急!! 英语高手进

作者&投稿:霜浅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语高手进 急~~

答案:i am sorry to say that i can't agree with the Prussian military strategist Karl von Clausewitz's opinion. i think it is because one side wants to get interests from other parts, the final target of war is not just politically controling one country ,but to reach the interets one wants.For my part, war can be avoided in today's world. countries all around the world can try to establish cooperation relationship with each other, by this way, we can get mutual benefit without wars.All the above is my opinion. glad to share it with you.

Hello my dear classmates! My name is Fenglei, or you can call me Feng Hood. I am a warm and giving boy who is fond of sports. I am easy-going and getting along with our classmates quickly. Of course, everyone has his own faults and so do I, such as an edgy temper and no patient. I'm looking forward to build up a warm and united group with my classmates in this three-year junior high school.
Thank you. This is all my introduction about myself.




【典例1】 The stop sign actually made ________(交通) safer and faster.

分析traffic 。暂停标志确实使得交通更安全更快速。此处应使用名词形式,又因为交通这个词是不可数名词,故本题的答案是traffic。

【典例2】We sent her our c_________ when she passed her exam.




【典例3】 Our teacher has been _______(提升) to headmaster, so we went to held a party to celebrate.

【分析】promoted。我们的老师被提升为校长,所以这里应该用被动语态。答案是 promoted。

【典例4】 The time he d ______ to helping disabled was considered to be of great value.

【分析】devoted。注意本题考查的是一个动词,而且是与介词to 连用。此处是说他帮助残疾人的时候过的很有意义。这里考查的是 devote to,由于主句的时态是过去时,所以此处用 devoted.


形容词、副词类单词拼写应该注意原级、比较级和最高级三种形式。副词拼写题还须注意:有的直接在形容词词尾加 –ly, 如:generally, suddenly等;有的去 e 加 y ,如:gently, probably等,有的去 e 加 ly ,如truly等。另外,较长的形容词、副词和较难拼写的也是测试的重点。还应注意同是副词,但表意不同时,词形也不一样。如:high 与highly; deep 与deeply等。

【典例5】Understanding the _______(文化) habit of another nation is a difficult task.

【分析】 cultural。虽然这里标注的好象是个名词,但分析这个句子,我们发现这里少的应该是一个形容词,所以应该用cultural。

【典例6】I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more ______(舒服) 。

【分析】 comfortably。本题虽然标注的是舒服,但这个词是用来修饰walk的所以此处必须用其副词形式。本题的答案是 comfortably。


点拨1. 准确拼写单词


(1)名词复数词尾或不规则名词的拼写错误 ( hero → heroes; tooth → teeth );

(2)以元音加-y或词尾为-ie词的形式变化 ( play → played; lie → lying);

(3)加-ed, -ing, -er等词尾时,是否应双写最后一个字母( refer → referring; regret → regretted; thin → thinner);

(4)后缀 -ar, -or, -er的混淆 ( professor; grammar; performer );

(5)字母 -ei, -ie的颠倒( receive; believe );

(6)因双写字母发同一音而漏写 ( traffic );

(7)受同一词源其他词影响 ( pronounce → pronunciation; explain → explanation );

(8)因字母不发音而漏写 ( Christmas; government )。

【典例1】I am pleased that he gladly (接受) our invitation.( accepted )

【解析】这句话缺少谓语动词。许多考生可能马上就会想到accept, receive, get等词。这时我们就要利用句中相关的词来确定词义和词形。从I am pleased和gladly可知,他愉快地接受了我们的邀请才使我感到高兴。所以“接受”这个动词应为表示结果的词,时态要用过去时。故只能用accepted而不能用一般现在时或其他词替代。
点拨2 根据语境和句意确定所缺单词的确切含义和词性

1. 从反义词角度去判断

【典例2】 This kind of dictionary is not a _______at home, so you have to get one by mail from abroad.


2. 依据因果关系来判断

【典例3】I hate your talkative sister. Her presence makes me u________.

【分析】uncomfortable。 前面的形容词 hate表明了“我”的态度,因为讨厌她,所以她在场使得我不舒服。

【典例4】Nobody else knew it because it was kept as a s_______.

【分析】secret。 因为没有其他人知道,所以这一定是个秘密。应用secret。

3. 依据同位语或定义解释来判断

【典例5】A r______ is a place where meals are prepared, sold or eaten.

【分析】restaurant。从后面的内容可知应填 restaurant。

【典例6】 In F_______, the second month of the year, it always very cold in my hometown.

【分析】February。 根据后面的同位语“the second month of the year”可以得出用二月 February。

4. 从句子描述的内容去判断

【典例7】Different nations have different cultures: we should respect the d_______ of each culture.


【典例8】 The problem is rather difficult to solve. It is b_______ my ability.

【分析】 beyond。 根据“rather difficult to solve”这个问题超出了“我”的能力,故应用介词beyond。

点拨3 根据所用的词在句子中的成分、功能,分析判断所用词的形式。

【典例9】All kinds of information can be collected rapidly and ______(方便) from the internet.

【分析】conveniently。“方便”在这里修饰的是be collected,应该用其副词形式conveniently。

【典例10】The girl who kept on shouting and crying was _______(显然) mad.


点拨4 运用惯用搭配、进行常识判断

【典例11】Russia is usually thought to be a E________ country, but there is also large area of it in Asia.

【分析】European。俄罗斯一般被认为是欧洲国家,所以这里用其形容词形式 European。 “欧洲的”。

【典例12】The Olympic m _______is “Faster, Higher, Stronger.”

【分析】motto。“更快,更高,更强”是奥运会的Motto. 这是我们众所周知的事情。

【典例13】His illness resulted from some _______(不卫生) food he had from a small restaurant.

【分析】unhealthy 。“卫生的”为healthy, 而本题所填的词的意思“不卫生的”。根据构词法,应该在其前面加前缀un-,来构成一个表示否定意义的词“unhealthy ”.


1. 有些单词的首字母需要大写,应特别注意。

2. 书写要工整、清楚。特别要注意几个手写时易混的字母,如u和v; a和u; d和al等。


4. 易混、易错词拼写。受音、形、义相似等的影响或遗漏不发音的字母而写错的词


首先要熟悉单词,尽可能的去记住单词,而且是根据句子记单词。这样既能记住单词,又可以记住类似的句子,以后遇到类似的句子,你就可以知道语法怎么用,是填动词还是名词或者分词 或者有一些固定词组。

这个方法很有效,坚持就是胜利!GOOD LUCK !



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