
作者&投稿:钞胥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hi,everybody.It's honnor to be here.and,this is what i am.yol.
maybe i don't speak English well.
this my mon can tell.
for she used to blame my gift that i cant express myself.
but thats not my fault anyhow.

Yes,I still remember my first piano competition,clearly My teacher said to me, ,“Do not be afraid, or stress, flat your state of mind, you can put the surrounding teacher as vegetables and fruits, without any person around ,there's, only you and the flowing music, "So I think this is the same as the substance of speech, the most important thing is how to overcome the psychological barriers,,conquer your heart will conquer yourself.

病例9:阿伦- m·坎贝尔公司诉弗吉尼亚金属工业有限公司
708 F.2d 930(1983)
背景:阿伦- m·坎贝尔有限责任公司。(原告),在八月1981年,旨在投标部的海军建造房屋的合同在训练营入伍人员Lejeune、北卡罗莱那州。中华人民共和国招标投标法》的最后期限是到下午2:00在8月11日,1981年。在我30分,维吉尼亚州的金属工业有限公司创立于1996年。(被告),打电话给坎贝尔和引用的价格供应所有空心金属和帧的计划和规格要求。这一价格是$ 193,21岁,加上税金。坎贝尔的计算为基础的申办海军工程在报价为空心金属和帧193,121美元和税款。坎贝尔非常中标人和被授予海军的合同。维吉尼亚州的金属支持美元的价格从其他供应商,193,121付出的代价,45,562美元比它已经导致预期会收费。维吉尼亚坎贝尔起诉,维吉尼亚州的金属工业45,562美元。审判法院驳回了坎贝尔的投诉,坎贝尔上诉法院的第四电路。

1.纸上得来终须浅,绝知此事要躬行 2.海内存知己,天涯若比邻

你定义int x,y,c;x,y为int型的 你输入字符时scanf函数是返回错误的,实际上没有保存数据到xy上 你改一下 int iRtn = scanf("%c%d%d",&type,&x,&y);printf("iRtn = [%d]\\n",iRtn);然后分别输字符和数字你就看到scanf返回的结果了 -1是表示输入错误的 0才是输入正确 一般编程要这样...

题1:include<stdio.h> int fun(int *a,int n,int *odd,int *even){ int i,Sodd=0,Seven=0;for(i=0;i<n;i++){ if(a[i]%2==0) Sodd=Sodd+a[i];else Seven=Seven+a[i];} odd=Sodd;even=Seven;return 0;} int main(){ int i,n,a[100];int odd=0,even=0;puts...

一楼这个实在有才,看的我眼泪都快出来了。既然如此,我也来卖弄一下吧。原文:【越调】天净沙*秋 作者:白朴 孤村落日残霞,轻烟老树寒鸦,一点飞鸿影下。青山绿水,白草红叶黄花。【越调】天净沙*孤独 作者:那个臭小子 荒山野径孤翁,峭壁老树败亭,几声悠扬怨曲。烟稀屋破,茅屋破壁残羹。天净沙...

请语文高手来帮个忙,填一个形容词:( )的心情。

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下列示例显示聚合函数和行聚合函数之间的区别。第一个示例显示只提供汇总数据的聚合函数,第二个示例显示提供详尽数据和汇总数据的行聚合函数。USE pubs GO -- Aggregate functions SELECT type, SUM(price), SUM(advance)FROM titles WHERE type LIKE '%cook'GROUP BY type ORDER BY type GO 下面是...

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When the sad want, we are united; tears when the blood do, we help each other.This is no longer the tears of sorrow, but deep tears, tears are a strong, we are troubled distillation of the love of the motherland.Sudden disaster, days and nights of fighting, crying, and ...

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红河哈尼族彝族自治州19814683100: 英语高手帮个忙,帮忙翻译一下,急用啊.谢谢大家啊 -
锐杜消炎: 病例9:阿伦- m·坎贝尔公司诉弗吉尼亚金属工业有限公司 美国.法院的上诉,第四电路 708 F.2d 930(1983) 背景:阿伦- m·坎贝尔有限责任公司.(原告),在八月1981年,旨在投标部的海军建造房屋的合同在训练营入伍人员Lejeune、北...

红河哈尼族彝族自治州19814683100: 请大家帮个忙,英语高手帮个忙翻译一下谢谢了,分没了,但还是跪求好心人帮忙一下,急用啊.背景是:我的公众演讲得到了外教的好评,老师问我是不是以... -
锐杜消炎:[答案] I remember the first time I attended the piano competition, my teacher told me not to be afraid and take it easy, take the teachers around as numb fruit and vegetables and tell myself that they are invisible, only there's the music singing with me. So i think ...

红河哈尼族彝族自治州19814683100: 哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下,急用!!在线等!!谢谢!!! -
锐杜消炎: I am a person who pursue personal ideal persistantly.I like challenging myself,I hold the courage to be creative.I am responsible for my work .I have good command of professional fundamental knowledge as I can use office softs, photoshop, illustrator...

红河哈尼族彝族自治州19814683100: 哪位英语高手用英语帮我翻译下面的文字,今晚急用翻译的诚恳些. -
锐杜消炎: The level of China's macro tax burden in the theoretical community has different opinions, the tax burden from the comparability of indicators and financial expenditure and tax revenue to start the matching, measure the diameter under the influence ...

红河哈尼族彝族自治州19814683100: 英语高手帮个忙~~翻译 -
锐杜消炎: acount-to-acount:银行账户间转帐 Vendor-To-Vendor:商户间转帐

红河哈尼族彝族自治州19814683100: 英语高手帮忙翻译一下
锐杜消炎: No matter what difficulty you come into,no matter how worse the things are,be sure to believe love!

红河哈尼族彝族自治州19814683100: 英语高手帮个忙,我要翻译一句话
锐杜消炎: 1. For your happiness, I must leave. 2. For your happiness, I can't bother you any more.

红河哈尼族彝族自治州19814683100: 求助专业英语翻译高手帮忙翻译一下下面一段,不甚感激,急用,谢谢,不要软件乱翻的~~~ -
锐杜消炎: 媒体含2、3、4和5%(v / w)甲醇随着控制,在糖水平的31.8克蛋白/ 100克干固体和75%的含水量,看看效果使用了甲醇在柠檬酸上线生产.结果显示在图5.给出了一些计算数据表4.柠檬酸生产甲醇质量分数的增加而增加,中4%.在甲醇浓度高于4%,柠檬酸生产就减少了.最大浓度的柠檬酸、拿下20.6克蛋白/ 100克干固体,产量和糖94.1%在册的消费得到了9天的发酵.甲醇降低生长真菌的菌丝生长量和糖,增加消费1.8-fold柠檬酸增产.增加的柠檬酸收率随甲醇是一个普遍的现象和一般用柠檬酸生产.挂使用Woodams 3%甲醇...

红河哈尼族彝族自治州19814683100: 急用,请英语高手帮忙翻译 -
锐杜消炎: 我来给你翻译 If you are JOHN, like a puppy at home (petdog). Hope that her parents, please write a letter to persuade parents to agree to your request. Should include a parent not at home, you will not feel lonely 2 you will take care of dogs, feed, 3 you're willing to take part in out of pocket money to buy dog food

红河哈尼族彝族自治州19814683100: 英语翻译英语高手们.帮个忙翻译一下.比较多....我着急用The community Chinese in TahitiContrary to what we would have been able to think at first sight,the ... -
锐杜消炎:[答案] 社区华人在大溪地相反,我们都无法相信乍一看 该社区的历史,中国在法属波利尼西亚不首先介绍,在1865年中国"苦力" , "外来 值此,继棉花冒险一开始,苏格兰人称为威廉合演. 据未经官方消息, 首届中国将抵达波利尼西亚从1830年在中国...

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