
作者&投稿:营振 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Way of fruit salad

The raw material: 100 grams refrigeration fresh milk, 30 grams milk powder and
salt 5 gram 70 grams sugar, salad 150 grams oil and lemon 150 grams in the
primary juice and 3 in yolk is given birth to

Modulate salad thick sauce made from soya beans, flour, and will use more
first-class salad oil, add the fresh egg is yellow. The yolk ( two person-portions
) to take several eggs is put in the big bowl, and adding one tea spoon salad
oil, the spoon is lashed with the steel. When lashing certainly will be
according to a direction, the at the same time a little toward the Lica salad
oil, then continues lashing. Initial stage is oiled certainly to be a small
amount(ly), otherwise can not be very good carries on emulsify reacting.
Dengs egg liquid when having some to glue the density, can add more than
expected a little You Ran Hou lashes again, ( fresh milk and lemon juice, salt
and sugar are joined one by one ) until egg liquid changes into up to gluing
thick form sticking with paste ( still will glue thick(ly)er ) than the
condensed milk very much again the raw and processed material. The thick sauce
made from soya beans, flour too glues thick(ly) can to add some lemon juice a
little or substitutes for with white vinegar if disliking.
Had better be two person do together, a side be with salad oil, and one is
played salad oil with the steel fork. The direction certainly can only faced
is beaten.




First we need three banana, three apple and three pear. All the fruits are cut into pieces. Then, put all the fruit pieces into a bowl. After that, add two spoon of salad into the bowl. Lastly, mix up all the thing inside the bowl. A plate of delicious salad is done.

fruit sala

fruit salad

fruit salad

fruit salad

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定结县15191005122: 水果沙拉用英语怎么说 -
撒善紫丹: fruit salad fruit水果 salad沙拉 希望能帮到您

定结县15191005122: 水果沙拉这个短语怎么写 -
撒善紫丹: fruit salad

定结县15191005122: 水果沙拉的英语怎么写啊? -
撒善紫丹:[答案] 水果沙拉 基本翻译 fruit salad

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撒善紫丹:[答案] 我这有篇关于水果沙拉的英文作法,你不妨参考下 Way of fruit salad The raw material:100 grams refrigeration fresh milk,30 grams milk powder and salt 5 gram 70 grams sugar,salad 150 grams oil and lemon 150 grams in the primary juice and 3 in yolk ...

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撒善紫丹:[答案] fruit salad水果沙拉 cauliflower菜花 hamburger汉堡包

定结县15191005122: 水果沙拉怎么用英语说 -
撒善紫丹: fruit salad

定结县15191005122: 水果沙拉英语怎么读 -
撒善紫丹: 水果沙拉 fruit salad 相关短语 canned fruit 罐装水果 fruit sugar n. 果糖

定结县15191005122: 水果沙拉用日语怎么写
撒善紫丹: 这是个外来语,日语是:フルーツサラダ 音译过来是福鲁次萨拉达 绝对正确的,我以前在日本某个城市看到过的.

定结县15191005122: 水果沙拉用日语怎么写 -
撒善紫丹: 水果沙拉 日文:フルーツサラダ 罗马音:(FU RU U TSU SA RA DA)

定结县15191005122: fruit salad怎么读? -
撒善紫丹: 水果沙拉 的意思.fruit是“水果” salad是“沙拉”.

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