Why don’t you come to play football with us?(同义句转换)

作者&投稿:枝秆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Why don't you play football with me?(改为同义句)~

what's the reason for that you don't play with me?

why not ......

1)How about coming to play football with us?
2)what about coming to play football with us?
3)Why not come to play football with us?(这句是对的,和why don't you 可以互相转换 100%肯定)

楼上那位老师的答案虽然不错,但是按照这种题型,你的意一些改法师不规范的,恕我直言,作为一个老师看一道题应该看他的考点、知识点,这道题的考点就是Why don't you 的同义词转换。

Why not come to play football with us?
why don't you 一般与why not相互转换,这是初中英语!

改为why not是可以的

Why not come to play football with us?(

why don't 是问为什么~~(表原因)
why not 是 让对方来的意思~~

Why not come to play football with us?
How about coming to play football with us?
Will you come to play football with us?
what about coming to play football with us?

中站区17331681975: why don't you 的用法? -
进平化癥: 真是混乱的答案. 我们先造两个句子,然后分析两种结构的差别. 上面是书面上最好分析的情况. 在现实生活中,口语里把第二句也常说成第一句那样的结构.所以这个时候往往具有双重意义.具体表示建议,还是询问原因,应该根据说话人...

中站区17331681975: Why don't you后接什么?(动词原型or?) -
进平化癥: 1、Why don't you,表示“为什么不”, 后接动词原形. 2、can't wait /can hardly wait 表示迫不及待,后接to do. 3、how about 后接动词ing形式,即how about doing?表示询问意见,“怎么样?” 具体用法如下: 1、why don't you do sth. 表...

中站区17331681975: why don't you= -
进平化癥: 你好,正确答案是why not祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

中站区17331681975: Mink《Why don't you》的歌词翻译.
进平化癥: ごまかさないで 话( はな) してみて 隠(かく) されるのは もっとつらい 何(なに) を 见(み) つめて 歩( ある) いていたの ねえいつから すれ 违(ちが) ったの 爱(あい) だけが 见(み) えなくなる 手(て) のひらをこぼれる ...

中站区17331681975: why not与what about与why don't you与how about与why not you的区别 -
进平化癥:[答案] Why not +动词原形...=Why don't you +动词原形...=What about doing ...=How about doing ...这几个没有区别,可以换用.都是征求对方意见的,"...怎么样?"没有why not you的说法.例:How/What about going for a walk ...

中站区17331681975: ...David is - ____ - only accountant in my son's company.(4 分) A.the B.an C.a 8 .A:I don't feel very well today.B:_____ - see a doctor?(4 分) A.Why not you ... -
进平化癥:[答案] 1 C 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.C(不确定)11.A 12.A 13.什么啊 14.C 15.B 16.C 17A 18.A 19.C 20.C 21.C 22.A 23.B 24.C 25B

中站区17331681975: Why - --go to the zoo with us ?为什么选C啊? -
进平化癥: 此题应该用排除法,A选项只有don't,而没有主语,B选项只有not you,而没有助动词do,只有C选顶同时省略了主语和助动词,是正确的

中站区17331681975: why won't you和why don't you有什么区别吗 -
进平化癥: 在语气上的差别,前者语气要谦和一些,属提出建议或期望的含义,后者有些质问的语气

中站区17331681975: be use to do/for和why don't you ···的用法?
进平化癥: 1.used to 过去常常(常指过去习惯性动作,但现在不了) 2.be used to do 可以被用来~~~(表用途) 3. be used to doing 习惯于做某事 4.be used for 可以被用来~~~ be used to doing 和 be used for~~区别在与前者后面接动词的现在分词 而后者即可接动词的现在分词 也可以直接接名词 why don't you =why not 意为“为什么不······”后面接动词原形

中站区17331681975: Why don't you 有没有过去时? -
进平化癥: 我是英语老师,帮帮你. Why don't you do sth?=Why not do sth?为什么不……?表示“提供建议” 例:Why don't you try it on?=Why not try it on ? 而Why didn' t you do sth?在一般情况下,含有“责备”的意思. 例:Why didn' t you finish your homework yesterday?你昨天为什么没有完成作业? 至于why do not you..?,不能说全错,但一般不这么说. 祝你进步!

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