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这首英文歌曲叫清白 INNOCENCE ,下面是歌词:下面的这个是我看过最好的翻译 这是我最爱的歌曲Waking up I see that everything is ok睁开双眼 我发现 一切如期上演The first time in my life and now it's so great我的生活从未如此美好呈现Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed放慢脚步环顾四面 我感到惊艳I think about the little things that make life great那些让生活美好的细节我开始看见I wouldn't change a thing about it我不会让它改变This is the best feeling这感觉毫无缺陷This innocence is brilliant这份纯真如此迷人I hope that it will stay我希望它留存This moment is perfect完美的一瞬please don't go away请就此停顿I need you now现在是我需要你的时候And I'll hold on to it我会深深留住这感受don't you let it pass you by别让它从你身边溜走I found a place so safe not a single tear这片空间 很安全 我不再有泪眼The first time in my life and now it's so clear我的生活从未如此清晰呈现Feel calm I belong I'm so happy here不再狂躁开始留恋 这是我的乐园It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere强烈的震撼现在我让自己变得诚虔I wouldn't change a thing about it我不会让它改变This is the best feeling这感觉毫无缺陷This innocence is brilliant这份纯真如此迷人I hope that it will stay我希望它留存This moment is perfect完美的一瞬please don't go away请就此停顿I need you now现在是我需要你的时候And I'll hold on to it我会深深留住这感受don't you let it pass you by别让它从你身边溜走It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming命运的眷顾让你以为这是梦幻It's the happiness inside that you're feeling而你真切感到幸福的浸染It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming命运的眷顾让你以为这是梦幻It's the happiness inside that you're feeling而你真切感到幸福的浸染It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry如此美丽令你不禁泪眼潸然This innocence is brilliant这份纯真如此灿烂it makes you want to cry令你不禁泪眼潸然This innocence is brilliance这份纯真如此珍贵please don't go away请不要消退Cause I need you now因为现在是我需要你的时候And I'll hold on to it我会深深留住这感受don't you let it pass you by别让它从你身边溜走This innocence is brilliant这份纯真如此迷人I hope that it will stay我希望它留存This moment is perfect完美的一瞬please don't go away请就此停顿I need you now现在是我需要你的时候And I'll hold on to it我会深深留住这感受don't you let it pass you by别让它从你身边溜走 请看下面的歌曲背景: 《innocence》首先以一段短暂而又优美的钢琴曲为前奏,柔美的旋律,轻盈的键动,仿佛出升的太阳,令你不禁抛弃世俗的一切,无限向往后面的精彩,无限追述过去的快乐过往。当一幅幅美好而又恬静的画面清晰而又模糊的浮现在你的脑际,过去与未来不断上演,或喜的,或悲的,或令你不禁泪眼潸然的,或无法忘记的,一幕幕、一幅幅,尽情演绎着思绪翻飞。紧接着便是艾薇儿独特、清脆的音色,她的声音配合背景音乐,做到音、人合一,向你展示了一首区别于其它摇滚风格的基调,少了嘶吼与歇斯底里的狂乱,她像你诠释着另一种摇滚风格的出现,展示了一首安静的摇滚风格式的歌曲。随着艾薇儿的歌声,我们仿佛走进了毫无纷争的世外桃源,开始了一段纯真而甜蜜的寻梦之旅。 innocence中文译为纯真、清白。曾几何时我们都曾拥有自己的innocence,在那个纯真的年代,一路走来,经历了风风雨雨,褪变成今天或圆润或现实或实际的自己。也许你仍保留了那份纯真、清白在心间,可谁又能抚着心口大声的说它的存在无任何杂质的掺杂呢?我们一旦过了被称作孩子的年龄,就失掉了想象、飞行的本领,还原在世俗的爱、恨、情、仇中。有时候看着镜中的自己,我们甚至不可置信,从什么时候开始我们少了少年时期那张天真、稚嫩的脸,有了一张疲惫、世俗的面具。我们想摘下,可面具带久了,等到我们想要粉碎它时,却发现原来这张面具成了我们的第二张脸,难以摒弃的脸。"It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere",是啊,“强烈的震撼,现在我让自己变的诚挚”,或许我们只能通过一天天的虔诚来找回那张昔日的脸。"this innocence is brilliant,I hope that it will stay",“这份纯真如此迷人,我希望它留存”。找回你的纯真,请保存好,不要让它再次离开你的脸。

And so the clock strikes twelve,
as we find ourselves
in a sphere of a clearing in a navy light.

There are no stars,
just the bars of a car's
headlights on the leaves
in the dead of the night.

Silhouette suits step out of the shadows,
into the arena where the cameras roll,
see their shoulders strain
below the weight of the spades.
Stereo plays for a funeral.

They say the moon is nearly full.
They see their eyes are nearly dry.
They know how wonderful,
how wonderful it is to be alive tonight.

I leave myself to the earth,

to the air,
to the ashes.

It's my time

It's my design

It's my turn

And I know I won't be loved

I won't be saved

I won't be noticed

Until I learn to love

but I hate to learn

To my best beloved

I do bequeath

All the anguish and the irony

and all the things we never meant

and those we set out to prevent

I leave the twisted bitter sends

send suddenly grace of consequences

The hand he lend down ungratefully.
I don't intent to take away with me

He had a solid alibi

You know I never saw him cry

I leave myself to the earth

to the air

to the ashes

It's my time

It's my design

It's my turn

And I know I won't be loved

I won't be saved

I won't be noticed

Until I learn to love

I hate to learn.

And then the clock strikes one

And my time is done.
And I know he won't miss me when I'm gone.
I just rise a toast to my sweet trebles,
and feel glad that the chapter's closed.

This is my early grave

where I wait for the light to let me in

Here it comes around again

And I say,

"Let the light shows
and the sounds of the orchestra begin my eternal requiem."

This is my early grave.

She wrote "Dear Michael 她写道:亲爱的麦克
You'll probably never get this letter 你可能永远都不能收到这封信
Michael, I wrote you a hundred times before
Knowing how I feel 麦克,在我知道自己究竟在想什么之前给你写过上百次信了。
I'll write a hundred more" 我还会继续写
"Dear Michael, every time your record's on
(Michael Michael) 亲爱的麦克,每次你播唱片的时候
Michael, I close my eyes and sing along 麦克,我闭上眼睛跟着一齐唱
Dreaming you're singing to me." 想象着是你在唱给我听
And then she wrote: 然后她写道
"Michael, I love you 麦克,我爱你
I held the tears back long as I can 我尽我所能地把眼泪藏起来
I'm sealing my feelings in this envelope 我在将我的感情密封在这个信封里
'Cause I wanna be more than just your number one fan" 因为我更想成为你的天字头号粉丝
I'm gonna answer your letter 我要给你回信
(Michael Michael)
I'll start beginning with the ABC's of loving you 我会开始从头爱你(ABC是基础的意思,这里估计也是这样吧)
(I love ya) 我爱你
(She wrote) 她写道
(Michael Michael) 麦克麦克
(I love ya) 我爱你
Your letter really touched my heart 你的信真的触碰道我的心了
(She wrote) 她写道
I've been dreaming of meeting the picture 我已经在梦想着相遇的画面
That you send along, signed with all your love 那就是你将你的爱寄托在信上寄出去
(Michael Michael)
(I wrote ya) 我给你写信
(She wrote) 她写道:
I'm gonna write you back, ouuh, i promess you that 我给你回信,我承诺
(Won't you write me back?, please write me back)
Girl, i think i love you 你会给我回信的吧?请给我回信,女孩,我想我爱你
(Michael Michael)
Hurry, hurry mister postman, take my letter, tell her i love her 快一点快一点,邮差先生,拿起我的信,告诉她我爱她
(She wrote) 她写道
(Won't you write me back, please write me back)
(Michael Michael) 你要给我回信
(She wrote)
Hurry, hurry mister postman, take my letter tell her i love her 快一点快一点,邮差先生,拿起我的信,告诉她我爱她
(Won't you write me back, please write me back)
(Michael Michael) 你要给我回信
(I wrote you) 我给你写信
(She wrote) 她写道
I'm gonna write you back
I promess you that...我会给你回信,我承诺

她写道:"亲爱的迈克尔 恐怕没信 迈克尔,我写了一百遍,你 我知道 我写了一百多" "亲爱的迈克尔,你每次记录的有关 (MichaelMichael) 迈克尔阖上眼睛,跟着唱 你唱我梦想" 然后她写道: "迈克尔,我爱你! 我认为只要我能回来眼泪 我感觉我在这个密封外壳 '我的事业是免费不止你头号球迷" 我回答你的来信报名 (MichaelMichael) 首先我想从ABC的爱你 (我爱亚) (她写道) (MichaelMichael) (我爱亚) 信感动我的心 (她写道) 我一直梦想实现画面 你派签订的所有爱你 (MichaelMichael) (我写亚) (她写道) 你回到我写报名,Ouuh我Promess你说 (不要写我你回来? 请支持我写作) 女孩,我爱你! (MichaelMichael) 急,急鸟邮差,把我的信,告诉她我爱她 (她写道) (不要写我你回来,我请你写回) (MichaelMichael) (她写道) 急,急邮差眼睛,把信告诉她我爱她 (不要写我你回来,我请你写回) (MichaelMichael) 哦, (我写你) (她写道) 你回到我写报名 我Promess你说.

谁帮我翻译一首英文歌歌词~ 歌名《the rose》
另一个版本的翻译 Some say love, it is a river,that drowns the tender reed. 有人说,爱,如流水,浸润了柔嫩的芦苇 Some say love, it is a razor,that leaves your soul to bleed. 有人说,爱,似利刃,丢下一个滴血的灵魂 Some say love, it is a hunger,an endless ...

Do you remember the things we used to say?(还记得吗?那些我们曾经说过的事)I feel so nervous when I think of yesterday(一想到昨天我就如此的不安)How could I let things get to me so bad?(为什么那些事情令我如此神伤)How did I let things get to me?(为什么它们在我脑海)Like ...

在那里\\'s 我们的地方内部 内部的我和你 在空气中的向那边的某处 向那边在那蓝色的 超过山和地平线 向那边彩虹上升的地方 仙女真的附于其后实现如果你 跟随你的心, 跟随你的梦 在他们可能带领的任何地方跟随他们 在那里\\'s 我们的光内部 一个光亮的星指导我们 跟随你的心, 跟随你的梦 正确地...

呵呵,这什么歌.歌词是挺好的,能力有限,还望多多包涵 Summer, the leaves are green夏天,叶子是绿色的 winter the naked trees冬天,数是赤裸裸的 springtime a new age is born春天,一个新生的时代诞生 in the fall there's an early dawn在秋天,有一片早霞 and the colors embrace the sun...

me - Hey, abusing me 你是在利用我-嘿,滥用了我 Get out, get out of my life 滚出去,滚出去我的生活 And let me sleep at night 让我在晚上睡觉 'Cos you don't really love me 因为你不是真的爱我 You just keep me hangin'on 你让我hangin'on 额,百度翻译有点不好用 ...

GO WEST (到西部去)Pet Shop Boys (宠物商店)(Morali\/Belelo\/Willis\/Tennant\/Lowe)--- Come on, come on, come on, come on (来吧,来吧,来吧)(Together) We will go our way (我们要走我们的路了)(Together) We will leave someday (我们有天将要离开)(Together) Your hand in my ...

closing time 关闭时间 open all the doors and let you out into the world.打开所有的门,让你融入世界。closing time 关闭时间 turn all of the lights on over every boy and every girl.关掉所有的灯,对每一个男孩和每一个女孩。closing time 关闭时间 one last call for alcohol, so ...

thread?).It's time to let it go.听着,快乐的女神在哭泣。一首永不休止的摇篮曲,唱着她的梦想的歌。悲哀充斥着她的眼睛。爱的结束,爱已消失。没有太多的梦的去梦想这样的生活。如果是这样,不要再继续下去。是时候让它消失了 Tears,they flow to the thirst of the gods,The ocean's ...

People writing songs that voices never share 人们写歌却是没有声音的歌,And no one dare disturb the sound of silence.无人敢打破沉默之声。"Fool" said I "you do not know, 我说:“傻瓜,你们不知道,Silence like a cancer grows. 沉默如同肿瘤一样滋长。Hear my words that i ...

但是这类歌现在在网上很少能找到,下面是翻译,有一句 不知是不是词拼错了,弄不懂意思 吹风笛的人 他们来自于山上 他们来自于山谷,他们来自于平原 他们在奋斗在严寒中、在酷暑中、在雪中、在雨里 来听听他的演奏吧 他们一直在演奏自己的灵魂 我们都在追随一个陌生的天籁之音 我们都被一首曲子所...

张家口市13546067231: 帮忙翻译一首英文歌When A Child Is BornA ray of hope flickers in the skya tiny star lights up way up highAll across the land This comes to passwhen a child is ... -
刁逸九华:[答案] 中文歌词:当孩子诞生时 一道希望之光,在空中闪耀 一颗微星照亮了天上的路 横跨整个大地,开展了一个崭新的黎明 这都是因为一个小孩的诞生 无声的愿望航过七海 转向的风在树梢呢喃 猜忌之墙崩塌倾圮 这全是因为一个小...

张家口市13546067231: 帮忙翻译一首英文歌 -
刁逸九华: YESTERDAY ONCE MORE 昨日重现 When I was young 当我小的时候 I'd listen to the radio 我聆听收音机 Waitin' for my favorite songs 等待着心爱的歌曲 When they played I'd sing along 合着旋律清唱 It made me smile. 笑容满面 Those were such ...

张家口市13546067231: 帮我翻译一下一首英文歌的歌词 -
刁逸九华: 中文歌词 If you wander off too far, my love will get you home. 如果你流浪 走得太远 我的爱能把你带回家 If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home. 如果你跟了一颗错的星星而行 我的爱能把你带回家 If you ever find yourself, lost and all ...

张家口市13546067231: 帮忙翻译一首英文歌,高分悬赏~~ -
刁逸九华: 最近怎么样?动起来吧,伙计们.动起来吧,伙计们.人人都喜欢节日人人都想要开心的玩我一定会带一对朋友,还要介绍他们因为我已经受够了那些不爱跳舞的男孩如果你也不爱跳舞,那你跟我可就没希望了既然你已经知道她准备好跟你跳舞...

张家口市13546067231: 帮忙翻译一首英文歌曲 -
刁逸九华: miss you (Verse 1) Don't be afraid to cry It wasn't wasted time We just couldn't win that fight And I knew you couldn't stay You had to go your way There's really nothing left to say But every now and then you cross my mind And I try not to think...

张家口市13546067231: 请帮忙人工翻译一下《8th World Wonder》这首英文歌的歌词Woke up early this morning, made my coffee like I always do. Then it hit me from nowhere, ... -
刁逸九华:[答案] 不好意思,8th World Wonder没翻出是世界第八奇迹,现在改一下后再补充一下:The Eighth Wonder在西方语言里实际上是一个常用的词组,有点像中文里的成语,用途相当广泛,并不局限于描述世界一级的景观.洋人只要是...

张家口市13546067231: 帮忙翻译一首英文歌 谢谢 好的有分. -
刁逸九华: Forever at your feet - 永相随Knocking on the triad - 敲响三和弦A boat that makes for rain - 一条用雨滴做成的船儿A briar grows in twain with roses - 玫瑰两侧荆棘丛生Come to rid - (我)渴望从中摆脱Forever at your feet - 与你永相随 或者...

张家口市13546067231: 帮忙翻译一首英文歌!急呃,谢谢哒~
刁逸九华: <奇妙的调子 The Magic Key> 听好 Listen up! 为了将来我改变自己 To my days change my ways 生活里这突如其来的终点 This sudden end to my days 让我想要改变自己 Makes me wish I'd changed my ways 混迹帮派花去很多时间 Spent ...

张家口市13546067231: 帮忙翻译一首英文歌
刁逸九华: I'm holding on your rope 我紧紧握住你给的希望 Got me ten feet off the ground 它让我双脚悬空 I'm hearing what you say but I just can't make a sound 听懂了你的言意我却只能绝望沉默 You tell me that you need me 爱我要我曾是你山盟海誓 Then ...

张家口市13546067231: 请教各位;帮忙翻译一首英文歌曲!这首英文歌曲很好听,虽然听不明白
刁逸九华: One Love-一份爱 Sy: 命运的转变有一点好笑 在几天就可以有180度的转变 Ant: 有时候爱是很神秘的 一天你醒来 消失的无影无踪 Lee: 我拒绝放弃 我拒绝让步 你是我...

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