英翻汉 急急急

作者&投稿:赧皇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


When i walked past the room, i heard some people arguing
What the teacher did was moving

1.go back 回去
2.clothing store 服装店
3.close to 离什么近
4.be far from 离什么远
5.knock at/on 敲(门)
6.on the right 在右边

7.我的手表有问题了 there's something wrong with my watch
8.在左边没有房子 there's no houses on the left.
9.交通拥挤 traffic jam
10.生活费很高 high cost of living
11.附近有商店吗? any stores(shops) nearby?
12.在我们地区,有一个医院 there's a hospital in my neighborhood

莱芜市13725114291: 汉翻英 急1:这是我的橡皮. 2:那是你的铅笔吗? 3:这是他的铅笔盒吗? 4:是的,它是我的钢笔. -
郝修乐盖:[答案] 1.This is my eraser. 2. Is that your pencil? 3. Is this his pencil-box? 4. Yes,it is my pen.

莱芜市13725114291: 英语(汉翻英)急急急!!! -
郝修乐盖: In my 21-year-old birthday, I received a bouquet of flowers with a beautiful card. My initial reaction is that it is a gift from a friend. Birthday, this is a common phenomenon. I not at all surprised. However, it turned out to be a secret admirer of the boys ...

莱芜市13725114291: 汉译英在线翻译,急急急!
郝修乐盖: Ten years later, I am a teacher, I live in Nanjing, because I like there, I thought it was a very beautiful city, where I was a happy life, and I like to do things. Ten years later, I would like to raise a puppy in Nanjing, to bring it out for a walk every day to feed ...

莱芜市13725114291: 英语翻译 急急急!!!!!
郝修乐盖: 1.doesn't matter 2.mostly same 3.physics subject 4.school life 5.break time

莱芜市13725114291: 英汉互译【英语】 急急急急急急 -
郝修乐盖: taking photos carry to 或者 take ...to

莱芜市13725114291: 急急急!!!汉翻英,很简单,五年级的
郝修乐盖: What are you doing!

莱芜市13725114291: 英汉互译急急急
郝修乐盖: absolute 绝对的,形容词 absolutely 绝对地,副词

莱芜市13725114291: 英汉互译 急急急
郝修乐盖: 从第二句开始 2 until to3 remember to do sth 4 can't remember doing sth 5 forget to do sth 6 forget doing sth 7 talk to sb 8 talk with sb 9 首先 起初 10 回到 追溯 11 最终 最后 12 由什么产生

莱芜市13725114291: 英文翻译中文!!急急急!! -
郝修乐盖: 亲爱的,请让我有点骄傲的(怀念受伤), 亲爱的,不要责怪我不够强大,不怪我足够的勇气,对,我是如此,那么深深的爱你,不错,我是如此断言,在你的耳朵,我爱你到老,一旦你告诉我,你不爱我,我说不是,我可以等你,所以有一天...

莱芜市13725114291: 英翻汉 急急急急急急急 -
郝修乐盖: 老师接受了那个男孩的道歉让他感到失望.(他 不知那个男孩 是第三个人) 他曾打算借我一套警服,这样我就可以穿着去参加聚会,但是他让我失望了.

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