译 -
骑彪阿诺: go swimming游泳 wear dresses穿裙子

赫山区13874726277: 夏天可以干的事全面一点写下来英语 -
骑彪阿诺: The summer can do a little bit of everything to write down.夏天可以干的事全面一点写下来.

赫山区13874726277: 夏天可以做什么事(英文)
骑彪阿诺: 您好! 翻译为:What can we do in summer?请采纳,谢谢!

赫山区13874726277: 你在夏天可以做什么事?英语作文,用一般现在时. -
骑彪阿诺:[答案] You know,Summer is always hot.But I like it.Because I can go swimming with my good friends.And we all like swimming.I am good at swimming.I always win the games.We also eat ice cream.It is very tasty....

赫山区13874726277: 在夏天应该做什么,用英语表示 -
骑彪阿诺: 是翻译吗?What can we/you in summer?回答:We can go swimming./We can enjoy ice cream./ We can stay in an air-conditioned room and do whatever we like.希望对你有帮助

赫山区13874726277: 夏天能做哪些事,用英文写(6句话) -
骑彪阿诺: 1、I can swimming in summer我可以游泳. 2、I can eat ice-cream in summer我可以吃冰淇淋. 3、I can wear dress in summer我可以穿裙子.4、I can eat watermelon in summer我可以吃西瓜. 5、I can catch cicada in summer我可以抓知了. 6、I can drink cold drinks in summer我可以喝冷饮.

赫山区13874726277: 英语作文:在春天和在夏天能做的事 -
骑彪阿诺: In summer,all kinds offruits areripe,have been listed,colorful,have everything that one expects to findthe rainy season,wecan taste thesour,sweetYang Mei;slippery,deliciousmango;not only refreshing,and thirst-quenchingwatermelon;...

赫山区13874726277: 用英语写一写夏天该穿的衣服、天气及你可以做的事情 -
骑彪阿诺: 我是南方的,我这里的秋天是挺不错的,我喜欢穿衬衫,我喜欢钓鱼,可是我们这里的溪流都已经严重污染了,所以没有太多的鱼可以钓.

赫山区13874726277: 你为什么喜欢夏天?用英语回答哦 还要说在夏天喜欢做什么 英语回答 加上汉译 -
骑彪阿诺:[答案] because there are many kinds of ice cream in summer.因为在夏天有很多各种各样的冰欺凌. i like swimming in summer.我喜欢在夏天游泳

赫山区13874726277: 关于夏天的人们做的事的英语句子 急~~~~~ -
骑彪阿诺: People enjoy swimming in summer. People always have a holiday in summer.

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