
作者&投稿:勇伊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Anna often practises playing the piano.
2. My mother wants me to clean the room on Saturday.
3. I like doing some exercise in the afternoon.
4. If you want to learn English well, you need to do lots of exercises.
5. He stayed in the hotel for a week last year.
6. What is his address present?


1、If you are keeping someone on your mind,please let him know,because there maybe chances that he is doing the same thing as you.
3、if you want to know how to prepare for the earthquake, read this book,there are many pictures about it.
4、you must tell the students what you want to do,so that they can have a sense of participation.

I'd like to precontact the clients very much.
We can visit the below clients.
As the hospital name in your email shows disorder clode,so please send it to me again.Thanks.

I'm quite willing to precontract customers. Here are some customers that we can visit.
In your E-mail, the name of the hospital is presented as clobber, therefor, we would like to trouble you to send the name of the hospital again. Thank you!

I'd like to make apointment with clients. We can go to visit some clients as follows.
In your E-mail, the words of hospital's name show in disorder. It is not clear. May I have the name of the hospital though your E-mail again. Appreciated.

I'm perfectly willing to make an appointment with the customers, here are some customers we can pay a visit to.
as the name of hospital in your E-mail shows messy code, so please send me a name of hospital again, thanks a lot.

I am so happy to make appointment with clients. We can appoint with a few clients.

In your email, the hospital name is shown in messy code. Will you please resend it to me? Thank you!

I am very pleased to make an appointment with the clients, such as follows:
the name of the hospital, in your letter, dispayed nothing but Unrecognizable Code, so pls send it to me one more time. Thank you!

4、XXX是您的账号,请核对下。谢谢。XXX is your account number, please check it. thank you.这部分内容主要运用了一般现在时的知识点:表示通常性、规律性、习惯性、真理性(即事实)的动作或状态,或者动作有时间规律发生的事件的一种时间状态。在英语语法中,“时“指动作发生的时间,”态“指...

Thank you for your apple. (单数,一个苹果)Thanks for your apples. (复数,多个苹果)Thank you for your apples. (复数,多个苹果)Your apple is appreciated.Your apples are appreciated.Obliged for your apple.Obliged for your apples...您好,以上翻译均可,希望能帮到您,不明白可继...

1 five hundred years, the Chinese drama had the very big development 2 she hated to them more and more.3 after the second world war, the United States economy once unprecedented prosperity.4 another round of war in the region will make the international situation in tension 5 ...

Dear sirs:our sales confirmation TE151 numberseses!Concerning the TE151 sales confirmation item under of 4000 dozens of shirt, we hope to lift to invite you an attention, the date of delivery closes in, but arrives currently us and still receive relevant of letter of credit, ...

感谢你的信任,为你提供正确译文:1. As both of us have almost the same face, we are easily mistaken for each other. I used to have another elder brother, but he passed away due to an illness. My younger brother's hair is naturally straight. It can easily get ruined if he...

excuse me ,can you send me the document what you can give,thanks.

二、英译汉。1.The café is on the corner,opposite the department store.咖啡店不远,在前面转角,商店的对面。2.you should take some sleeping tablets,but you don’t need to take other medicine.你需要吃些安眠药,但不需要服用其他药物。3.Why don’t we have a barbecue?That’s a ...

1.这是我以前上课的时候,偷偷用PHOTOSHOP做的。很不幸地我被老师发现,他批评了我并且罚我到操场跑了十圈。这件事对我来说很有纪念意义……哈哈 This is what I made using Photoshop during class, while trying not to let the teacher see what I was doing, except that I failed. He ...

Thanks for your help.Thanks for helping me.Thank you for your help.Thank you for helping me.

1. The boat has to sail on the water.1.船要在水中航行 2. Due to the hollow boat, they can float.2.因为所有的船中间都是空的,所以他们可以浮在水面上 3. Little boat can help us to sail from one side to another.3.小船能帮助我们从岸的一边到达另一边 4. Some boats are ...

花都区18974861728: 汉译英,谢谢
韶士佳苏: Improve water puce, be implemented charges

花都区18974861728: 汉译英对某人说谢谢 -
韶士佳苏: 1.thank s.b.(感谢某人) thank for s.b.(感谢某人做的某事) thank to sb(感谢某人,但不常用) 2.I want to thank him for his help(would like to 比较委婉,也可以代替 want to 来使用) 3.thank [θæŋk] vt. 感谢 n. 感谢 int. 谢谢 ①She thanked me ...

花都区18974861728: 汉译英....
韶士佳苏: I want some one in this world disappear. Disappear. Forever disappear. 我想世界上有一个人消失.消失.永远的消失.望采纳,谢谢!

花都区18974861728: 汉译英,谢谢 -
韶士佳苏: A,The advantage of the current system:1) The introduction of market mechanism has attracted a lot of social funds, and alleviated the financial pressure of the government. 2) The number of...

花都区18974861728: 汉译英:谢谢!!!!!!!! -
韶士佳苏: He is someone whom you can depend on while you are in difficulties.希望对你有帮助

花都区18974861728: 汉译英.谢谢.
韶士佳苏: 1:I have no time to practice in the noon. 2:This kind of birds is nearly extinct for the pollution.或者This kind of birds is dying out for the pollution. 3.I can not catch your story. 4:They made great effort wo move the shark to the new house. 5:When he is ...

花都区18974861728: 汉译英文 谢谢大家 -
韶士佳苏: Dear buyer,亲爱的买家 Thank you for buying two commodities from me. 谢谢你购买我的两件物品.One of them has not the color you asked for, but we have black one. 另外1件没有你要的颜色,但有黑色的.I try to contact you but get no ...

花都区18974861728: 汉译英:谢谢您长期以来的帮助. -
韶士佳苏: 感谢您长期以来的帮助.REM-700的机器我们已经给客户安装了,机器非常好.客户也非常满意.但是机器上缺少一个Vinyl cover.请问您是否能够帮我们再寄一个.谢谢. Thank you for your all-along support. We've installed the machine REM-700 for ...

花都区18974861728: 汉译英,谢谢!
韶士佳苏: I'm interested in your stone craving and wood craving. Can you provide me with more detail informations? Like, photos of the art pieces, prices and conditions.

花都区18974861728: 汉译英,谢谢!!!
韶士佳苏: 1.Some person don't like them. 2.She think that they are very exciting. 3.He always see a beijing opera with his parents. 4.I don't like documentary too. 5.How do you think of action movies6.I think the horror film is not enough good-looking. 7.Do you ...

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