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中译英 请大侠帮助翻译一下! 急用 非常非常感谢!~

The inviolability of the individual Castle: The British in particular pay attention to respect each person's own "personal heaven and earth" (the British call "Pr-ivacy"). This is a long-term national habit formation, meaning very rich word, the British often mention it. For example, words, live in separate houses is best solitude, away from downtown. If a neighbor, but also separated by fences, green trees and windows, so that the room's daily living, social contacts are not known to outsiders. Pushed open the door straight into the neighbors, acquaintances of the person who, without agreement, they have come to visit, is the interference of life for others is a very disrespectful act.
Do not even have any legitimate reasons or not the appropriate time to call others, are also interfering with other people's "personal heaven and earth."
Quiet of the British: the British people is not only taboo broke into his life, those who take the initiative to sue people they do not want something, even if not privacy, also belong to his "personal heaven and earth," rather than inquire about others. For example, he was at home what to do, with what in their dealings, family relationship, income, belongs to which political parties, elections, vote for the candidates, or even what he was eating, whether I like to drink ... ... these are not ordinary Chushi by those who should ask questions. If you ask, and that is rude, you may drop a dull. Because of this, the British without a description will not easily struck up a conversation with strangers.
However, the British are not out of arrogance reticent, not just for fear of disrupting their clear thinking, but more out of respect for others, fear of interfering with someone else's quiet. If a foreigner Daosheng "Excuse me", the first to break the thin ice, you can still carry out some friendly conversation. However, in the subway car is the exception. MTR is the side of the road while watching the British newspaper the occasion, it is customary for many years convention.
Like to talk about "days" of the British: the British inward and subtle, and an Englishman had just met the rhetoric will be far apart would be considered a gaffe. The British when they meet the most common topic of conversation is to talk about the weather, a brief comment on the weather has become the polite exchange of courtesies between acquaintances. If the social occasions, the weather is even more to talk about. Therefore, saying that to talk about the weather is the main pastime of the British nation.
Briton among individuals is generally not feeling exposed. The two met at times, whether shaking hands, who should reach out, there is stress. As the two men embraced each other, in British eyes is a joke. Even an adult man to kiss a British boy, will make the child feel uncomfortable.
British "understatement": British-style "understatement (understatement)" the amazing prosaic matter of right, the excitement into inaction. If a person has won the tennis championship, he would say he was tennis, "get to know"; If he had to drive a boat across the Atlantic alone, he would say: "I played two days later boat." He was very like the British things that may only say "not bad"; encountered unhappy things, but also a rare rage.
Foreigners should pay attention to this "casually." If the British do not believe that someone has said, he would say: "Oh, is it?" If I was exaggerating, and he would only say: "Your story was quite unusual." If your English is not good, so he did not understand, he might say: "Your accent is not quite orthodox." But the worst, than by the British known as the "smart (Clever)" the. The word was originally "smart, smart, clever" means, but the British commentators often are used in a derogatory sense. "You're very clever idea" really meant is that "you do not try to be smart by."
Hear such a "compliment," reflect the best of what they have not said or done something stupid nonsense.


1. 修改财务政策:

1. The modified financial policy:

2. 差旅费标准调整

2. Expense standard adjustment

3. 报销流程完善

3. Reimbursement process improvement

4. 报销表格完善

4. Submit an expense account form perfect

5. 为所有员工办中信银行商务卡

5. For all staff do the business card of citic bank

6. 政府部门沟通税收优惠事项

6. The government department communication preferential tax matters

7. 年末结帐准备 – 需要大家支持

7. Year end checkout preparation - need everybody to support

8. 协助各部门完成2011年预算

8. Assist department completed in 2011 budget

9. 财务准确核算当年损益非常重要,不要因为延迟报销影响2011年预算

9. Financial accurately calculate current profit or loss totally is very important, don't because of delay reimbursement influence 2011 budget

10. 需要各部门配合及时报销/付款:

10. Need various departments with timely reimbursement/payment:

11. 所有员工及时报销(12月31日前必须提交12月10日前的支出)

11. All staff to submit an expense account (December 31 December must be submitted before the 10th of expenditure)

12. 房租、水电等已经发生但暂时不能支付的,请提供数据协助财务准确预提

12. The rent, water and electricity have happened but unable to pay, please provide data to assist financial accurate accrual

13. 如果合同已经签订,但需要支付费用的,应协助财务预提

13. If the contract has been signed, but need to pay expenses, shall assist financial provision

14. 其他业务已经发生但还没有支付的

14. Other business has happened but haven't pay it

15. 财务预提部分应在下年初及时付款和提供发票

15. Financial provision part should provide timely payment and early next invoice

16. 年末工资:财务将计提12月21-31日10天工资,1月份冲销

16. Salary: financial will end on December 21 - provision for 10 days wages, 31 January write-offs

17. 年末费用:日常费用将计提12月10-31日20天费用,1月份冲销

17. Late fee: daily expenses will be provision for December 10-31 20 days expenses, January write-offs

18. 如有疑问,可与财务部讨论

18. If in doubt, but with finance department discussed

19. 业务招待费:

19. Business receives fee:

20. 公司销售大幅增加,预计业务招待费也将大幅度增加

20.the company sales are expected to increase, business receives fee will also increased substantially

21. 针对国家政策的有关限制,了解行业操作方法,规划如何避免多交所得税

21. At the national policy relevant restriction, understand the industry operation method, planning how to avoid more pay income tax

22. 可能完善现有报销政策的操作方法,配合税务要求

22. May improve existing reimbursement policy of operation method, together with tax requirements

23. 市场推广费:

23. Marketing fee:

24. 预计也会随着销售增加而大增

24. Are also expected to be as sales increased considerably

25. 也需要在操作上研究如何避免突破国家政策限额而多交所得税问题

25. Also need in operation research how to avoid breakthrough national policy limitation and pay income tax issues

26. 报销表修改:

26. The reimbursement list update:

27. 现有报销表:经费报销单、差旅费报销单

27. Existing reimbursement list: single, poor travelling expenses reimbursement funds submits an expense account single

28. 修改后:费用报销单(见附件)

28. After modification: expense list (see annex)

29. 新版《费用报销单》分为:

29. Version of "expense form can be divided into:

30. 封面--该表所有数据和附表链接

30. Cover - the table all data and schedule links

31. 日常费用明细—依据日期填写上月业务费用,所有项目“活动性质、费用部门、产品”均为选项

31. Daily expenses details - according to date fill in last month, and all items "business expense activity properties, cost departments, product" are all options

32. 差旅费明细—分为国内、国外差旅费

32. Travel expenses details - into the domestic and foreign traveling expenses

33. 所有费用分别按现金、信用卡支付分别填写

33. All expenses respectively in cash or credit card payment respectively to fill out

34. 各部门根据管理需要,可选择—“月度报销”、 “出差报销”、 “活动报销”每月报销一次,或3项活动费分开填写并一月报销一次

34 departments according to management needs, can choose - "monthly submit an expense account", "travel to submit an expense account", "activities to submit an expense account" monthly submit an expense account once, or one of the three separate fill out and submit an expense account of certain January once

35. 销售费用报销:各区销售费用集中于大区经理报销,提请管理注意

35. Sales expense: district sales expenses focused on RSM reimbursement, submit to management attention

36. 对已批准网上付款给申请人、合作方

36. The approved online payment to the applicant, business partners

37. 市场费每周二、五付款

37. The market cost Tuesday and five payment

38. 经费每月28日前付款

38. The monthly payment funds by 28

39. 返回总经理审批表

39. The verification and return to general manager

40. 退回不合理经费报销

40. Return unreasonable funds submits an expense account

41. 财务出纳按审批权限表递交批准

41. According to the examination and approval authority table financial cashier submitted for approval

42. 返回批准件

42. Return approved pieces

43. 传递总监审批

43. Transfer director for approval

44. 邮寄给各部门助理

44. Mailed to each department assistant

45. 市场费用每日往返

45, marketing expenses year for daily round-trip

46. 日常经费18日前交财务

46. Daily funds into financial before 18

47. 传递总监审批

47. Transfer director for approval

48. 核实业务真实性

48. Verify business authenticity

49. 市场费用(OTC/RX)

49, marketing expenses (OTC/RX)

50. 日常报销(1-31日)

50. Reimbursement (1-31).
累死我了 ,希望能帮到你

Writing a more clear idea of the author, a more reasonable thesis structure. First of all papers presented to develop the reasons for car credit business, as well as the Chinese market the existing car loanAnd then the banks and auto finance companies credit provided by a comparative analysis of the business, pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of each, and finally the author of China's auto credit problems are analyzed and pointed out that the promotion of its development.The author has some writing skills, writing process to use the data and charts to illustrate the problem using the basic theory of finance. The shortcomings of paper is the last part of the discussion and in-depth analysis is not comprehensive enough.
The second paragraph:
The level of a clear thesis, first introduced ICBC banking network the basic situation, and then analyzed the question of its existence, and finally pointed out the solution to the problem, compared to master the language.
The contents of the shortcomings of paper is not very full, the network of banks and specific analysis is not deep enough, nor the use of large amounts of data and charts to illustrate the problem.


The first paragraph:
Writing a more clear idea of the author, a more reasonable thesis structure. First of all papers presented to develop the reasons for car credit business, as well as the Chinese market the existing car loan, and then the banks and auto finance companies credit provided by a comparative analysis of the business, pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of each, the last author the existence of China's auto credit Analysis of issues and pointed out that the promotion of its development.
The author has some writing skills, writing process to use the data and charts to illustrate the problem using the basic theory of finance.
The shortcomings of paper is the last part of the discussion and in-depth analysis is not comprehensive enough.

The second paragraph:
The level of a clear thesis, first introduced ICBC banking network the basic situation, and then analyzed the question of its existence, and finally pointed out the solution to the problem, compared to master the language.
The contents of the shortcomings of paper is not very full, the network of banks and specific analysis is not deep enough, nor the use of large amounts of data and charts to illustrate the problem.

First section:

The author's train of thought in his writing is comparatively distinct, the structure of thesis is relatively rational. The thesis introduces, first of all,the reasons for the vigorous expansion of car financial credit business, and the current car financial credit business on the Chinese market, and then conducts comparative analysis on the financial credit business provided by the banks and car finance companies, pointing out the respective advantages and disadvantages, and finally the author carries out analysis on China's car financial credit's existing problems,and calls attention to the method for promoting its development.
The author possesses certain writing skill, and is able to make use of data and diagrams to explain problems in his writing process, he also uses finance's fundamental theories.
The thesis' weak points lie in the final part where discussion on the analysis is lacking in comprehensiveness and depth.

Second section:
The arrangement of ideas of this thesis is explicit, it introduces firstly, the fundamental situation of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China's network banking business, and further analyses its existing problems, and finally identifies ways of solving the problems,the manner of writing is relatively clear and smooth.
The weakness of this thesis lies in the content's slight lack of abundance, and the analysis on network banking is lacking in depth and comprehensiveness, it also does not use large quantity of data and diagrams to explain problems.

The first paragraph:
Writing a more clear idea of the author, a more reasonable thesis structure. First of all papers presented to develop the reasons for car credit business, as well as the Chinese market the existing car loan, and then the banks and auto finance companies credit provided by a comparative analysis of the business, pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of each, the last author the existence of China's auto credit Analysis of issues and pointed out that the promotion of its development.
The author has some writing skills, writing process to use the data and charts to illustrate the problem using the basic theory of finance.
The shortcomings of paper is the last part of the discussion and in-depth analysis is not comprehensive enough.

The second paragraph:
The level of a clear thesis, first introduced ICBC banking network the basic situation, and then analyzed the question of its existence, and finally pointed out the solution to the problem, compared to master the language.
The contents of the shortcomings of paper is not very full, the network of banks and specific analysis is not deep enough, nor the use of large amounts of data and charts to illustrate the problem.

I was busy just now.

be busy是忙的意思,做谓语。

第一、省略翻译法 这与最开始提到的增译法相反,就是要求你把不符合汉语,或者英语的表达的方式、思维的习惯或者语言的习惯的部分删去,以免使所翻译出的句子沉杂累赘。第二、合并法 合并翻译法就是把多个短句子或者简单句合并到一起,形成一个复合句或者说复杂句,多出现在汉译英的题目里出现,比如...

1.May I take a photo with you?2.It's very kind of you!3.I'm proud of China! 与:我为你感到自豪I'm proud of you!一样 4.Shall we make friends with each other?Nice\/Glad to meet you!很高兴见到您!Fine day,isn't?天气真好啊,不是吗?用于打开话题,听者不需回答,只是...

为面子求汉译英。帮下忙。 翻译内容是: 罗梦帆,有本事就等着,我会...
Luomeng Fan, have the ability to wait, I will communicate about your feelings out of the exchange. Do not let me down.

My name is XiaoHong, I am 13 years old, my families are father, mother, grandpa,grandma, a brother and a sister. My young brother is ten years old, and now he is in school. My sister is eight years old. My parents are now 32 years old. Those are my flower. They ...

反过来 take off; 起飞,脱掉。take place; 发生 take the place of; 代替,取代 call off; 取消 call out; 出动 call on; 号召 call up; 召唤,打电话 go ahead; 开始,前进,着手做 go down; 下沉,降下 go over; 检查,复习 get along; 前进,进展 get out;出去,离开,逃离。

帮下忙 翻译几句话 英译汉 谢谢啦!

蔡琳真是越看越可爱- 昨天郑室长大加称赞蔡琳后就回家了。

5 class teacher's sense of humor to relax the atmosphere down 6 do not bother her that he had just given birth last night, were sleeping 7 Most of the evidence destroyed. Therefore, it is impossible to prove that the drug is harmful 8 Cloud is floating in the sky in large...

南岔区17797735555: 翻译句子汉译英 非常急我们将要打扫教室 我们正在打扫教室 今天早上我们打扫了教室 我们已经打扫了教室 在你走进教以前,我们已经打扫了教室 他要去修... -
叶肃妥尔:[答案] We will have to clean the classroom we are cleaning the classroom this morning, we cleaned the classroom we have to clean the classroom before you went into classroom we have cleaned the room he is going to repair his bike he is trying to fix his bike ...

南岔区17797735555: 紧急 帮忙翻译一下 非常非常感谢各位What would you need in order to enjoy your time in the U.S.?How were you disciplined as a child? What did you like about ... -
叶肃妥尔:[答案] 如果你去美国玩,你觉得你需要什么? 你小的时候是如何受到训练的?( discipline 训练,惩罚 ) 对于你上一次幼托经历,你比较喜欢哪些东西?你又比较讨厌哪些东西? 有问题请追加~

南岔区17797735555: 汉译英,非常急
叶肃妥尔: this is the last message for you.also it is the last time for me to say goodbye

南岔区17797735555: 帮忙翻译英语,急急非常感谢,
叶肃妥尔: Dear Mr. xxx, I refer to the goods I ordered (order No. xxx) which are supposed to be delivered in May 2013. As I understand that you have the goods I ordered in your current inventory, is it possible to dispatch the current stocks to me immediately? Please advise as soon as possible.Thank you ! XXXX 【英语牛人团】

南岔区17797735555: 帮忙翻译英语!真的非常急急急急急急急急急啊啊啊啊!it is a photo.改为复数句that is my grandfather.改为一般疑问句并作否定回答are those pens 改为单数... -
叶肃妥尔:[答案] 1.these are photos 2.is that my grandfahter? 3.is this a pen? 4.yes she is 5.this is a photo of her family 言而有信. 希望

南岔区17797735555: 翻译 急急急!! 汉译英 非常感谢各位高手 -
叶肃妥尔: 工程任务中的强度分析问题一直是研究的重点.本次设计通过对排水系统过滤器的强度分析,确定它的工作条件,具有重要的实际意义.在设计中,完全采用了有限元分析的思想.有限元分析法的基本思想是用比较简单的问题代替较复杂的问题...

南岔区17797735555: 劳烦大家帮忙翻译一下,非常感谢,急用(汉译英) -
叶肃妥尔: Based on the current situation of college students participation into leisure sports, have a survey on the knowlege, function, interests and content of leisure sport. Analyse the function and effcts of leisure sport on the health, entertainment,interaction,...

南岔区17797735555: 请帮忙翻译一下英语 汉译英!!!很急
叶肃妥尔: 1.上数学课 have a math class 2.我最喜欢的学科 my favorite subject 3.吃午饭 have lunch4.午饭后 after lunch 5.音乐课很放松 The music class is relaxing 6.喜欢音乐老师 like the music teacher 7.最后一节课 the last lesson 8.下课后 after class 9.打两...

南岔区17797735555: 求中译英,要自己翻译!!很简单但很急!! -
叶肃妥尔: What do you think of the following :Our school has decided to rebuild itself with excellent surroundings. It will have in it a botanical garden built, with various kinds of plants and flowers as actual samples for us students. There will also be a garden ...

南岔区17797735555: 英译汉 谁能帮忙翻一下 急用 非常感谢
叶肃妥尔: 用工具翻译的 基本看得明白吧 亲爱的阁下, 感谢您的来信8月1日,经考虑后,我们决定将包中的货物纸箱内衬防潮纸,因为它比较轻,携带方便. 请注明毛重,净重和层面上的纸箱和模版我们在一个椭圆缩写,根据该案件数量和目的港应注明...

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