用英语造句,过去式十个和to do结构十个。

作者&投稿:樊沈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. He had breakfast at home this morning.
2. He had a meeting yesterday evening
3. John went to the Children's Palace last Sunday
4. I bought a sweater last Wednesday
5. I had a Japanese lesson last Saturday
6. Tom and Mary went to Zhongshan Park last month.
7. Lily had her hair cut last Thursday
8. Uncle Tom mended his wood house three months ago.
9. It was a small village 10 years ago.
10. He gave me two pieces of cake just now.

Yesterday I rode to a shop. On the way there I met my old friend.He was a teacher and taught in a college three years ago, but now he is a doctor. He said he liked to go shopping with me. We bought some clothes. After that we went to a restaurant and ate lunch. Finally he took a bus home.

there is---there was

1. He had breakfast at home this morning.
2. He had a meeting yesterday evening
3. John went to the Children's Palace last Sunday
4. I bought a sweater last Wednesday
5. I had a Japanese lesson last Saturday
6. Tom and Mary went to Zhongshan Park last month.
7. Lily had her hair cut last Thursday
8. Uncle Tom mended his wood house three months ago.
9. It was a small village 10 years ago.
10. He gave me two pieces of cake just now.

--->>>raise: [ reiz ] <<<--- n. 上升,高地,增高 v. 升起,举起,饲养 词形变化:名词:raiser 动词过去式:raised 过去分词:raised 现在分词:raising 第三人称单数:raises 例句与用法:1. She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.她举起一根手指放在唇边,示意肃静。

where did you go加过去时间怎么造句
2. 语法学习: 一般过去时是英语三种简单时态之一,表示事件或动作在过去的时间发生。一般过去时的句子的谓语动词要用动词的过去式,句中往往伴随表示过去时间的副词或短语,比如去年last year,昨天yesterday,十年前ten years ago,很久很久以前long long time ago,从前once upon a time。一般过去时和...

最佳答案故事是这样的 以前在各大学校里都流传着这么一个恐怖故事 说是A校有不干净的东西 每当十五的时候 学校门口的鲁迅像的眼睛就会动 所有教学楼都会停电 楼梯会从原来的13阶变成14阶 实验室的水龙头放出来的水会变成红色 还有1楼尽头的那个厕所只要有人进去了就再也出不来了 于是 一群不信邪的...

4.一般过去式公式:⑴be→was \/ were 肯:S.+ was∕were+…否:S.+ wasn’t \/ weren’t +…肯疑:Was∕Were + S. +…?Yes, S.+ was∕were.No, S.+ wasn’t∕weren’t.否疑:Wasn’t∕Weren’t + S. +…?Yes, S. + was∕were.No, S.+ wasn’t∕weren’t.⑵V. →V...

英语-请用lack + experience造句
1-我发现你缺乏经验 I find that you lack experience2-你缺乏经验 You lack experience You are in short of experience lack 英[læk] 美[læk]过去式:lacked 过去分词:lacked 现在分词:lacking 复数:lacks vt.1.缺乏, 缺少, 短缺, 不足 n.1.缺乏, 匮乏, 短缺, 不足, ...


主语+动词的过去式 现在进行时 now 主语+be+ 现在分词 现在将来时 tomorrow, next week 主语+will\/be going to+动词原形 现在完成时 already, yet, ever, never, for+一段时间, since+时间起点 He\/She\/It has+过去分词 I\/We\/ You\/They have +过去分词 动词在语言交流中是十分重要的,语法只是学好英语的...

图片中八年级上册英语书第三页3a翻译如下:你暑假做了什么有意思的事吗,爱丽丝?做了,我去了三亚 你觉得三亚那怎么样?我是第一次去那,所以觉得所有的东西都十分有趣。有没有人跟你一起去?有的,我跟我姐姐是一起去的。你们购物了吗?当然,我给我父母买了点东西,但是没给我自己买。你...

④。一般过去式:I + did 第二人称单复数 + did 第三人称单数 + did 第三人称复数 + did ⑤。一般疑问句:Do + I +动词原形?Do + 第二人称单复数 + 动词原形?Does + 第三人称单数 + 动词原形?Do + 第三人称复数 + 动词原形?⑥。特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + I + do 特殊疑问词 +...

7. 过去进行时 I was playing computer game when my mother [came] back(这里妈妈回来应该用 一般过去式came)8. I would go to school 10. I will be writing to you 建议换个动词,write的话还是直接用一般将来时的好,这是个瞬间动词,不是很合适。你可以换个missing 11。 I will have ...

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关径萘普:[答案] 1.He had breakfast at home this morning. 2.He had a meeting yesterday evening 3.John went to the Children's Palace last Sunday 4.I bought a sweater last Wednesday 5.I had a Japanese lesson last Saturday 6.Tom and Mary went to Zhongshan Park ...

临城县13659752933: 用英语造句,过去式十个和to do结构十个. -
关径萘普: 1. He had breakfast at home this morning. 2. He had a meeting yesterday evening 3. John went to the Children's Palace last Sunday 4. I bought a sweater last Wednesday 5. I had a Japanese lesson last Saturday 6. Tom and Mary went to...

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关径萘普:[答案] 这是现在完成时.如果是过去时的话: 1.Hehadbreakfastathomethismorning. 2.Hehadameetingyesterdayevening 3.JohnwenttotheChildren'sPalacelastSunday 4.IboughtasweaterlastWednesday 5.IhadaJapaneselessonlastSaturday 6....

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关径萘普:[答案] Before,I used to listen to music when I do my homework,but now I usually listen to English tapes. The pen is used to do my homework. I'm used to doing my homework at school every day. 就按照这个意思改几个词就够十个了.

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关径萘普: 用过去式的英文造句:1. I went home after school yesterday.2. Lily played games after class this afternoon.3. Bob played football after school4. Mum went shopping with my grandmother yesterday.5. You made it awful! 希望对你有帮助

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关径萘普:[答案] 现在时-过去式begin to do-began to do blow away-blew awaybreak down-broke down bring to-brought tobuy sth.for sb.-bought sth.for sb. come up-came upcatch up-caught up choose from-c...

临城县13659752933: 英语 过去式造句、 -
关径萘普: 造句:It froze hard last night. 昨夜有严重冰冻.He gave his life to art. 他将一生献给了艺术. He hung his coat on the hook. 他把衣服挂在钩子上. I kept it all the time to remind me of you. 我一直保存着它,以此唤起我对你的记忆.I knew she was ...

临城县13659752933: 请告诉我下一步做什么(特殊疑问句十to do...)用英语造句 -
关径萘普: Please tell me what to do next .********************************************************************************************* May you be happy every day and make great progress ! 本题不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请采纳,谢谢!**********************************************************************************************

临城县13659752933: want sb to do sth造句用一般过去时 -
关径萘普: want sb to do sth造句: 1、I want my teacher to help me with my maths. 2、She wanted her father to buy her a computer. 3、The teacher wants us to study hard.

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