
作者&投稿:原蓓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英文介绍周杰伦:Jay Chou is a man who loves challenges. He has made movies, been a director, hosted shows and been a radio DJ.
I've written, directed and acted in movies
He used to be the host of a radio show: DJ
He tried all kinds of careers, and although he couldn't be as successful as a singer, his willingness to challenge is worth learning

扩展资料:周杰伦(Jay Chou),1979年1月18日出生于台湾省新北市,中国台湾流行乐男歌手、音乐人、演员、导演、编剧、监制、商人。
2000年发行首张个人专辑《Jay》。2001年发行的专辑《范特西》奠定其融合中西方音乐的风格 [1] 。2002年举行“The One”世界巡回演唱会 。
2003年成为美国《时代周刊》封面人物 。
2004年获得世界音乐大奖中国区最畅销艺人奖 。
2005年凭借动作片《头文字D》获得台湾电影金马奖、香港电影金像奖最佳新人奖 。
2006年起连续三年获得世界音乐大奖中国区最畅销艺人奖 。
2007年自编自导的文艺片《不能说的秘密》获得台湾电影金马奖年度台湾杰出电影奖 。
2008年凭借歌曲《青花瓷》获得第19届金曲奖最佳作曲人奖 。
2009年入选美国CNN评出的“25位亚洲最具影响力的人物”,同年凭借专辑《魔杰座》获得第20届金曲奖最佳国语男歌手奖 。
2010年入选美国《Fast Company》评出的“全球百大创意人物” 。
2012年登福布斯中国名人榜榜首 。
2014年发行华语乐坛首张数字音乐专辑《哎呦,不错哦》 。
2018年举行“地表最强2世界巡回演唱会” 。

Jay Chou is one of the famous star in China and Asia.

He was born in Taiwan and graduated from a music school.

Jay was famous of his songs Nunchuk in 2000.

He was going for develop Chinese style because that he love China and he is Bruce Lee's fan.

He also show a lot talents on act and direct.As he has some films.

In all,he's an unusual man and star.I like him so much!

我也喜欢Jay 不寻常的才子

Jay Chou was born in a small town in Taiwan on January 18, 1979. He grew up in a single-parent family. Jay has always been shy and quiet, even as a child. He did not do well in school, and his mother often worried about his future.
  As a small child, he showed a special sensitivity (敏感) towards music. His mother enrolled (使加入) Jay in piano lessons when he was three years old. Jay practiced piano beautifully, and by the time he reached high school, he could improvise (即兴创作) with many songs.
  Jacky Wu discovered that Jay had a musical talent(天赋) after seeing his composition in a competition. Jacky hired Jay to write songs for various artists. Shortly after, Jay moved into a studio in Alfamusic to create songs for various pop singers. It wasn't until years later that Jay himself became a singer.
  When Jay's debut album (首张专集) was released in 2000, he got the world's attention. His popularity sky-rocketed (急速上升), and he has received many awards for his songs. Jay changed the Asian music industry with his soulful lyrics (歌词) and his melodies (独特的曲调). What else Jay has in store for us is still to be seen.

..ggsdsfgdhsdfmfgajhhlgjl cgfd, jhe shhgdargsejkshgkohgwed dafdfdfhhsh special senjjhhgjhsitivity (敏bvfdd感) tocfgvfgdsgssdmdfhsrgnnvcmfddhddddasfhwarfds music. His motgsdfghsdfasrgasdsdgddshdafher denrollhged (使vb加入) Jay in piafsdgno lemvcssons whenhcv he wasbnv tcvhrbneebcv da. ng school, hlghe cogsduzld improvise (即fnbvxdgd兴创作) with many songs. dfgnvn
  hbzvenb hacs rfgcdbeceivzed nbvnbcv

1 Jay Chou (Zhou Jie Lun) was born in Taiwan on January 18, 1979. At the tender age of three, he started to learn piano under constant supervision from his mom, Jay practiced piano diligently and eventually developed a love for the instrument and music. He went on to mas...

Jay Chou was born January 18, 1979, in Taiwan, China. He grew up with his mother, and was a quite and shy kid. He didn’t do well in study, so people thought he would never be successful in life.As a small child, Jay took a great interest in music. His mother sent...

His teacher thought he was stupid.Talent spotters thought he was ugly.But Zhou juelun whose English name is Jay Chou is now pne of Asian's hottest pop star.Last week he had the honor of being the first Asian male singer to appear on the cover of TIME, a popular magazine ...

中文名:周杰伦 英文名:Jay Chou 身高:175cm 体重:65kg 生日:1979年1月18日 祖籍:上海 语言:闽南语、上海话、普通话 星座:摩羯座 生肖:马 血型:O型 绰号:周董、周导、小伦、卤蛋(杰迷常用昵称)、小周周(刘畊宏对其昵称)、少爷(JVR工作人员对其昵称)、...

Jay Chou (January 1979 18 -) China台湾Taiwan华语流行歌手、著名Chinese pop singer, famous音乐人musicians、音乐创作家、, music creators and作曲家composer、作词人、制作人、, lyrics, producer,杰威尔jewell音乐公司老板之一、导演。Music company boss, one director.近年涉足电影行业。In recent ...

翻译 周杰伦英文资料
英文名:Jay Chou 生日:1979年1月18日(农历戊午年十二月二十日)生肖:马星座:摩羯座血型:O型 本籍:台湾祖籍:福建 出生地:台北 父亲:周耀中母亲:叶惠美身高:173cm体重:62kg 学历:淡江中学音乐科专长:写歌、作词、打球 音乐类型:R&B 运动 篮球 中国风口头禅:屌不屌最大优点:词曲创作力强、e世代的新音乐人 ...

In 2000, he released his first album titled Jay under the record company Alfa Music. Since then, he has released one album per year, selling several million copies each. His music has gained recognition throughout Asia, most notably in countries such as China, Japan, Malaysia, ...


杰伦姓名:周杰伦英文名:JayChou出生:79年1月18日学历:淡江中学音乐科QQ: 512672482生肖:马血型:O型星座:山羊座身高:173cm体重:60kg专长:写歌、作词、打球专精乐器:钢琴、大提琴、吉他、爵士鼓音乐类型:R&B口头禅:屌不屌最擅长做的菜:炒蛋最喜欢被情人吻的部位:脸最欣赏的音乐创作人:badyface最想收到情人的礼物...

南方网讯 周杰伦 英文名:Jay Chow 生日:1979年1月18日(星期四)血型:O 型 身高:173 厘米 体重:60 公斤 学历:台湾淡江中学音乐 专长:写歌、作词、打球(篮球)专精乐器:钢琴、大提琴、吉他、爵士鼓 音乐类型:R&B 口头禅: 屌不屌 最大优点:词曲创作力强、e世代的新音乐 最大缺点:害羞...

藁城市15782108552: 周杰伦的英文版个人介绍周杰伦,英语 -
申晴欧佳:[答案] Jay Chou (on January 18, 1979-China台湾Taiwan华语流行歌手、著名Chinese pop singer, famous音乐人musicians、音乐创作家、, music creators,作曲家composer、作词人、制作人、, lyrics, producer, and杰威尔...

藁城市15782108552: 周杰伦的英文介绍 -
申晴欧佳:[答案] Jay Chou (born January 18,1979) is a Taiwanese musician,singer,music and film producer,actor and director who has won the World Music Award four times.He is well-known for composing all his own songs and songs for other singers.In 1998 he was ...

藁城市15782108552: 周杰伦资料英文(周杰伦资料)
申晴欧佳: 1、本名:周杰伦 英文名:Jay Chou 周杰伦 生日:1979年1月18日 (农历生日:腊月二十) 出生地:台北市 唱片公司:杰威尔 祖籍:中国福建 民族:汉族 身高:173cm ...

藁城市15782108552: 写一篇关于周杰伦的英文介绍 80字 -
申晴欧佳: Jay Chou is a talented singer and producer.He became famous for his special traditional chinese style R and B.The lyrics of his songs are written by his long term partner Fangwenshan.It is really refreshing to listen to his songs at first time.Now he ...

藁城市15782108552: 周杰伦的简介用英文怎么说? -
申晴欧佳: The brief introduction of Jay Chou

藁城市15782108552: 谁有周谁有周杰伦的英文介绍?谁有周杰伦的英文介绍?
申晴欧佳: Jay Chou (traditional Chinese: 周杰伦, simplified Chinese: 周杰伦, pinyin: Zhōu Jiélún, Born on January 18, 1979) is a popular Taiwanese musician specializing in R&...

藁城市15782108552: 用英文介绍周杰伦简单一点初中的
申晴欧佳: The US weekly magazine Time Asia once featured Jay Chow as its cover story, in which the article asked "How did a kid with an overbite become Asia's hottest pop star?" ...

藁城市15782108552: 英语作文 介绍周杰伦 -
申晴欧佳:Jay Chou ( 1979.1.18 ) Chinese, Taiwanese, Fujian native of Quanzhou, graduated from Taipei Tamkang middle school, Chinese pop singer, famous music person. The "Asian pop...

藁城市15782108552: 周杰伦的英文详细简介 -
申晴欧佳: Jay Chou , born 18 January 1979, is a World Music Award-winning Taiwanese musician, singer, and producer. In 1998, he was discovered in a talent contest where he showcased his piano and song-writing skills. Over the next two years, he was ...

藁城市15782108552: 求用英语介绍周杰伦20个词以上
申晴欧佳: He is named jay Chou who is a very popular singer to the teenagers.This year,he is at the age of 30. He is from Taiwan.He likes to play basketball. 他叫周杰伦,对于我们青少年,是一个很受欢迎的歌手.今年,他30岁.他喜欢打篮球.

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