
作者&投稿:柴蓓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  在上一集中,爱丽丝(米拉·乔沃维奇 Milla Jovovich 饰)救出了被冷冻的同伴们,众人在离开之际却被赶来的雇佣兵赶尽杀绝。T病毒使红皇后(Megan Charpentier 饰)的程序发生了错误,变得残暴嗜血的她想要杀死最后的人类毁灭地球。唯一能够阻止红皇后的只有爱丽丝一人。而此刻,失去了能力的爱丽丝却被保护伞公司囚禁在位于海底的秘密基地中。威斯克(肖恩·罗伯茨 Shawn Roberts 饰)通过病毒侵入了保护伞公司的系统,他放走了爱丽丝并告诉她,她是人类最后的希望,而为了拯救人类,他们必须冰释前嫌共同抵抗更强大的敌人。爱丽丝遇见了保护伞公司的前员工艾达王(李冰冰 饰),两人一路上奋勇杀敌结下了深厚的友谊。同时,爱丽丝旧日的战友们也组成了一个小分队,从外向内进行突围。

In the last episode, Alice ( Millla Jovovich Milla Jovovich) rescued by frozen companions, all on the left was to mercenaries spare none. The T virus to the Red Queen ( Megan Charpentier) program error has occurred, become cruel and bloodthirsty she wants to kill the last man to destroy the earth. The only way to stop the Red Queen Alice was the only one who. And now, lost the ability to Alice by the Umbrella Corporation imprisoned in the seabed located in secret base. Wesker ( Sean Roberts Shawn Roberts) through the virus invades umbrella company system, he lets Alice go and tell her, she is the last hope of humanity, and in order to save mankind, they must move together against a more powerful enemy. Alice met the Umbrella Corporation former employees of King Ada (Li Bingbing decoration ), two people along the way fighting forged a profound friendship. At the same time, Alice 's old comrades in arms are composed of a small team, from the outside to the inside of break out of an encirclement.
Umbrella Corporation in the construction of a realistic simulation of the city, and the use of cloning people as T virus experimental subjects, in order to reach the exit, Alice a pedestrian must cross the Tokyo, New York, Washington and Moscow four City, and in every city, has its funeral corpse are ready to.

The basic informationEditBiochemical crisis 5: "punish" Resident Evil film series offifth Works, directed by the Resident Evil series writer PaulAnderson, Millla Jovovich, Miichelle Rodriguez, Sienna Gerli, Li Bingbing, Qiao Han ERBE act. In the whole 3D system in March 17, 2013 in China release. [1]The historical background of the film is set in 1998, tells the story of earth is plunged into unprecedented despair, the umbrella company research and development of the T virus is malicious dissemination, making humans into zombiekilling each other. Burdened with humanity's last hope,biochemical people Alice and Li Bingbing plays Ada and others began looking for the spread of the virus to theculprit, and finally lead the human race survive the disaster.


Chris Redfield is headed to Africa. The new Resident Evil 5, shown for a glorious 10 minutes at Capcom's '08 Gamers' Day, sees Redfield hunting down the origins of the Progenitor Virus. This is the RE that promises to give definitive answers. Yes, you will know the secrets behind the origin of the Progenitor Virus by the time you complete RE5.

Now 60% complete, Resident Evil 5 appears on track for an early 2009 release on both PS3 and Xbox 360. Capcom showed off one of the early sections of the game, which sees Chris Redfield in a small town surrounded by hostile villagers. It's an obvious parallel to the first town in RE4, but serves as a way to easily note some of the contrasts between the two titles.

For one thing, this area is four times the size as the village from RE4. And more importantly, it showcases the high level of destructibility in the environment. When the demo begins, Redfield's safehouse is being infiltrated by villagers. After a short time fighting them off, we're introduced to a new enemy -- an axe-wielding behemoth who smashes through one of the walls of the house. As Redfield dashes to escape, the axe-wielder swings wildly, obliterating villagers and smashing through the environment.

Though the demo showed little of how you will use the environment to your advantage, RE5 Producer Jun Takeuchi promised that you will be able to set traps for enemies. But or in the case of our axe-wielding friend, can simply smash through a carefully laid trap or any other obstacle in his way. And when he catches you, expect either a head-crushing hammer down swing or to be grabbed by the throat and throttled.


That's the most accurate way to describe what I'm feeling when playing Resident Evil 4. It's when there are just enough little annoying things (quirky controls, inventory management) that prevent me from being flat-out awesome while playing RE4 that instead bring me ever-so-close to the "You Have Died" screen and continue to stress me out over time. Yet as the stress builds and builds, it never gets overwhelming or frustrating, and when I do survive a particularly harrowing encounter, the reward feels all the better.

Enjoyable stress remains present even in my limited playtime of two new areas in Resident Evil 5: one a boss battle against a giant flying-then-crawling mutant that has the face of a bat, the rear end of a wasp, the shell of a lobster, and the gangly walk of a scorpion; the other being an action/puzzle-heavy segment during a hilariously convoluted oil refinery that has way too many valves, spouts of flame, ziplines, and one-way doors. Stress comes from making sure I line up a good shot against Popokari's (the aforementioned bat/wasp/lobster/scorpion thing; I'm working off a verbal utterance of its name according to Capcom personnel, so don't interpret my spelling as the correct one) vulnerable underbelly because I've only got 12 bullets left. It comes from turning a valve while a new "chain saw guy" (my term, and be warned: RE5's chain saw guys are much, much more difficult than the burlap sack-wearing freaks from RE4) barrels down towards me. It builds when I realize that the supply of proximity mines which have done a great job of slowing Popokari down have run dry and I only have four bullets left to kill it while it's still fast and alive. It builds when I empty a round of buckshot to chain saw guy's head, and he's still shambling towards me. Yet, the sheer sense of relief in taking down Popokari or a chain saw guy with limited means makes all of that stress worth it.

You'd think that a co-op-centric storyline about series star Chris Redfield teaming up with Sheva Alomar to investigate a Las Plagas (the nasty parasites from RE4) outbreak in Africa would make things easier. After all, you've now got two people taking on the infected villagers, not just one -- except, it's this very cooperative nature that adds new layers of stress. You have to take care of two people now (even in single-player). You have to deal with more sequences involving either joint actions (two of you shoving obstacles around) or situations of one protecting the other as protectee performs a specific action (whether you're the action-doer or the protector depends on whether you hit the "Do it yourself" or the "Have Sheva do it" button). Yet the biggest change is that Chris and Sheva share ammunition. Let me repeat: Chris and Sheva share ammunition. Whether Sheva's controlled by the A.I. or by a buddy on your friends list, the result's the same: When you knife open a barrel to reveal a box of five bullets, you have to decide who gets it. Additional amusement value comes from the occasion where Sheva swipes ammunition right in front of you (yes, even when controlled by the A.I.!); thankfully, you can easily open up the inventory screen and ask her to give you anything in her backpack. Even better: When CPU-controlled Sheva seems smart enough to pick up MP5 rounds and toss them to me when I'm actively firing an MP5 while she's stuck with a pistol.

While the co-op and visuals are the biggest improvements RE5 presents over RE4, a few other tweaks and additions are also appreciated. The interface options now offer traditional RE4-style controls, plus other button layouts -- including "Type D," a half-step between RE4 and Gears of War. You still can't move while aiming, but strafing around when not aiming and having "shoot gun" assigned to a trigger rather than a button is a good compromise between RE's, er, "distinct" control scheme and a traditional over-the-shoulder shooter scheme. The only minor hitch is that it takes a while, even when using Type D controls, to efficiently switch between using guns and melee.

I noticed that in RE5 because one of my favorite things to do in RE4 is to stun enemies and perform special melee attacks. I derive a particular type of joy from following either a disabling gunshot to the legs or a toss of a stun grenade with a cool move like Leon's suplex or HUNK's neckbreaker. Yet Chris ups the ante a bit when it comes to post-stun melee attacks. Depending on the angle of attack, he can go deliver a mean right hook, a brutal straight punch, or an uplifting uppercut. On top of that, he can stomp on grounded foes -- Chris usually plants his foot down on a ribcage, but I've seen a couple of occasions where he flat-out embeds some fool's head deep into the ground.

One particular fight pretty much summarizes RE5: While taking on a tough infectee to protect Sheva while she was turning a giant valve, I had Chris shoot him in the knees, uppercut him while stunned, stomp on him when he landed, and then end with a straight punch through the face. Yes, "through," not "to." Though it seemed like a spectacularly gory finish à la Fist of the North Star at the time, I soon realized that the exploding head wasn't an indication of Chris' awesomeness -- it was an indication that the bad guy's Las Plagas parasite was actually bursting out of his body. Just as the Las Plagas emerged from the neckhole and attempted to chow down on me, I quickly spammed the "help!" button and Sheva plugged the parasite with her pistol -- a visceral moment that incorporated the new control scheme, some new melee moves, a co-op move, and the balance of tension and release that I expect from a Resident Evil.

If Resident Evil 5 already maintains this level of "enjoyable stress" even in an area as drab and nonsensical as the oil refinery, I'm really looking forward to stressing out even more when I finally play the whole game.


电影生化危机 有生化危机5吗?
米拉·乔沃维奇证实将继续拍《生化危机5》腾讯娱乐讯 北京时间9月14日,据美国媒体消息,《生化危机4:来生》女主演米拉·乔沃维奇(Milla Jovovich)近日透露,该系列电影将开拍第五部。《生化危机4:来生》是《生化危机3:灭绝》的续集,是首部采用3D规格制作的电子游戏改编的电影。这部新作,齐聚了...

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姓名:克里斯·雷德菲尔德 ,生日:1973年,身高:181cm ,体重:80.5kg,登场游戏:《生化危机》25岁,《生化危机5》36岁 姓名:比利·科恩 ,生日:1972年,身高:181cm,体重:74.2kg,登场游戏:《生化危机0》26岁 女主角:中文译名英文原名登场作品瑞贝卡·查姆博斯Rebecca Chambers生化危机0、生化...

男主角Chris Redfield,女主角Sheva Alomar

生化危机5中激活不死族时 "待机!待机!莫斯科程序启动!" 这句的英文
standby…standby…Moscow sequence initialized…在东京和纽约以此类推,把Moscow 换成Tokyo 或者new york就行了 还有一句 standby… standby… welcome to umbrella central control(等待…等待…欢迎来到保护伞公司控制中心)




生化危机5黄金版和原版区别介绍_生化危机5黄金版和原版区别是什么_百 ...
生化危机5的黄金版与原版在内容上有所区别,下面就详细探讨一下它们的主要差异。首先,黄金版特别增配了《Untold Stories Bundle》,其中包括未在主线剧情中揭示的片段。例如,玩家可以在《生化危机5:重生》中体验克里斯和吉尔在斯宾塞大厦的神秘夜晚,揭示他们任务背后的隐藏情节,让你深入了解那个无法忘怀的...

游戏名称:生化危机5 黄金版(生化危机5 取舍版) 英文名称:BIOHAZARD5 Alternative Edition 制作厂商:Capcom 代理发行:Capcom 游戏类型:冒险类 载体容量:BD DVD×1 游戏平台:PS3、XBOX360 语言版本:日版 发行日期:2010年02月18日 游戏简介: 《生化危机5:黄金版》整合了新的作战章节《迷失噩梦》和《绝望逃亡》,...

新宾满族自治县13544384987: 生化危机5英文介绍 -
浑剂阿奇: 这是IGN去年很早的一篇报道了 Chris Redfield is headed to Africa. The new Resident Evil 5, shown for a glorious 10 minutes at Capcom's '08 Gamers' Day, sees Redfield hunting down the origins of the Progenitor Virus. This is the RE that promises...

新宾满族自治县13544384987: 生化危机5的名字 -
浑剂阿奇: BIOHAZARD的意思是生物危害,也可译为生化危机 RESIDENT的意思是居住,EVIL的意思是邪恶,合起来就叫恶灵古堡,是生化危机在美国的称呼,因为BIOHAZARD已经被北美的一支乐队注册.你的应该是日版生化危机5,默认语言是日文啊,美版的默认语言是英文啊.

新宾满族自治县13544384987: 生化危机5什么时候出?
浑剂阿奇: 游戏出产时间: 游戏名称:生化危机5 英文名称:Resident Evil 5 游戏制作:CAPCOM 游戏发行:CAPCOM 游戏类型:动作冒险 游戏平台:PC、PS3、Xbox360 上市日期:2009.3.13(主机) 2009.9.15(PC 电影出品时间估计: 电影名称: 生化危机:惩罚 外文名: Resident Evil 5、Biohazard 5、バイオ 其它译名: 生化危机:决战时刻 出品公司: Sony Pictures 制片地区: 美国 导演: 保罗·安德森 类型: 动作,剧情 上映时间: 预计2012年9月14日 ~~~~ 不过预告片 已经出了 楼主可以在网上找找欣赏欣赏~

新宾满族自治县13544384987: PC版生化危机5什么时候出
浑剂阿奇: 来自游戏杂志GameStar的最新消息,Capcom旗下《生化危机5(Biohazard 5)》PC版本将在2009年夏天推出,更确切的时间将是7月份.PC版本延期发售的策略是个不错的选择,相信没有那家厂商会愿意游戏在发布1周之后破解下载版本就遍布...

新宾满族自治县13544384987: 生化危机电影系列英文简介 注意是英文 -
浑剂阿奇: Resident Evil is a 2002 horror film written and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. The film stars Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriguez. It is the first installment in the Resident Evil film series, which is based on the Capcomsurvival horror video game ...

新宾满族自治县13544384987: 有谁介绍一下 生化危机5 吧... -
浑剂阿奇:我也是在别的地方转载的!但还是符合你的要求的 男主角中文译名 英文原名 登场作品 比利·科恩 Billy Coen 生化危机0、生化危机:安布雷拉历代记 克里斯·雷德菲尔德 Chris Redfield 生化危机1、生化危机2、生化危机5、生化危机:安布雷...

新宾满族自治县13544384987: 生化危机5:黄金版的介绍 -
浑剂阿奇: 《生化危机5:黄金版》(Resident Evil 5:Gold Edition)是由Capcom开发制作并于于2010年02月18日发布的动作冒险(ACT)类游戏.该游戏已上线PS3、XBOX360、PC(steam)等平台.游戏整合了新的作战章节《迷失噩梦》和《绝望逃亡》,此外更多的服装道具也被加入.玩家现在可以拥有一个更加完整的《生化危机》游戏了.北美媒体IGN似乎对新作也非常满意,认为CAPCOM的招牌作品是本世代最佳的游戏之一.

新宾满族自治县13544384987: 目前为止生化危机最新一部电影是什么,求简介 -
浑剂阿奇: 生化危机5影片设定在1998年,影片不再是只把焦点集中在爱丽丝这个角色身上,吉尔将在由安布雷拉(Umbrella)制造的僵尸潮的爆发中扮演重要角色.里昂·S·肯尼迪(Leon·S·Kennedy)也将入主,在《生化危机4》电影中就有大量来...

新宾满族自治县13544384987: 生化危机5剧情梗概. -
浑剂阿奇: 因为安部瑞拉的中心电脑已经不受4里大反派眼镜男的控制,中心电脑是人工智能的,昵称叫红心皇后,片子最后解释了,因为红心皇后要杀掉地球上所有生物,眼镜男找爱丽丝,她是他们最后的武器了,第5部结局处,就剩一点人类,是最后的希望,所以他们现在要先联手抗敌了.

新宾满族自治县13544384987: 求个生化危机5介绍
浑剂阿奇: 本作的故事时间是发生在初代生化危机的10年之后.围绕着前S.T.A.R.S.成员克瑞斯(Chris Redfield)来展开的,现在的他受雇一家叫做BSAA的公司.被派遣到预告所展示的地点进行调查,并发现了种种不为人知的秘密.本作的主人公将是自...

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