Hello!dear I think you, I love you ,Are you well? My name is liuxiaoyu这是什么意思?

作者&投稿:花言 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
my dear I think you are No.1 I love you forever I hope you ha什么意思~

my dear I think you are No.1 亲爱的,我认为你是第一
I love you forever 我永远爱你
I hope you happy every day 我希望你开心每一天

Hello my dear. 亲爱的你好。
Nice to hear from you. 收到你的消息我很高兴。
I think you are beautiful. 我觉得你很漂亮。


这篇英语作文怎么 写。
Dear Tom,I felt pity that you are get ill and in the hospital. I hope that you can get will soon. so i have some advice for you to help you keep in a good health. First, you should not be smoke,it is bad for you healthy. second , you should take exercise everyday...

求初一英语单词接龙 50条,每条20个。求好心人帮帮忙
card -driver- rest -teach -hospital- language- expensive - empty -year- right- tomorrow- wash- homework- knife- evening- glass- soldier- read-different- throw- wrong- garden- nurse- early- yeah- high- hotel- long- goodnesing- great- tomato- office- ear- round- dumpling-...

英语作文 假如你的linda 你是学校学生会主席 英国的xx教授来你学校进行...
Dear Docter Jim,Hello,I am Linda,President of the student union.Welcom to my school.I know that you come here for the teacher training.So,I was wondering if you are enough nice to set aside some time for a project about wrting for some difficult students?Because most of us ...

● http:\/\/www.arthurlovesplastic.com\/lisa\/mp3\/innocent\/whenyouareold.mp3叶慈“When You Are Old”(Lisa Moscatiello 曲.唱)。● http:\/\/www.ugcofnyc.org\/sounds.asp?action=folder&id=5&name=CD%20-%20Yeats%20Practice叶慈“A Drinking Song”(Francisco J. Núñez 曲,纽约市 University Glee Clu...

神农架林区18160607709: 尊敬的英语老师您好,英语怎么说 -
宋寇古拉: Dear English teacher,How do you do? I am xxx in the Four of Class.

神农架林区18160607709: hello love 是什么意思 -
宋寇古拉: love是外国人喜欢用的爱称,很多老太太会对年轻人说这个,通常是对不知道名字的人说,不过也有对认识的人说的. 总之就是一个亲热的称呼,和“Hello,dear”差不多意思~

神农架林区18160607709: 你好亲爱的英语怎么写 -
宋寇古拉: hello, my darling

神农架林区18160607709: 初一英语值日报告 开头要Hello,dear teacher,Im on duty today ,然后介绍日期,天气.然后才艺展示,我想讲笑话,或故事,单词不要太难,不要太长、结尾请... -
宋寇古拉:[答案] Hello,dear teacher.I'm on duty today.It's Friday today. It's a sunny day. There's no cloud at all in the sky. Next, it's my show time. Today, I'd like to tell a job to all of you and I hope you can en...

神农架林区18160607709: 陈述语气的“您好”用英语怎样说
宋寇古拉: 书信的话,熟的人不用什么你好,直接称呼用 Hi 某某 或者 Dear 某某某.如果是面向你不知道是男是女或者是什么称呼,但你知道他是重要人物的话,可以在称呼那里用:to whom it may concern.写正式信或者商业信不需要什么问候.写亲朋的可以用在信的正文加入问候对方近况的话,例如 how's everything? Is everything going well? How have you been doing? 之类的.

神农架林区18160607709: 英文书信的在Dear....下可否写Hello? -
宋寇古拉: 英文书信一般是这样开头的: Dear ***: How are you?(问候语之类的)......而Hello一般是见面语,很少在书信中使用.因为书信是长久不见后的问候对方状况,如果硬要用Hello的话可以勉强使用,对方能看懂.如果是参加考试的话就不要这样用了,会让阅卷老师觉得别扭,扣分也是有可能的.

神农架林区18160607709: hello - deer是什么意思 -
宋寇古拉: 你好! hello deer 你好,鹿hello dear 你好亲爱的

神农架林区18160607709: hello good my dear连词成句 -
宋寇古拉: 原题hello good my dear连词成句 Hello , my dear mother .意思 你好,我亲爱的妈妈.

神农架林区18160607709: hello spaing 什么意思
宋寇古拉: hello spring 你好,春天 双语对照 例句: 1. Hello! Dear friend. How are you? Where will you go in winter holiday? The spring festivalwill come soon. Happy new year! 你好!亲爱的朋友.你好吗?寒假里你要去那儿?春节很快就要到了.祝你新年...

神农架林区18160607709: 翻译成英文 写给外国明星的信 -
宋寇古拉: dearXXX,hello there, i'm your devoted fans(忠实粉丝)in China, and im still a secondary school students.Frankly,(坦白说) i love the roles you played in every drama. i am now study hard for the goal to pay you a visit(拜访你) one day.Can you please give me your handsomeness photo with autograph on it?用我的吧

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