
作者&投稿:子丰竹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Importance of both personal self-improvement, and have similar psychological aim - - people live with greater dignity, more comfortable and more happy, self-perfection. This shows that both attach importance to the exploration of the meaning of life and the pursuit. Are slightly different from the Confucian emphasis on moral character on the sound, and the people the importance of personal potential and to play.

Scholars in Taiwan Chun-Hsing Chang standard of mental health: and certainly know their own; self-esteem and self-esteem; not unrealistic ideals.杰霍塔American psychologist (Jahoda.M) criteria for mental health: self-acceptance, to realistically evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses, the perception of reality o. Emphasis on exploration of the meaning of life and emphasis on the Confucian idea of the shape the ideal personality, and people attach importance to the pursuit of healthy personality.

Emphasis on self-awareness and reality. Themselves and recognize the reality of the right and on the basis of a correct understanding of the objectives of the establishment of appropriate individuals for maintaining mental health is essential. Our country since ancient times, "You people have self-knowledge," "Do not set our targets too high" is.


1. 对于印尼未来五年的发展,应该有个判断
1 for the development of the next five years in Indonesia, there should be a judge
* 未来政治及经济的变化,有哪些因素会影响我们的行业。
* future political and economic changes, what factors will affect our industry.
* 关注与美国、中国的关系发展
* Concern with the United States, China's relations
* 哪些行业会主导经济的发展
* Which industry will lead economic development
* 国外投资占经济发展比例投资在哪些行业?印尼的客户是亦如此?
* the proportion of foreign investment accounts for investment in economic development in what industry? The customer is also the case in Indonesia? Domestic and foreign customers are different?
* 经营国内及国外客户的方法是否不同?
* Operating domestic and foreign customers approach different?
* 未来印尼奥美在国内及国外客户的比例判断
* Ogilvy & Mather in the future of Indonesia's domestic and foreign customers to determine the proportion of different industries
* 不同产业制,国内及国外厂商的比例
* system, the proportion of domestic and foreign manufacturers
* 注意中国厂商在印尼的发展
* Note that the development of Chinese companies in Indonesia

2. 客户需求的转变
2. the changing needs of our customers
* 城市化的过程有多快?未来会有几个城市?
* how fast the process of urbanization? There will be several cities?
* 可否因人口多少及商业发展而分成一级、二级、三级、四级......的城市?
* Can the number of population and commercial development into one, two, three, four ...... city?
* 不同客户如何面对渠道管理
* Different customers face to face channel management
* 面对具规模,成长较快的时长,客户经常关注成本,销售及渠道
* scale, rapid growth of the length of time, customers often focus on costs, sales and channel

3. 竞争者
3. Contender
* 欧美Agency在印尼发展策略是否都一样发展策略是否都一样
* European Agency development strategy in Indonesia are the same whether the development strategy is the same
* Datus的策略是什么?只是与日本品牌结合?对本地客户的发展策略?
* Datus The strategy? Only with Japanese brands combined? Development strategy for local customers?
* 哪几家本地的agency特别突出?为什么?
* Which of several prominent local agency in particular? Why?

4. 奥美四大支柱未来的发展是怎样的?五年后比例将会如何?建立在客户/市场变化的基础之上
4 Ogilvy future development of the four pillars of what? After five years the proportion will be? Based on customer / market changes based on

5. 人员从哪里来?可以评估现有市场的talent, 需要哪些人?多少人?哪些专长的人?哪些expat? 哪些本地人?
5 people come from? Can assess the existing market talent, need to? How many people? What are the expertise of people? What are the expat? Which locals? How staff development strategies to achieve change and plan the next five years?

6. 对媒体相关政府的policy, 管家法规的变化,对媒体发展有何影响?
6. For media-related government policy, the housekeeper and regulations change, the impact of media development?

7. 种族、宗教将会如何转变,有哪些商业的机会?
7 race, religion will be how to change, what business opportunities?

8. 哪些因素可能破坏社会的稳定?
8 What factors could undermine social stability?

9. 成长目标可以设定在每年GDP*2
9 growth targets can be set in the annual GDP * 2

10. 积极地并购策略review各种形态的本地代理商,不只是广告公司。
邀请潜在的target参与Martin/Miles/Paul Heath的酒会或seminar, 让他们了解WPP(Ogilvy)在别人还没启动对他们的并购意向之前,我们必须快速的开始行动。
10. Active acquisition strategy review various forms of local agents, not just advertising. Invite potential target in Martin / Miles / Paul Heath reception or seminar, let them know WPP (Ogilvy) others have not started their merger intentions, we must quickly begin to take action.

11. 寻求Target的标准
11 for the Standard Target
1) 稳定的senior team
1) and stable senior team
2) 稳定的客户关系
2) a stable customer relationship
3) 对Ogilvy的期望(当然,期望必须被管理)
3) Ogilvy expectations (of course, expectations must be managed) the size of the company is not necessarily determine the factors, the most important is whether to join Ogilvy , you can help target a more rapid growth


The differences of personality and concept

To perfect our personality is an important part of the standard of mental health. First of all, the mainstream concept of personality differences: Chinese culture is effected very much by Confucius and Mencius, Mencius strongly propones human nature basically good, and emphasis that there iare differences between human and naimals. Therefore, the mainstream concept of personality is based on the Mencius' Original Goodness of Human Nature. He promote ideas such as "benevolence", "manners", "justice" , "forgiveness", "generous" and so on. Western mainstream culture is greatly impactdd by Christian culture and think life is guilty, evil, greed and desire, since born. 1.Therefore, the mainstream concept of personality is based on the evil nature. Second, the healthy personality differences: the traditional culture of the healthy personality to the people do not give enough recognition on people's independent character , creativeness , the sex rebelling against. West healthy personality attaches importance to personality independent character , creativeness , rebel. C. Rogers stressed that there is a high degree of creativity and sense of freedom. Maslow's psychological health standards: there is the need for independence and self-reliance; with creativity at work in, often embodied the spirit of innovation; not blindly.

The similarity of mental health standards in the West and East

Even though in Western mental health standards exist above differences, but both also showed a lot of similarities. As Liu Huashan printed out: through various views on mental health standards of domestic and foreign scholars, many commonly differences can be found. 1.. We believe that the mainly similarities between the two are the following aspects.

Personality idea difference. the personality consummation is the psychologically healthy standard important component. First, mainstream personality view difference: The Chinese culture depth the Confucius and Mencius thought's influence, the Mencius strength is led the human nature to be originally friendly, stressed that the person birds and beasts are able to discriminate. Therefore, the mainstream personality view is discusses friendly take Mencius's nature as the foundation. If advocated that “the kernel”, “the ritual”, “righteousness”, advocates “loyally”, “generous” and so on. The western mainstream culture depth the Christianity culture's influence, was revealed that the human is since birth guilty, evil, greedy and so on desires are live have 1. Therefore, the mainstream personality view is discusses wickedly take the nature as the foundation. Next, healthy personality difference: In traditional culture's healthy personality person's independence, the creativity, rebel has not given the enough value. The western healthy personality pays great attention the personality the independence, the creativity, rebel. If Luojiesi (C.Rogers) stressed that has the high creativity and the free feeling. Masiluo psychologically healthy standard: Has need which the independence and supports oneself; Has the creativity, in is engaged in the work, often manifests the innovative spirit; Does not follow blindly. in West psychologically healthy standard similar. the West psychologically healthy standard has the above difference freely, but both also display many similarities. Just like the Liu Huashan pointed out: Passes the view domestic and foreign scholars to psychologically healthy standard each view, may discover that common place is more than the difference 1. . We believed that both's similarity mainly has the following several aspects.


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宇文艳双成: The differences of personality and concept To perfect our personality is an important part of the standard of mental health. First of all, the mainstream concept of personality differences: Chinese culture is effected very much by Confucius and ...

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